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Old 03-28-2012, 11:24 AM   #151
Don't Be Daft!
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Originally Posted by timpage View Post
Liberaldevil nails it...and aptly illustrates one of the reasons why I could never be a repuke: Opposition to the idea that all human beings are entitled to basic health services. Basic humanity...of which the loonies here are bereft.

I'm not going to waste time arguing the conceptual issue of whether we should have universal healthcare, nobody is going to change their mind. The entire argument has been poisoned by the bots with lies, fabrications, and gross exaggerations.

What I would like to do is have someone riddle me this: why the opposition to the mandate? The crazies, of course, oppose it all. But, this seems to be the thing that most middle-of-the-roaders oppose. Do you not understand that the $115 billion in health care costs that was incurred by the uninsured gets passed back to us...via increases in our premiums? We end up paying for it. Why not engage in the effort to make them pay for it?

And, by the way.....you're all a bunch of selfish pathetic bastards for opposing something that is designed to do such a good thing: ensure basic, adequate healthcare for all in the United States. Something that virtually every other Western democracy already provides. Along with a lot of the "commie" governments that you so love to bash. Spend 10 minutes thinking about the concept. It's a good thing. If you boneheads would be willing to accept that, and offer viable alternatives to the plan/legislation as currently proposed, something truly good could come out of it. Instead, you use it as a political tool to bash Obama, attack the illegals, tell lies about death panels, squawk and quack about socialism, and generally make shit up that is designed to do one thing: damage Obama politically.
Essence said it but I agree--I'm bloody glad not all Americans are void of compassion for their fellow human beings. I never say a word about the thought process that goes on in this room but I am now of the mind 90% of the political banter is simply for the purpose of having a wee go at the political lefties--such as myself. Personally, I could care less. My brain is very good at filtering out the festering piles of rubbish I read on this board most days. And, most days it is a right good laugh. But, this healthcare issue isn't anything to laugh at mates. I deal with patients every bloody day who aren't the stereotypical skint dregs most on here would like to make them out to be. There are loads of people who aren't "Meth" addicted tweaking sods who irresponsibly continue having children to simply nosh off the benefits. I deal with every type of patient imaginable from the formerly very wealthy to the longtime skint. And, I can tell you this mate--if this healthcare initiative is turned down this country will be the laughing stock of the entire civilized world! If my views make me a socialist so be it. I'd rather have a wee bit of humanity about me whilst waving my Red Flag than have a "Piss Off" attitude towards others who maybe down on their luck due to a myriad of circumstances that are uncontrollable to them. I can only speak for myself as far as my profession goes but I didn't take an oath to only help the well off!!! I dare say I'm scared to ask but, what do most of you who are against universal healthcare think about "Doctors without borders"? Good? As long as you aren't funding it right? Sad, really.

So many of you bang on about ancient historical issues like the formation of your GREAT country--right? (No sarcasm meant. I agree.) Indeed! Why not actually lead the world by example? Wow, what a fucking novel idea! For once lead with compassion rather than military strength. And, please no rubbish about what a bunch of limey pacifists we are. Or, how you rescued us from Nazi rule. That's a right bunch of poppycock.

As I stated before, if taxation is the issue--the middle class and wealthy will barely even feel a wee pinch when it comes to the funding of this program. Why, is it such a bloody bad thing for the government to require all of its citizens to be covered? I for one will be rather grateful! I'll stop dealing with folks whilst on rounds who have no coverage but are forced to use the ER as a way to get a sore throat, FLU, or ingrown toe nail sorted because they have no other way of sorting it but to use a facility that's sole purpose is triage not sniffles! In case you didn't know that's what clinics and Physician visits are for. Universal healthcare in this country would bloody eliminate that issue once and for all.

I've long told my mates back in the UK that if the political banter would kindly stop for a wee minute in this country the healthcare could be absolutely brilliant! Sadly, in my opinion the NHS is still a better service even with all its wee issues. But, that doesn't need to be the case in a country with as much wealth as America. Healthcare is "NOT" a political issue its a bloody human issue. One in which caring about ones fellow man should be at the heart of--FULL STOP.

