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Old 04-03-2012, 08:10 AM   #16
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I'm in a tight schedule when I hobby, so longer dates don't benefit me. A special to me would be either a reduced price for an expected session, or an upgrade in services for the posted price or price I'm used to paying.

I can understand the rationale for new-client specials, just as I can understand why I pay more for Dish than new customers. But, whether she knows it or not, every provider has a risk premium factored into her pricing, and I do think that once a guy has demonstrated that he's no physical, financial, or legal risk, whether you call it a frequent-flyer discount or repeat-client reward, or something else, he shouldn't have to pay the risk premium.
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Old 04-03-2012, 12:14 PM   #17
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A special should be more than 20 bucks off the hour session. All sessions should be all inclusive, if a provider offers an "upgrade" in services, that means that she will do them, but is not too "thrilled" about it. I also agree that the specials should be run not just for new clients, but for all clients. There should be no "fine print" we have to read in your ad. Repeat clients should get a "special" rate every now and again with out you running an ad, just to thank them for their continued "business".
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Old 04-03-2012, 12:18 PM   #18
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My personal preference would be a discounted lunch or dinner date. Since shooting the shit is half the fun for me ( well...a third a at least ) I would enjoy more of that time. I realize on the clock time is the same whether behind or in front closed doors. I dont know how many times I have looked at my watch and thought, oh shit I better focus since we only have my three minutes left. That way we can have a couple minutes after to talk again before time runs out. ( tongue in cheek )
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Old 04-03-2012, 12:21 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by bigdog0311 View Post
A special should be more than 20 bucks of the hour session. All sessions should be all inclusive, if a provider offers an "upgrade" in services, that means that she will do them, but is not too "thrilled" about it. I also agree that the specials should be run not just for new clients, but for all clients. There should be no "fine print" we have to read in your ad. If a guy is a repeat client, then the "special" rate should be HIS regular rate as long as he sees you at least once a month.
Dang, you sure know how to tell a lady to run her business.

I think a special should be at least 20%, otherwise, it ain't very special. A $20 off special isn't going to catch my interest, unless the regular rate is only a $100.00. In most cases, a special of $20 off I would just go ahead and tip.

Now, a special may be for regulars or everyone. It may be all inclusive are very limited in nature. A lot of ladies offer a special at certain times of the month, with limited options. Sure, it is great if the special is based on their regular service levels.

Depending on the special, the level of services, etc., I would probably tip a gal 1/2 of her special discount anyway. Last time I saw a lady offering a discount, didn't know the amount, but I tipped her $20 anyway.
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Old 04-03-2012, 12:44 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by tigercat View Post
Dang, you sure know how to tell a lady to run her business.

I think a special should be at least 20%, otherwise, it ain't very special. A $20 off special isn't going to catch my interest, unless the regular rate is only a $100.00. In most cases, a special of $20 off I would just go ahead and tip.

Now, a special may be for regulars or everyone. It may be all inclusive are very limited in nature. A lot of ladies offer a special at certain times of the month, with limited options. Sure, it is great if the special is based on their regular service levels.

Depending on the special, the level of services, etc., I would probably tip a gal 1/2 of her special discount anyway. Last time I saw a lady offering a discount, didn't know the amount, but I tipped her $20 anyway.
Not telling anyone how to run their business, the question was asked what I thought a special was and I answered in my opinion, sorry you don't like it.

The $20 special is special for the providers because they hope that a guy will be like you and just tip the $20 so essentially you are paying the regular rate. That is so special!!
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Old 04-03-2012, 03:50 PM   #21
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Some guys round up to the nearest $20. If the special rounded up to the nearest $20 is the same as the regular rate rounded up to the nearest $20, it's not a special.
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Old 04-03-2012, 04:09 PM   #22
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This is good to know.
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Old 04-03-2012, 04:51 PM   #23
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Not really ...
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Old 04-03-2012, 07:03 PM   #24
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Default True Special is what MONEY can't buy.

Originally Posted by Exotic Vanessa View Post
Just curious to ask hobbyist what's the ideal rate you would consider to be a True "special"?
Not to run a special in dollars. If you run a special for 10, 20, or even 30 dollars, odds are that I'm just going to give it back to you as a tip. and if you run a special of 50 or more, then hobbyists will just wait on your next special to see you, and it will be harder to raise your rates back up to where you want them. In the mean time, your phone is not ringing. Then you look in the mirror and say, i'm worth more than that. You start going in the chat room or post more on the boards to get more exposure.

You might even think of another provider that is not as pretty as you, and she is making more. So, you dye your hair, you get new pics, you lose a few pounds and watch your diet, and that helps but you feel that your still not making the dollars that you think that you are entiltled too. So you get frustrated and quit the hobby for awhile, only to find out that you were really making good money. You just needed to get more clients & manage how you did things a little better. You needed to make your clients notice you alot more than they do.

