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Old 03-29-2012, 05:26 AM   #1
Still Looking
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Talking Reviews, Threats, Alerts, Pissing Matches And More

It all works together or does it? They say for each action there is an equal opposite reaction. Is that true? Human nature and selfishness sure screws that up!


There are several different ways to write a review. The most common is a positive YES review. Some are more detailed than others but they are positive and yes reviews none the less. Then you have the NO review. Negative in nature and again differing by the amount of detail. Then there is the Yes review but when you read it you question why it’s a yes. Things are mentioned that might certainly be over looked by other reviewers. I’m sure there are many different reasons why this happens.

I’ve done a few reviews in my time and it’s interesting to see the reactions. There are some that appreciate the information. Then there are those that question everything. Then there are the review bashers. You have your WK responses as well. It really doesn’t matter what you do when you write a review, someone will have a problem with it. We know there are guys who share the reviews with providers. We also know there are phony reviews. In most cases they are obvious. There are guys who will bash you and your style of review yet have none of their own.

SL Reaction: If you don’t have something helpful or constructive to say, how about you shut the fuck up! And how about we NOT beat up on newbies. Unless you’re just trying to make an ass of yourself, then send a PM if you think it’s that important. But to publicly ridicule a hobbyist who has taken the time to share his information is in poor taste. And Quaking is against the rules, leave that to the Mods. Maybe if more of us would be supportive, other hobbyist would be more inclined to write reviews. And that is why we are here, to share information.


I’ve cruised through forums where the Alerts have had more posts than Coed. We all know there are prolific Alert posters. That is obvious. Hell they will even post second hand information. We also know that providers post alerts as a means of defending themselves against hobbyists. Some times warranted at times not.

SL Reaction: Legitimate helpful information to inform or educate fellow board members should be posted here. Take the rest of it to Coed. Half the shit is he said she said just the same. If you want to vent go to the respective private forms. Powder Room or Men’s Lounge.

Threats & Pissing Matches

Sometimes we just don’t agree on things. That’s just the way it is! And always will be! And that in its self is OK. But what’s up with the personal attacks? Arguing over the smallest of things. These people are labeled “haters”. Doesn’t really matter what you say, someone will want to shit in your Corn Flakes. For some reason they feel better about themselves. It’s as if ridiculing you makes them look better. Sadly, a very common occurrence.

SL Reaction: In most cases hit your “ignore button”. These haters are looking for a reaction. They want to mix it up with you. Sit back and laugh at them. Be patient, in a lot of cases someone will call them on they’re BS. If it gets real bad, let the Mods handle it. Slapping them with 5 points every time they open their ugly mouths will certainly put a hitch in their Getty up! ECCIE ADICT has mastered this way of dealing with this caliber of people. Keep in mind you can’t win with these people. They get the shit pointed out of themselves and just move on to the next ECCIE handle and start over. Doesn’t take long to figure out who they are!

Having Fun

We’re all here for many reasons. And the end of the day we all would like to enjoy our board experience. So don’t take some of this Crapola so seriously. Have fun and gleam what you wish from your endeavors. This a great place to learn, have fun and meet some pretty cool people. Realize that not everyone will be nice and this is certainly NOT the most important thing in your life. And remember, you can take everything I have mentioned here to Star Bucks with $3.00 and they will give you a large regular coffee with room for cream. Enjoy!

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Old 03-29-2012, 06:06 AM   #2
Ms. Athena
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My ECCIE Reviews

Thanks! You said it well, and a very truthful insight as well..................
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Old 03-29-2012, 06:51 AM   #3
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Well said Well said. I like to act a little brain damaged and silly sometimes,
ok a lot sometimes just to get a WTF reaction out of people and maybe
entertain somebody just a little, ok maybe one person (myself), but I try
and keep it good natured and not too serious. Hate to see someone
start getting bashed for no good reason really, guess that's the bully
hater in me.

That being said, I do also like to mix it up with someone who wants to
go a few rounds, and my feelings don't get hurt. It can be pretty boring
on here if we just kiss each others ass all the time. It can be pretty
damn sexy when some of the ladies get riled up too like Dannie, IV, Shayla,
SkylarCruz, Valerie, and even sweetheart SNL. That's actually kind of a wet dream
to get dog piled by those six gals (my oh my) as long as they would tend
to my wounds while I'm bed fast and healing up.

