Originally Posted by Britttany_love
No one said it didnt happen.. we just dont want to keep hearing about it.
Isn't this just like religious housewives that don't want to hear about some harlet sleeping with their husbands? I bet those ladies don't want some of our ladies posting on the internet either. That is because we all know, that tempting some of their husbands isn't going to happen without said posts.
Originally Posted by Britttany_love
You had you say in the last thread you posted about it so no need to start a whole other useless thread on the same subject. Keep that to yourself and you can discuss it with the others that you say email you all the time about girls that do it.
If you don't want to hear or read about it, well, quit reading and talking about it.
"The List" i'm sure will never go away no matter what you or anyone says. Kind of like pissing in the wind; Pee as hard as you can but at the end you still just pissed all over yourself.
There's a demand for "The List" and there will be a supply. The previously mentioned housewives have already enacted legislation to keep you from doing what you want and we all know how that worked out.
I find it kind of funny,I find it kind of sad, the hardest BB Bashers ladies are the ones that jump on it raw without being asked. I'm not saying you are but I have seen it enough on other threads.