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Old 03-28-2012, 11:34 AM   #152
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Originally Posted by liberaldevil View Post
Essence said it but I agree--I'm bloody glad not all Americans are void of compassion for their fellow human beings. I never say a word about the thought process that goes on in this room but I am now of the mind 90% of the political banter is simply for the purpose of having a wee go at the political lefties--such as myself. Personally, I could care less. My brain is very good at filtering out the festering piles of rubbish I read on this board most days. And, most days it is a right good laugh. But, this healthcare issue isn't anything to laugh at mates. I deal with patients every bloody day who aren't the stereotypical skint dregs most on here would like to make them out to be. There are loads of people who aren't "Meth" addicted tweaking sods who irresponsibly continue having children to simply nosh off the benefits. I deal with every type of patient imaginable from the formerly very wealthy to the longtime skint. And, I can tell you this mate--if this healthcare initiative is turned down this country will be the laughing stock of the entire civilized world! If my views make me a socialist so be it. I'd rather have a wee bit of humanity about me whilst waving my Red Flag than have a "Piss Off" attitude towards others who maybe down on their luck due to a myriad of circumstances that are uncontrollable to them. I can only speak for myself as far as my profession goes but I didn't take an oath to only help the well off!!! I dare say I'm scared to ask but, what do most of you who are against universal healthcare think about "Doctors without borders"? Good? As long as you aren't funding it right? Sad, really.

So many of you bang on about ancient historical issues like the formation of your GREAT country--right? (No sarcasm meant. I agree.) Indeed! Why not actually lead the world by example? Wow, what a fucking novel idea! For once lead with compassion rather than military strength. And, please no rubbish about what a bunch of limey pacifists we are. Or, how you rescued us from Nazi rule. That's a right bunch of poppycock.

As I stated before, if taxation is the issue the middle class and wealthy will barely even feel a wee pinch when it comes to the funding of this program. Why, is it such a bloody bad thing for the government to require all of its citizens to be covered? I for one will be rather grateful! I'll stop dealing with folks whilst on rounds who have no coverage but are forced to use the ER as a way to get a sore throat, FLU, or ingrown toe nail sorted because they have no other way of sorting it but to use a facility that's sole purpose is triage not sniffles! In case you didn't know that's what clinics and Physician visits are for. Universal healthcare in this country would bloody eliminate that issue once and for all.

I've long told my mates back in the UK that if the political banter would kindly stop for a wee minute in this country the healthcare could be absolutely brilliant! Sadly, in my opinion the NHS is still a better service even with all its wee issues. But, that doesn't need to be the case in a country with as much wealth as America. Healthcare is "NOT" a political issue its a bloody human issue. One in which caring about ones fellow man should be at the heart of--FULL STOP.

even tho u come from a country full of pussies, u r right on. we gotta force our moral beliefs on these right-wing teanuts.
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Old 03-28-2012, 11:35 AM   #153
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The problem isnt giving people coverage, ITS REQUIRING BY LAW, PRIVATE CITIZENS TO BUY IT FROM PRIVATE COMPANIES. I dont care if it used to be a republican idea its still an expansion of government powers Im not comfortable with. You want to start government group health insurance and take 10 bucks from me a month to do it fine no problem I good with it. Do it by state and shop that shit around to different carriers for the best deal. Fine. Glad to give to the cause. Just dont tell me that the government can make me buy something or penalize me. Also if you dont opt into the free or reduced cost goverment policy and you dont have private insurance you dont get care if you are over the age of 18. Period. Make some level of personal responsibility a component of the law.
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Old 03-28-2012, 11:38 AM   #154
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Forget arguing with them. They suffer from a preexisting condition known as brain deadedness. You can give them facts from a think tank, facts from an expert, facts from your own experience and what do they say; you're biased. Facts are biased especially if you don't like those facts. I wonder how much they would argue if a doctor (an expert) told them they had cancer (something they won't like too much I suspect). Would the ignore what the doctor said because the doctor is biased.