I'm kind of one of those guys that likes their enemies as much as their friends
sometimes, depends on the enemy, (not that I have any real enemies).

But even If I had a worst enemy I wouldn't want to see them get hurt
or banned or anything (I'm also really quick to forgive and don't hold a grudge)

I also try to understand and respect the ladies perspective on here, us guys
are just on here playing and having a good time, but to the ladies this is
there livelihood and is a more serious thing (doesn't mean they can't enjoy
themselves and have fun too), it's just more serious for them. Guess that's
why I admire the girls so much. It takes a really strong intelligent woman
to be a good provider. Ladies don't ever sell yourselves short (a shout out
to all of you good ones)

What sweethearts you girls are that ACTUALLY CARE whether or not us guys
have a good time when we see you. I always try and reciprocate the favor
and give a girl as much enjoyment as I am having.

All in all this board mimics real life pretty well, you need a thick skin,
and to be a survivor, for both.
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Old 03-29-2012, 07:10 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by bojulay View Post
Well said Well said. I like to act a little brain damaged and silly sometimes,
ok a lot sometimes just to get a WTF reaction out of people and maybe
entertain somebody just a little, ok maybe one person (myself), but I try
and keep it good natured and not too serious. Hate to see someone
start getting bashed for no good reason really, guess that's the bully
hater in me.

That being said, I do also like to mix it up with someone who wants to
go a few rounds, and my feelings don't get hurt. It can be pretty boring
on here if we just kiss each others ass all the time. It can be pretty
damn sexy when some of the ladies get riled up too like Dannie, IV, Shayla,
SkylarCruz, Valerie, and even sweetheart SNL. That's actually kind of a wet dream
to get dog piled by those six gals (my oh my) as long as they would tend
to my wounds while I'm bed fast and healing up.

I'm kind of one of those guys that likes their enemies as much as their friends
sometimes, depends on the enemy, (not that I have any real enemies).

But even If I had a worst enemy I wouldn't want to see them get hurt
or banned or anything (I'm also really quick to forgive and don't hold a grudge)

I also try to understand and respect the ladies perspective on here, us guys
are just on here playing and having a good time, but to the ladies this is
there livelihood and is a more serious thing (doesn't mean they can't enjoy
themselves and have fun too), it's just more serious for them. Guess that's
why I admire the girls so much. It takes a really strong intelligent woman
to be a good provider. Ladies don't ever sell yourselves short (a shout out
to all of you good ones)

What sweethearts you girls are that ACTUALLY CARE whether or not us guys
have a good time when we see you. I always try and reciprocate the favor
and give a girl as much enjoyment as I am having.

All in all this board mimics real life pretty well, you need a thick skin,
and to be a survivor for both.
Well put B man!
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Old 03-29-2012, 07:11 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Ms. Athena View Post
Thanks! You said it well, and a very truthful insight as well..................
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Old 03-29-2012, 08:59 AM   #6
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Very well said
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Old 03-29-2012, 09:35 AM   #7
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if you went to starbucks and showed them that , theyed charge you six bucks
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Old 03-29-2012, 09:51 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by soxfan View Post
Very well said
Thank You!

Originally Posted by JONBALLS View Post
if you went to starbucks and showed them that , theyed charge you six bucks

You might be right! LOL
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Old 03-29-2012, 10:01 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post
Sometimes we just don’t agree on things. That’s just the way it is! ...
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Old 03-29-2012, 10:10 AM   #10
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Right on!

Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post

SL Reaction: If you don’t have something helpful or constructive to say, how about you shut the fuck up! And how about we NOT beat up on newbies.
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Old 03-29-2012, 11:27 AM   #11
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My ECCIE Reviews

Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post
It all works together or does it? They say for each action there is an equal opposite reaction. Is that true? Human nature and selfishness sure screws that up!


There are several different ways to write a review. The most common is a positive YES review. Some are more detailed than others but they are positive and yes reviews none the less. Then you have the NO review. Negative in nature and again differing by the amount of detail. Then there is the Yes review but when you read it you question why it’s a yes. Things are mentioned that might certainly be over looked by other reviewers. I’m sure there are many different reasons why this happens.

