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Old 04-03-2012, 07:56 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
How does the failure of one beam cause a building to collapse at free fall into it's own footprint? The entire building came down equally at free fall speed. It doesn't make sense. Under your evidence, it would have collapsed at unequal speeds. I'm not buying this. Watch the video, and see if it makes sense to you. I'm not saying it was a controlled demolition, but it sure looks like one. That's what bothers me.

Did you see this explanation?

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Old 04-03-2012, 08:04 AM   #47
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Even their models don't match what happened. This is still the government trying to explain something, and they failed. According to their models, the lower floors should have collapsed first, and unevenly. Nope, not even closely credible. Watch the video, then their model. They don't match. Sorry.
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Old 04-03-2012, 08:04 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
Did anyone explain how the falling debris ended up on floor 7? The debris appears, as it should, to be expelled away from the building, but it shifted course to end up penetrating the 7th level, how?
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Old 04-03-2012, 08:14 AM   #49
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I've got two additions for you guys.

1. Beck has called out every single right winger you all have listed. Every one. I know this because I was listening when he did it. He is loyal to the truth not a side (in my experience with him.)

2. The civil and structural engineers I've seen in session have noted the same thing that COG did. There is no explanation why the building fell like it did. Maybe the government had nothing to do with it and God made sure it fell like it did to save someone. Who knows, But there is not a logical reason why it fell the way it did. Not saying any more or any less. There just is no way it could have under our understanding with the current facts available. I'm not an engineer, but my best friend is and so are many of my clients. Maybe they are all wrong?
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Old 04-03-2012, 08:21 AM   #50
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WTF, I was going to point out how you have these odds moments of clarity before going back into the fog.
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Old 04-03-2012, 08:45 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by liberaldevil View Post
We however have far too much "anti-Indian" and "anti-Pakistani" racial tension.

I understand the anti Pakistan thing but why anti Indian?
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Old 04-03-2012, 08:53 AM   #52
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Kinda like the Mexico City earthquake incident when a tall building collapsed into complete ruble killing all; except a single 5-month old baby.....nobody could explain how/why the baby survived (after days being buried under tons of ruble)...no engineering, medical, scientific explaination. Go figure.

BTW; COG is certainly implying a conspiracy of some kind....

Originally Posted by LovingKayla View Post
2. The civil and structural engineers I've seen in session have noted the same thing that COG did. There is no explanation why the building fell like it did. Maybe the government had nothing to do with it and God made sure it fell like it did to save someone. Who knows, But there is not a logical reason why it fell the way it did. Not saying any more or any less. There just is no way it could have under our understanding with the current facts available. I'm not an engineer, but my best friend is and so are many of my clients. Maybe they are all wrong?
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Old 04-03-2012, 09:05 AM   #53
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Do you not accept the study conclusion that "NO" explosives were present in the buildng's failure?

How does the NIST model differ from what happened?

Where does their model (report) say the lower floors should have collapsed first !

Where do you get your opinion that the lower floors should have collapsed first?

What do you mean by "unevenly"?

Why your citicism of the Government trying to explain what happened?

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Even their models don't match what happened. This is still the government trying to explain something, and they failed. According to their models, the lower floors should have collapsed first, and unevenly. Nope, not even closely credible. Watch the video, then their model. They don't match. Sorry.
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Old 04-03-2012, 09:30 AM   #54
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
WTF, I was going to point out how you have these odds moments of clarity before going back into the fog.
LOL....to late!

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Old 04-03-2012, 09:37 AM   #55
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post

BTW; COG is certainly implying a conspiracy of some kind....
Isn't that how conspiracies and rumors start?