I wish Providers would stop saying: I am booked solid for the next 2-weeks, when in reality, their paying 59.00 per night and their phone is NOT ringing at all. How I know this is, they go into chat and say: I'm Bored, Horney, & Lonely. They sit in that hotel room and wonder why no one is calling.

Now I can't speak for ALL hobbyists but, IMHO what gets my attention more than ANYTHING is her Attitude towards me, her passion, her skills, her activities, her undivided attention that she is giving me, her willingness to go that extra mile and not treat me like an ATM. When is the last time that you even heard of a provider say: The clock don't even start until we had a nice drink, a little conversation, alittle flirting, a couple kisses, some warm-up time? NEVER

when is the last time a provider sent an after session email to tell you how much of a gentleman that she thought you were and that she really liked the session? 1 out of every 5 providers do this. Do you even realize how many providers even light a candle or 2 and put on some nice romantic music? RARE but it happens. When is the last time you ever heard of a provider say: Hey I know your single with no SO, I also know your apartment complex has 2 very nice swimming pools, how about we hang out at the pool with a couple drinks OTC, and have a very nice session afterwards at my incall rate? NEVER

How many providers want to develop a friendship with their clients? 50% Put yourself in your clients shoes, how would you like to be treated? Would you like a damp hotel room, with a wam-bam thank you ma'am? I guess that would be ok for a quick pop, and if i didn't care about women. Ya'll could really warm that room up with very little effort. Now I may be alittle off base on some of these percentages but, I am just speaking my mind and writing how I feel as a guy that loves women.

A TRUE SPECIAL IS: Her GFE, IOP & Attitude that is BETTER than anyone else's.

My .02 cents,
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Old 04-03-2012, 09:41 PM   #25
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If your not looking for a date and that 100.00 special comes up on a girl you been wanting to see it makes it very hard to turn down


Feel free to PM me with any specials
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Old 04-04-2012, 12:02 AM   #26
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In other words, a special is different to evryone but if you want it matter then there has to actually be something special to it. Though, I have to admit, free dinner date thing sounds nice. I enjoy hanging out and talking to, I just don't like having to pay to have lunch with someone beyond the price of the meal.
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Old 04-04-2012, 02:56 AM   #27
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For me a special is spending more time together. Give me more time with you. Telling me it's $ amount for x time, but because im so special its going to be $x for x amount of time does nothing for me. If I went to the trouble to arrange my schedule to come and see you then that is what I want. I want more time with you. If you tell me you normally charge x amount but will give me a y discount, chances are if I like you enough and I enjoy your company I will surprise you by giving you more than what your monetary discount is. So a surprise to me is, if a woman told me something like, asking me if she can stay longer or if we can go have a drink somewhere. That is just me though. Alot of the time monetary discounts may be more effective to some. It certainly does not help to tell me how special I am and your going to only charge me This amount of money for That amount of time, but on your profile it may be listed as normal without any mention of a discount. So it could lead some to think that is a regular option for everyone and not just me because I am so special.

Plus I like alot of what copier posted and I agree. Only one time did I have an experience where a woman not only DID NOT watch the clock, she tossed the damn thing in a chair where neither one of us could see it. THAT. was. awsome.
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Old 04-04-2012, 07:04 AM   #28
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If Italian Princess or Uniquemonique offered an hour price for their 2 hour session I would fly to Dallas
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Old 04-04-2012, 08:00 AM   #29
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Let's say a lady charges $180 for an hour. A logical special would be $150 for an hour and $100 for 30 min. I agree that 75 minutes for the same price of an hour is a good special.

If that same lady provides consistent service and gets glowing reviews, she might consider raising her rate to $200 per hour with specials of $175 and the very rare "rent is due" $150 special.

There are some psychological price barriers in men's minds. $200 and under is a big draw. Also $175 easily becomes $180 and $150 easily becomes $160.

The higher rates should be reduced in increments of $50 in order to be an enticing special. $50 off a $250 rate with good service will many times net you $220 with more business.

How often you run the special could depend on how busy you are. I think one week out of the month for a special is a good idea to attract new business and still keep the "special" special. Another good idea is to have "special" days. If you have more time on Wednesday or it's a slower day for you, run a Wednesday special.

Vanessa you get bonus points for spelling hobbyist correctly.
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Old 04-04-2012, 09:19 AM   #30
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Specials are different to everyone. To truly be special, a lady would know the wishes of her regulars and provide incentives accordingly.

If the goal is to attract new clients, I think it all comes down to the cash.
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