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Old 03-28-2012, 11:39 AM   #46
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I would add this in consideration to the Dallas Mods.......none of them are in the Spider Hole.......they are not simply ignoring you in this matter.......in light of that, they are handling this quite well......ijs.

Since Laz is not interested in knowing the rules of the Spider Hole in this threAD, I'll throw this bone to him......send sofiaofhouston a PM requesting admission into the Spider Hole (for the sole purpose of seeing all of the alleged rule violating going on)......when she tells me to let you in......you get in.
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Old 03-28-2012, 12:09 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by Duke of G View Post

There is no tinfoil hat brigade running around having secret ECCIE-rule-breaking meetings. I promise.
Wrong again, Duke!

Got this photo of Laz during the last TFHB meeting during their "Pledge of Paranoia"

Attachment 116155
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Old 03-28-2012, 01:12 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by LazurusLong View Post
Houston has so many ass clowns who think nothing of openly attacking others...

I fill a need peaches...and proud to do it...
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Old 03-28-2012, 02:45 PM   #49
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This threAD is giving me lady-wood.
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Old 03-28-2012, 03:03 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by LazurusLong View Post
Apparently, with this post, in my opinion, it appears you must be one of those sort of assclowns who find it fun to sit behind the keyboard and slam and attacks others and that tells me that your personality is one that I'm betting men who have a mature mindset and intelligence above a grade school playground bullying level would not chose to "play with".

The premier providers back on ASPD such as Ashley Ash or Savanna of DFW exuded class and were able to achieve their success and following not because they'd sit in a private forum attacking others but because they make a habit of encouraging others and especially the men they visited.
Detective Lazurus Long was that necessary

Originally Posted by Dannie View Post
This threAD is giving me lady-wood.
The Dannie thanks for the visuals
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Old 03-28-2012, 04:47 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by Dannie View Post
This threAD is giving me lady-wood.
Since I apparently love trannies it is giving me wood too.
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Old 03-28-2012, 04:51 PM   #52
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Since I can reveal the contents of my own mind, for now anyways, I will say this again for all the newbs and checkers players who might actually believe his comments.

Laz has the ability to confirm everything on which he now CHOOSES to speculate (and get amazingly wrong). Why doesn't he? My guess is that it wouldn't be as interesting if he answered his own question instead of posting his threAD for all to see.
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Old 03-28-2012, 04:52 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by LazurusLong View Post
It's not the need for transparency at all.

Back on ASPD, the assclowns who lived to insult and attacks others had their own little world and website. No holds barred insults galore and attacks were the norm and encouraged.

And it bled over quickly to ASPD and that is why to this day Houston has so many ass clowns who think nothing of openly attacking others, especially the lifeblood of this and other boards, the "newbies".

If UserX is so used to be able to attack on a private board or now in a private forum, they will think nothing of doing so in other areas and have done so.

Before ASPD crashed and ECCIE was new without the mass exodus, ECCIE was a much more kind and nicer board.

Hell, anyone who was on AHC back in the day when it started knows exactly what I am talking about. For the most part, AHC either didn't allow those people who seemed to live to attack or if they were allowed on the site they were kept on a very short leash.

Sure AHC imploded for other reasons not the least of which were horrible staff choices.

Before January 2010, ECCIE was very laid back and growing without the attacks and bullshit that was destroying ASPD and causing the creation of other sites such as AHC or even the ill fated attempts by Summer XTC. Politeness ruled the day.

Helping newbies was the norm, not attacking them. From what I could see from April 1, 2009 until the end of ASPD, ECCIE was like a new fresh start where all the nastiness and rotten corpse was left behind.

Having a private forum or forums on this board where there are no requirements for civility or worse, where just the opposite is sought out and encouraged, can and has only made this place become more and more coarse and nasty.

ECCIE started as an "Information Exchange" and turned more into an online "Fight Club" without any benefits from hosting or encouraging those individuals from abusing this place.

Is the money paid by those who run such a sub-forum worth the current decay and ruination of civility that was fostered and encouraged when ECCIE started?

ECCIE had lofty goals (besides profit of course) but the unexpected damage and consequences, including what appears to be that other site by 1 or more pissed off members/former members, has not just been chipping away at those goals of a better community, but blew them up and is currently crushing them into dust.

THAT is why I find such forums distasteful.

(full disclosure. I was once invited/allowed to join another site where attacks were the norm. I did so and engaged in a "war" between myself and a former ASPD staff member for a very short time. BUT I found out quickly that there was no value or merit in doing so and so stopped, called the guy and we talked and got shit settled and I never again posted on that site.

I wish I had never joined that site and will never join any private forum where that is the goal or purpose. Life's WAY too short for that sort of shit.)


Apparently, with this post, in my opinion, it appears you must be one of those sort of assclowns who find it fun to sit behind the keyboard and slam and attacks others and that tells me that your personality is one that I'm betting men who have a mature mindset and intelligence above a grade school playground bullying level would not chose to "play with".

The premier providers back on ASPD such as Ashley Ash or Savanna of DFW exuded class and were able to achieve their success and following not because they'd sit in a private forum attacking others but because they make a habit of encouraging others and especially the men they visited.

Posts like this are why I kept you around on ASPD, and why I keep you around here. While I don't always agree with you, and while sometimes your opinions are way off-base, I still appreciate your candor and your willingness to share opposing or alternative viewpoints.....even when they put you at odds with large segments of the community.

You've always been you, and you're still you.

Thanks for the thread, sir.