I keep going back to this book, "The Believing Brain'' that explains how folks like this come to believe such caca.
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Old 04-03-2012, 09:50 AM   #56
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Originally Posted by LovingKayla View Post
I understand the anti Pakistan thing but why anti Indian?
Its just nasty British racism really. The only thing I can say on the subject is these groups of people tend to stick mostly to their own race. I suppose kind of like the Orthodox Jews do in my own religion. They don't try to blend in to British society really. The uneducated British minority singles them out for doing as such. An example would be the take over of the East End of London. It is now at least 90% Indian and Pakistani. This use to be a blue collar neighborhood of "dock workers". It is what you Yanks refer to the "Cockney" area of London. But, its fallen on hard economic times and given way to cheap housing. Thus, becoming an immigrant neighborhood. This is happening up and down the country from Glasgow to London. Once proud working class neighborhoods are becoming less and less English. This is a reason why the more uneducated British minorities are singling out the above listed minority groups as a focal point for their racist rants. We also have a very large Jamaican population as Jamaica once was a British colony. They too are the brunt of daft racist cunts unfortunately in Britain.
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Old 04-03-2012, 10:28 AM   #57
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I find it interesting that before I popped for an "excellent" rating, someone had rated this thread as "poor". I can't help but wonder who would not find this thread enlightening and worthwhile.

Thanks LK!
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Old 04-03-2012, 01:20 PM   #58
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2. The civil and structural engineers I've seen in session have noted the same thing that COG did. There is no explanation why the building fell like it did. Maybe the government had nothing to do with it and God made sure it fell like it did to save someone. Who knows, But there is not a logical reason why it fell the way it did. Not saying any more or any less. There just is no way it could have under our understanding with the current facts available. I'm not an engineer, but my best friend is and so are many of my clients. Maybe they are all wrong?
See that's kind of what I was saying - A lot of people have 9/11 questions. Rice promised us CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE that Bin Laden was responsible. Not "I swear I did it" from Bin Laden - CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE. What she specifically spoke of was never released.

I want to know why the Pentagon damage looks completely inconsistent and damn near physically impossible (the hole created was smaller than the plane for fuck sake, parts of the inside 3 feet from where the plane hit had papers and computer monitors that weren't even touched with fire or smoke damage) with the crashing of a plane. Why can't we see the tape from the gas station next door? They'll replay the plane going into the WTC over and over and over and over and over again but we can't see a plane flying by a BP station and hitting the pentagon once? Why? What's on that tape?

I want to know why building 7 collapsed the way it did and when it did. I want to know why the building 7 OWNER admitted to the fact that with the loss of life and property that had already occurred it was time to "pull it".

What's with the burning time/collapse of towers 1 and 2 having nothing to do with each other. It just seems...wrong for that sequence of events to go down the way it did. Tower 1 burned for so goddamned long before it collapsed but tower 2 couldn't take it? I just want to know the deal there. Nothing big!

I want to know what REALLY happened to Flight 93 - I lived in PA at the time and saw local news reports with eye witness reports that DO NOT MESH with the official story by ANY stretch of the imagination. Why did Rumsfeld himself say in 2006 "the plane that was shot down over Pennsylvania" (consistent with eyewitness reports but not the official story). That's all. I don't want to know anything. else.

They're simple questions the government COULD provide answers for and haven't. And won't.

I used to wonder if after the WTC attack in 93 the buildings weren't say, wired for emergency demolition in the event of a terrorist attack. And maybe not just downtown NYC. Maybe the Sears Tower or other large buildings too. I mean at some point you DO have to "cut your losses" (callous way to put it, I know). You wouldn't want the WTC to topple over onto Manhattan right? Or the Sears onto Chicago? For the safety of the people, wouldn't pulling it be the RIGHT thing to do? Even if the ones inside died? People IN the WTC that survived mention hearing bombs going off - repeatedly. And not just one or two people, a good amount of survivors. Firemen at/around the scene too. Everyone heard bombs. But there was supposedly only one explosion.

But see - these are little questions that could be answered and were not covered by the 9/11 commission or the government.
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Old 04-03-2012, 02:56 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by Missy Mariposa View Post

But see - these are little questions that could be answered and were not covered by the 9/11 commission or the government.

Missy, no answer will ever satisfy you conspiracy theorist, none, nada, zero.
It is like trying to talk reason with people that play Beatles records backwards.
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Old 04-03-2012, 03:12 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Missy, no answer will ever satisfy you conspiracy theorist, none, nada, zero.
It is like trying to talk reason with people that play Beatles records backwards.
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