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Old 04-08-2012, 07:02 PM   #1
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Default Romney's habitual dishonesty

Romney's habitual dishonesty certainly deserves to be taken more seriously, and the fact that a likely major-party presidential nominee had no qualms about lying to a room full of reporters -- most of whom, presumably, knew when Romney wasn't telling the truth -- underscores an unsettling degree of brazenness. He seems to tell falsehoods with confidence that there will be no consequences.

1. Campaigning in Wisconsin, Romney complained, "The president put an ad out yesterday, talking about gasoline prices and how high they are. And guess who he blamed? Me!"

That's not true; Obama's ad does not blame Romney for gas prices. It simply tells voters that the oil companies are supporting Romney's campaign.

2. In an ad, the Romney campaign argued that Obama "has managed to pile on nearly as much debt as all the previous presidents combined."

That's not even close to the truth.

3. In the same ad, Team Romney claimed, "President Barack Obama named himself one of the country's four best presidents."

That's blatantly untrue, and the campaign knows it's blatantly untrue because it's been told the truth several times.

4. On the campaign trail, Romney told voters, "The president said something interesting over the weekend. He said that 'in an ideal world,' government could spend as much as it wanted.'"

To say this was wrenched wildly out of context would be a dramatic understatement.

5. At a forum hosted by disgraced Republican lobbyist Ralph Reed, Romney argued that under the Affordable Care Act, "The employees of the Catholic Church have to be provided by the Catholic Church with health care that gives them free contraceptive and free sterilization treatments and morning-after pills despite the fact that this violates the conscience of the Catholic Church."

He's lying.

6. At the same forum, Romney argued that Obama doesn't believe in "American exceptionalism."

Actually, he does. Obama is the only president in American history to explicitly endorse the phrase "American exceptionalism."

7. At a town-hall meeting in Wisconsin, Romney said "Obamcare," if it's allowed to be implemented, would mean government would control "almost half of the total economy."

Romney appears to have made this up out of whole cloth. It's based on the notion that the government would control all of the nation's health care system under the reform law, which just isn't true -- "Obamacare" relies heavily on private health insurers, not socialized medicine.

8. On Monday night, Romney talked to Fox News' Greta Van Susteren, and argued, "The economy is nothing but the addition of all the businesses in the country together."

That's not true. The American economy includes the public sector.

9. In an interview with James Pethokoukis, Romney insisted that Obama has "launched an all-out attack on small business."

In reality, Obama has cut taxes on small businesses, eased the process that allows small businesses to be created, and streamlined the patent process.

10. In the same interview, Romney argued, "[C]ontrary to Vice President Biden and President Obama, I am not cutting taxes for the rich."

Contrary to Mitt Romney, he is cutting taxes for the rich.

11. Rolling out his new stump speech this week, Romney claimed, "Barack Obama presided over the first trillion-dollar deficit in American history."

That's incredibly dishonest. The deficit Bush left for Obama to clean up was $1.3 trillion on the day Obama was inaugurated.

12. In the same speech, Romney said the Recovery Act "promised to hold unemployment below eight percent."

Romney repeats this lie often, but it's still a lie.

13. Romney also claimed "this president attacks businesses for making money."

That's simply never happened in this universe.

14. In the same speech, Romney suggested once more that Obama has been "apologizing for success at home" as well having apologized "for America abroad."

It's the most tiresome lie of them all.

15. Romney claimed this week, "We know that under this president, chronic unemployment is the worst it's been in American history."

Asked to substantiate the claim, the Romney campaign couldn't.

16. The Romney campaign argued this week that Romney, during his only term as governor, had "four years of budget surpluses."

Actually, Romney left his successor a $1.3 billion deficit to clean up.

17. Romney argued in his speech to the Newspaper Association of America, "I'd be willing to consider the president's plan [on Medicare financing], but he doesn't have one."

Actually, he does. In fact, Romney knows the president has a plan because in the same speech, he criticized it.

