You have lots of ladies to choose from. There are some places where they have hardly have any ladies. Just saying. There are men out there who can only dream of complaining about finding ladies. Lol
Out of 900 okay maybe its 1000 ladies, there is somebody or maybe even a few ladies who will take good care of you.
There are still good providers out there. Some are right though, they don't post anymore, they tour or UTR.
Good luck
. Have fun on the chase, it can be fun :-)
Originally Posted by Newb2010
Is it just me or has the pool of provider quality gotten worse over the years? I started hobbying in the early 2000's and in my opinion the quality in terms of service and looks has appeared to be getting diluted. I remember providers of the day were Heather Hooter, Lauren Tate, Kandra, Claudia, Dakota Dare, Violet Star, Anna Anderson, Giddyup Casey, and Kimberly Kisses to name but a few of the many which have since slipped my mind. Maybe my tastes have changed as i have aged and i have grown to expect a certain level of service and quality which is escaping me now. Micah Lee/Rachel Lynn was the last of what i would consider an era gone by. Just my observation after looking at what is available on ECCIE showcases and reading how some other hobbyists are also getting somewhat frustrated with the hobby and leaving. My apologies for the rant but after a string of less than stellar experiences i was wondering what fellow hobbyists were finding. Maybe i am just in a slump?