I’ve done a few reviews in my time and it’s interesting to see the reactions. There are some that appreciate the information. Then there are those that question everything. Then there are the review bashers. You have your WK responses as well. It really doesn’t matter what you do when you write a review, someone will have a problem with it. We know there are guys who share the reviews with providers. We also know there are phony reviews. In most cases they are obvious. There are guys who will bash you and your style of review yet have none of their own.

SL Reaction: If you don’t have something helpful or constructive to say, how about you shut the fuck up! And how about we NOT beat up on newbies. Unless you’re just trying to make an ass of yourself, then send a PM if you think it’s that important. But to publicly ridicule a hobbyist who has taken the time to share his information is in poor taste. And Quaking is against the rules, leave that to the Mods. Maybe if more of us would be supportive, other hobbyist would be more inclined to write reviews. And that is why we are here, to share information.


I’ve cruised through forums where the Alerts have had more posts than Coed. We all know there are prolific Alert posters. That is obvious. Hell they will even post second hand information. We also know that providers post alerts as a means of defending themselves against hobbyists. Some times warranted at times not.

SL Reaction: Legitimate helpful information to inform or educate fellow board members should be posted here. Take the rest of it to Coed. Half the shit is he said she said just the same. If you want to vent go to the respective private forms. Powder Room or Men’s Lounge.

Threats & Pissing Matches

Sometimes we just don’t agree on things. That’s just the way it is! And always will be! And that in its self is OK. But what’s up with the personal attacks? Arguing over the smallest of things. These people are labeled “haters”. Doesn’t really matter what you say, someone will want to shit in your Corn Flakes. For some reason they feel better about themselves. It’s as if ridiculing you makes them look better. Sadly, a very common occurrence.

SL Reaction: In most cases hit your “ignore button”. These haters are looking for a reaction. They want to mix it up with you. Sit back and laugh at them. Be patient, in a lot of cases someone will call them on they’re BS. If it gets real bad, let the Mods handle it. Slapping them with 5 points every time they open their ugly mouths will certainly put a hitch in their Getty up! ECCIE ADICT has mastered this way of dealing with this caliber of people. Keep in mind you can’t win with these people. They get the shit pointed out of themselves and just move on to the next ECCIE handle and start over. Doesn’t take long to figure out who they are!

Having Fun

We’re all here for many reasons. And the end of the day we all would like to enjoy our board experience. So don’t take some of this Crapola so seriously. Have fun and gleam what you wish from your endeavors. This a great place to learn, have fun and meet some pretty cool people. Realize that not everyone will be nice and this is certainly NOT the most important thing in your life. And remember, you can take everything I have mentioned here to Star Bucks with $3.00 and they will give you a large regular coffee with room for cream. Enjoy!


I love ya, SL.

I think people's board personas are actually a reflection of their real personalities, to be honest.
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Old 03-29-2012, 12:10 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by alluringava View Post
I love ya, SL.
I think people's board personas are actually a reflection of their real personalities, to be honest.
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Old 03-29-2012, 12:28 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by alluringava View Post
I think people's board personas are actually a reflection of their real personalities, to be honest.
Originally Posted by Valerie View Post
I dunno Charlie, is there any way the lady could associate your p411 info to your board handle on here? And if so, it could just be that she was afraid to see you as you can be quite a grump at times ...just a thought.
Originally Posted by Missy Mariposa View Post
but board persona matters a lot to some people. And if your general cynicism (which I see more as honesty) turns off a lady here, she may not reply to your request.
So, just out of personal curiosity (since two of the quotations were directed to me): do ladies refuse to see grumps/cynics based on this board, even though they may be entirely different in session? If so, does that mean they only see guys that put on a good face on the boards and may be assholes in session?
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Old 03-29-2012, 03:21 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by charlestudor2005 View Post
So, just out of personal curiosity (since two of the quotations were directed to me): do ladies refuse to see grumps/cynics based on this board, even though they may be entirely different in session? If so, does that mean they only see guys that put on a good face on the boards and may be assholes in session?

You didn't think they would answer that one did you Charles? In your own way, I think thats the first time I've had you say the glass is half full! LOL
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Old 03-29-2012, 04:02 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post

You didn't think they would answer that one did you Charles? In your own way, I think thats the first time I've had you say the glass is half full! LOL
Damn!! I'm losing my touch.
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