18. Romney added that Obama "has taken a series of steps that end Medicare as we know it. He is the only president to ever cut $500 billion from Medicare."

That's a blatant, and rather ironic, lie. The only plan to end Medicare as we know it is the House Republican budget plan written by Paul Ryan -- which Romney has enthusiastically endorsed.

19. In the same speech, Romney said, "Through it all, President Obama has failed to even pass a budget."

That doesn't even make sense -- presidents don't pass budgets; Congress passes budgets.

20. Romney also argued, "With all the challenges the nation faces, this is not the time for President Obama's hide and seek campaign.... Unlike President Obama, you don't have to wait until after the election to find out what I believe in -- or what my plans are."

Actually, Romney is the only candidate in either party to say he won't share the details of his agenda until after Americans vote for him.

21. In the same speech, Romney said, "As I have said many times before, the President did not cause the economic crisis, but he made it worse."

And as I have said many times before, Romney's lying. He knows he's lying because he's also said the American economy has improved under Obama.

22. Romney also argued Obama approved "a government takeover of healthcare."

That's just ridiculous.

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Old 04-08-2012, 07:20 PM   #2
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That is one helluva long list.

. . . Do you suppose the man is desperate?

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Old 04-08-2012, 08:23 PM   #3
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Romney is liar and a capitalist. Obama is a liar and a Marxist. I'm voting for the lying capitalist.

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Old 04-08-2012, 09:05 PM   #4
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Where do you find this garbage?
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Old 04-08-2012, 09:07 PM   #5
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In Jan 2013, Obama will be unprecedented.
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Old 04-08-2012, 11:08 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by TheDaliLama View Post
Where do you find this garbage?
I noticed it your work desk titled "Things for Matt to Say" the last time I was over at the penthouse at the Palace Inn.
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Old 04-08-2012, 11:15 PM   #7
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No, it is not the exact words but Obama did say that his accomplishments were greater than Lincoln, Johnson (LBJ), and FDR. So I guess he did say that he was the fourth best president. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxvSjDkF7HE

Let me see...Big oil is making too much profit. You can't go to Vegas on the weekend. Sounds like he is attacking business to me for making a profit.

Two is enough to disqualify the rest. Two are proven false so they all become suspect. I could look up where you cut and paste this from but I'm just too tired. Face it, you're a fraud.
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Old 04-09-2012, 06:15 AM   #8
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Old 04-09-2012, 06:20 AM   #9
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There are federal disclosure requirements for presidential candidates, but Willard Romney claims he is exempt from reporting all the details of his business investments made through Bain Capital because of confidentiality agreements with Bain. It becomes obvious then, that Romney is attempting to hide something from the American people.

There have been repeated questions about whether or not Romney avoided paying taxes by hiding assets in offshore accounts or through an unusual Bain Capital Individual Retirement Account, and it prompted him to refuse to release any more tax returns until President Obama “releases the full transcripts of all classified meetings with foreign heads of state, including Israel.” First, there is no relation whatsoever to a candidate releasing tax returns and classified meetings between the President of the United States and foreign heads-of-state, and second; classified meetings with foreign leaders are classified for security reasons. Since Willard has never been a world leader, he cannot be expected to comprehend that simple concept even though any semi-intelligent human being grasps the importance of classified meetings being kept classified. Romney is using any tactic to avoid releasing financial information and it is easy to understand why based on the recent exposure of his donations to a hate-group, National Organization for Marriage (NOM), during the 2008 Proposition 8 campaign to deny same-sex-couples the right to marry in California.
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Old 04-09-2012, 06:21 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
No, it is not the exact words but Obama did say that his accomplishments were greater than Lincoln, Johnson (LBJ), and FDR. So I guess he did say that he was the fourth best president. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxvSjDkF7HE
Your logic is faulty
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Old 04-09-2012, 06:49 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by joe bloe View Post
Romney is liar and a capitalist. Obama is a liar and a Marxist. I'm voting for the lying capitalist.


