Originally Posted by phildo
I know a few people all ready who'll smack me for this, but have ya'll ever thought about cuttin' the tags out of your lingerie? ...
Besides, don't that bother you and get all scratchy?
Just a minor curiosity
Originally Posted by BustyShelly
I love lingerie  The bad thing is if the tags are really stiff the ends poke you like a needle and if you cut them to short they unravel! But I agree....The tags are ugly and distracting.....What's a girl to do?!?!?
gosh, i'm really surprised that no one has volunteered this one....
no scratchies, no hassles when you take them back, nothing in the way of deliteful interludes, no tan lines, no extra things for the washload, no losing them at doubles or in the heat of passion!!!