St. C
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Old 03-28-2012, 05:09 PM   #54
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If St.C is ok with Laz's alternative life style, who am I to judge.....I will hang out in the Spider Hole.
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Old 03-28-2012, 07:59 PM   #55
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Default And maybe it's the beer talking, but anything by Laz now brings my mind straight to the chorus of Bullet With Butterfly Wings

Don't know about comfort, but I do find the method of bringing all of this to my attention seriously entertaining. I.E. This thread is making me LOL.
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Old 03-28-2012, 08:14 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by Duke of G View Post

There is no tinfoil hat brigade running around having secret ECCIE-rule-breaking meetings. I promise.

You were not on the distribution? Tinfoil is so yesteryear. We wear DVD cases nowadays.
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Old 03-28-2012, 08:57 PM   #57
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I upgraded to a blue-ray hat. Working on the jacket to go with it.

This thread needs less stupid and more party girls!

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Old 03-28-2012, 10:09 PM   #58
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If folks don't know what is said in the Spider Hole, why would they care what is being said?

Was the Spider Hole created at the beginning of the year? I do not recall anyone mentioning/complaining about it until recently.
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Old 03-28-2012, 10:47 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by LazurusLong View Post
It's not the need for transparency at all.

Back on ASPD, the assclowns who lived to insult and attacks others had their own little world and website. No holds barred insults galore and attacks were the norm and encouraged.

And it bled over quickly to ASPD and that is why to this day Houston has so many ass clowns who think nothing of openly attacking others, especially the lifeblood of this and other boards, the "newbies".

If UserX is so used to be able to attack on a private board or now in a private forum, they will think nothing of doing so in other areas and have done so.

Before ASPD crashed and ECCIE was new without the mass exodus, ECCIE was a much more kind and nicer board.

Hell, anyone who was on AHC back in the day when it started knows exactly what I am talking about. For the most part, AHC either didn't allow those people who seemed to live to attack or if they were allowed on the site they were kept on a very short leash.

Sure AHC imploded for other reasons not the least of which were horrible staff choices.

Before January 2010, ECCIE was very laid back and growing without the attacks and bullshit that was destroying ASPD and causing the creation of other sites such as AHC or even the ill fated attempts by Summer XTC. Politeness ruled the day.

Helping newbies was the norm, not attacking them. From what I could see from April 1, 2009 until the end of ASPD, ECCIE was like a new fresh start where all the nastiness and rotten corpse was left behind.

Having a private forum or forums on this board where there are no requirements for civility or worse, where just the opposite is sought out and encouraged, can and has only made this place become more and more coarse and nasty.

ECCIE started as an "Information Exchange" and turned more into an online "Fight Club" without any benefits from hosting or encouraging those individuals from abusing this place.

Is the money paid by those who run such a sub-forum worth the current decay and ruination of civility that was fostered and encouraged when ECCIE started?

ECCIE had lofty goals (besides profit of course) but the unexpected damage and consequences, including what appears to be that other site by 1 or more pissed off members/former members, has not just been chipping away at those goals of a better community, but blew them up and is currently crushing them into dust.

THAT is why I find such forums distasteful.

(full disclosure. I was once invited/allowed to join another site where attacks were the norm. I did so and engaged in a "war" between myself and a former ASPD staff member for a very short time. BUT I found out quickly that there was no value or merit in doing so and so stopped, called the guy and we talked and got shit settled and I never again posted on that site.

I wish I had never joined that site and will never join any private forum where that is the goal or purpose. Life's WAY too short for that sort of shit.)


Apparently, with this post, in my opinion, it appears you must be one of those sort of assclowns who find it fun to sit behind the keyboard and slam and attacks others and that tells me that your personality is one that I'm betting men who have a mature mindset and intelligence above a grade school playground bullying level would not chose to "play with".

The premier providers back on ASPD such as Ashley Ash or Savanna of DFW exuded class and were able to achieve their success and following not because they'd sit in a private forum attacking others but because they make a habit of encouraging others and especially the men they visited.

So, you're saying that it is these alleged sub-forums that fostered all of the problems that face us on ECCIE today?

These alleged sub-forums are what spawned the aggressive posting styles and the "open attacks on newbies"? That's what you're claiming?

With all due respect, if there is all of this "open attacking" going on, as you've claimed, is it not the duty of a Moderator to reel these attacks in and take corrective actions against those aggressors? If you find it so offensive, why don't you say anything to them or RTM the post? Personally, I thinck that's a bush way to handle it, but if you find it so offensive, step up and do something about it.

You keep comparing then to now, and I don't believe it's fair to do that because of the simple fact that there are more people active right now, (4735 active members online out of a total of 127,943 members), than there were total members back then. Of course there's going to be changes. With more members comes more opinions and differing views on various subjects. Sometimes these views clash and it makes things not so nice. It's called progression. You might not like it but it's bound to happen.

Along with the membership explosion there were also the different sects coming in from CL and BP, and various other interweb streams, and countless other forces in-play but these had nothing whatsoever to do with this "distasteful tone" that you find so disgusting here on ECCIE today, either did they....it's all due to these alleged sub-forums, right?

Wow. Some would call that a reach. I'll just say that I don't agree with your reasoning and leave it at that because in the grand scheme of things, it really doesn't mean a whole hell of a lot to me whether these forums exist or not. I've got better things to worry about.

Oh, and EmilyEzzell, I like your style. Dannie's too!


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Old 03-28-2012, 10:53 PM   #60
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Condensed version of what SFK just said:

More people, more assholes.
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