Yo! Right over here. Me freaking too. No Romney bashing till after he's elected. Then I'll jump right in.

Did big Lou here and af both score the same on that IQ test?
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Old 04-09-2012, 08:18 AM   #12
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Yawn, I can only assume you are as offended by Obama doing this exact thing. This is the game as its played these days Louie quit being such a bitch about it.
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Old 04-09-2012, 08:40 AM   #13
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Watcha BO speech on energy..

Talk about habitual dishonesty!
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Old 04-09-2012, 08:49 AM   #14
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President Obama is becoming a veritable Pinocchio by stretching the truth on a regular basis. Here are the Top 10 Obama Lies.

1. Americans want higher taxes: During the debate over raising the debt ceiling, President Obama said that 80% of Americans support including higher taxes as part of the deal. But a Rasmussen poll taken the same week showed that only 34% believe a tax hike should be included in a debt-ceiling agreement.

2. Mother denied health insurance: During his presidential campaign, Obama said that his mother died of cancer after being denied coverage for a preexisting condition. He used her image in a campaign ad, repeated the claim in debates, and used the same rhetoric as President when he tried to sell ObamaCare to the American people. But a new book by New York Times reporter Janny Scott says that Obama’s mother, Ann Dunham, had health insurance through her employer and was only denied disability insurance.

3. Tax restraint for middle and lower class: Obama pledged during his campaign and throughout his presidency not to raise taxes on families making less than $250,000. But ObamaCare’s individual mandate will hit many under the $250,000 mark. (Obama’s own Justice Department said the mandate was a tax, not a penalty, when it argued its constitutionality.) Not to mention a higher federal cigarette tax and countless other “fees” in the health care law that hit the middle and lower class.

4. Shovel-ready jobs: When Obama was selling his $787 billion stimulus package, he consistently bragged about how shovel-ready construction jobs would be funded across the nation. Even the President later admitted that was a lie, when he told the New York Times: “There’s no such thing as shovel-ready projects.”

5. Keep your doctor: President Obama repeatedly pledged that under his health care measure, Americans would be able to keep their doctors. However, with rising costs, many employers will dump their health care plans and force workers into the state health care exchanges (unless you belong to one of the unions getting ObamaCare waivers.) A survey by McKinsey & Company found that more than 30% of companies will discontinue coverage for their workers.

6. No lobbyists: During the 2008 presidential campaign, Obama said: “We have the chance to tell all those corporate lobbyists that the days of them setting the agenda in Washington are over. … I don't take a dime of their money, and when I am President, they won't find a job in my White House.” At least a dozen former lobbyists got top jobs in his administration at the beginning of his presidency, according to Politico, and National Public Radio reported the Obama administration was granting waivers to lobbyists to circumvent the ban.

7. Foreign money in campaigns: During his 2010 State of the Union address, and again during the 2010 midterm elections, Obama railed against foreign money influencing U.S. elections. The only problem was that there was no evidence to support the charge or, as Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, in the State of the Union audience, silently mouthed, “Not true.”

8. Arizona immigration law: During the battle over Arizona’s immigration law, President Obama said: “Now suddenly if you don’t have your papers and you took your kid out to get ice cream, you can be harassed, that’s something that could potentially happen.” Uh, actually, Mr. President, it couldn’t. The law would allow law enforcement officials to inquire about immigration status only when there is suspicion of a crime being committed.

9. Transparency: Obama pledged that transparency would be a top priority, but his administration refused to grant one-third of the Freedom of Information Act requests, according to an Associated Press analysis. He also was dishonest about transparency when he said that health-care negotiations would be televised on C-SPAN and that he would wait five days to sign a bill so people would have a chance to read it online.

10. Constitutional oath: During his January 2009 inauguration, Barack Obama pledged to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States,” yet he has consistently ignored the 10th Amendment giving powers not enumerated in the Constitution to the states. Exhibit No. 1: ObamaCare.
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Old 04-09-2012, 08:56 AM   #15
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Geez, a liar running against a liar. What a shock!
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