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Old 04-14-2012, 12:30 AM   #1
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Default lanah - ncns

I call Lanah and she veries my references and set an appointment. She tells me to call when I get near her location. Then shr doesn't answer her phone or respond to texts. Wasted s long drive for her. Whatevet you do, don't waste your efforts on this one. Have a plan b if you do.
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Old 04-14-2012, 01:14 AM   #2
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Well she finally called after seeing the review to tell mr she had a family emergency and left her phone in the car. True or not still does not excuse the discourtesy of not informing me that she would not be making our appoinyment even though she knew I was driving a considetable distance. No effort was made to reschedule or anything offered to make it right. The only thing she offerred was that since I havr only review ncns, my review would not have any merit wih the other members and that other providers would not want to see me even though I do.have regerences and some of those are more than happy to see me again. I know better than trying to see the young newbies, but hey we're always trying to find the diamond in the rough. Unfortuately all I got was coal. I don't review the good ones because I don't like to air details that may get me iin trouble later and I don't have that much to add over some of the already excellent reviews that have been written of the providers that I have seen. But I do feel there is some value to the oher members when providers don't respect the time and effort we go through to see them. I am not saying that you can't see her or that you won't have a good time if you do. You just better have a backup plan, because your not important to her and she does not feel you deserve any courtesy if something happens. It will be interesting to see if someone reviews her for the time period of my appointment. There is an awful lot of double bookings that happen with the new ones.
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Old 04-14-2012, 08:03 AM   #3
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NCNS reports go in Coed - read the sticky at the top...
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Old 04-14-2012, 11:30 AM   #4
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mckphotog, you review is welcome and appreciate it. Sorry that she waste ur time but a least you saved to the rest of us from wasting time and effort with her.
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Old 04-14-2012, 02:28 PM   #5
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NCNS pisses me off. Add another to the DNS list of shame.
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Old 04-14-2012, 03:32 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by trynagetlaid View Post
NCNS reports go in Coed - read the sticky at the top...
correct and that's where it is now
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Old 04-14-2012, 03:59 PM   #7
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she is a very pretty young girl and has a lot of potential, but she choose no gfe, nsnc. it just wastes the talent.
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Old 04-14-2012, 05:09 PM   #8
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Default Where did I put that NCNS song?

Where did I put that NCNS song?

There it is

Click on the link on my sig. line NCNS

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Old 04-15-2012, 12:45 PM   #9
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The biggest thing I hate about the excuse, other than it is a little like the boy who cries wolf, is that in order to be informed of a family emergency they would need to call or text you. You know someone is coming to see you in a very short time. You are leaving, but have the phone in your hand, because you just got a phone call or text. You can't take 15 - 30 seconds to let that person know you aren't going to see them. Then the excuse is I left my phone in the car. You couldn't contact me while the phone was in your hand.
The sad thing, on my part, is that because of the way she looks, you still want to give her the chance, but looks only go so far. Sometimes it just isn't worth it.
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Old 04-15-2012, 12:54 PM   #10
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There are some family emergency issues where concern for this hobby go out the window.

Years back, a provider I knew very well and had seen numerous time got a call from her son't school. He had fallen at school and was on his way to the hospital.

She told me later that her worry about her child was the only thing she concentrated on as she made the trip from her "office" to the hospital as quickly as she could.

In that case, someone had written a NCNS on ASPD because he had an appointment and boy did he feel like an ass once he found out she wasn't lying.

I'm not defending Lanah, I'm saying that there are some personal things on both side of the coin that take priority over this hobby and take 100% of a person's focus

Hell, there have been providers who have had clients die in session. Do you think those providers were focused enough on the next client while dealing with a dead one?

Medical emergencies happen.

More often than many on here know about.
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Old 04-15-2012, 01:13 PM   #11
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She called an hour after our session was supposed to occur 15 minutes after I posted. She took the time to login to eccie and read this post. She also took the time to see and read my other post so that she could bring up the fact that I have only posted a ncns review in the phone call to me. You don't do all those things when in the midst of dealing with an emergency. Which at the end of the call she stated she was still dealing with. Regardless the phone is in your hand when you receive word of the emergency. You can take 15-30 seconds to send a text - "Emergency came up need to reschedule. I'll call or text you later."
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Old 04-15-2012, 01:17 PM   #12
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if something came up regarding my child....id probably have ncns alerts on me. This site and sex would be the last thing on my mind..including reading any posts.
But...last year i was being wheeled in to emergency surgery and i still text n cancel my appts.
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Old 04-15-2012, 01:41 PM   #13
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You would be with that kid all night and deal with it the next day or week, but you also would have probably sent the guy a text. The appointment was not scheduled in advance. she told me my references were fine come on over. I told her how long it would take for me to get there and she said call when I exited the highway. I don't think that in any way shape or form that in this particular case I am being even remotely unreasonable. I understand if we had set this days before and you aren't at the location and we hadn't just spoken minutes before. We had spoken by phone, eccie pm and by phone again all with the span of 30 minutes and then when I drive all the way there and then no response to phone or text.
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Old 04-15-2012, 10:04 PM   #14
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Another way to look at it:

Most of us are expected to contact our employer if we have an emergency and will miss work for the day, as soon as possible. That's the way the "real" world works and it is the proper courtesy. IJS...
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Old 04-15-2012, 10:15 PM   #15
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Here in austin about 5 years ago this happened to me too with another provider where she had an emergency and she could've texted me but didn't. I saw someone else and then the lady who had the emergency pm'd to explain but I got over it. Bottom line is these things happen and I would move on
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