I have a question for Liberal Devil. I caught this story on the Internet and I wanted your response. Actress Tilda Swinton talked about becoming a mother. She said she was about five weeks past due and she was becoming afraid of being "sectioned". This is where the healthcare authorities forceably give a woman a C-section. I couldn't believe this.
There isn't enough information mate. The article only gives Miss/Mrs. Swinton's recollection of events. Three weeks is a bit overdue but not a catastrophe by any means. However, because she was having twins I'd imagine her Physician was acting properly. If you read the article you'd see there were two lives at stake not just one. She has a track record of being a bit of a mentalist at times back in England. I "think" she is one of those nutters who doesn't believe in vaccinations as well. That is utter madness. I'm not sure you've read in the news that measles and whopping cough in some areas have made a wee come back. Wonder why? Because, of mentalists like her who think such a practice will cause autism or some such thing. Mind-boggling to be fair.
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Old 03-28-2012, 11:38 AM   #155
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
What WTF and others don't understand is that expanding benefits to the uninsured will result in rationing for those of us who already have insurance.

Costs for everyone will go up; quality and access for most will go down.

The poor and uninsured already have access to the best medical system in the world (for free); but WTF and other liberals are ok with it's destruction, all in the name of their phony compassion.
Right now costs are going up. What part of that do you not understand. We do not have enough money for everyone to get everything they want. We have to make tough choices in regards to what we want to pay for. Right now the insurance company decides this. It is lies and ignoranced that is half the problem right now. We can argue an priorties but there is no arguing that we do not have enough money now with the present system or the new proposed system. That is a fact
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Old 03-28-2012, 11:42 AM   #156
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Originally Posted by Af-Freakin View Post
even tho u come from a country full of pussies, u r right on. we gotta force our moral beliefs on these right-wing teanuts.
I served in Desert Storm as well as Bosnia(1992-2000) SBS-(Special Boat Service) Her Majesty's Royal Navy. Far from a "pussy". And, I'd challenge you to go to the East End of London and say that!
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Old 03-28-2012, 11:44 AM   #157
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The strange thing is we set up Germany and Japan with a efficient healthcare system. Why? Because it is the most effecient and effective. Nobody in their right mind would have thbis hodgepodge healthcare system if ythey were starting from scratch
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Old 03-28-2012, 11:49 AM   #158
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Originally Posted by liberaldevil View Post
I served in Desert Storm as well as Bosnia(1992-2000) SBS-(Special Boat Service) Her Majesty's Royal Navy. Far from a "pussy". And, I'd challenge you to go to the East End of London and say that!
u come 2 LA mofo. royal navy? LOL! ur on a boat outta the action. navy only provides transportation 2 the dudes who do the fighting. u pussy.

if the US tells the UK 2 lick its ass, the UK licks the US's ass. UK use 2 b the world's greatest power, now only a 4th rate country. reason why u aint great no more is because ur a bunch of pussies.
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Old 03-28-2012, 11:54 AM   #159
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I wonder if those who are against it would fancy doing rounds with me sometime? Then we'll see if their heart is still the same wee size. It would put a lot of this rubbish to bed. Seeing a sick person in front of you is something different altogether.

I dare say there isn't much left to argue. Those that are against it will stay against it. I wonder how many are against it are simply because they have a personal detain for President Obama;-)?
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Old 03-28-2012, 11:55 AM   #160
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Originally Posted by Af-Freakin View Post
u come 2 LA mofo. royal navy? LOL! ur on a boat outta the action. navy only provides transportation 2 the dudes who do the fighting. u pussy.

if the US tells the UK 2 lick its ass, the UK licks the US's ass. UK use 2 b the world's greatest power, now only a 4th rate country. reason why u aint great no more is because ur a bunch of pussies.
Are you a moronic simpleton? Look up SBS. End of story.
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Old 03-28-2012, 12:06 PM   #161
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Originally Posted by Grifter View Post
The problem isnt giving people coverage, ITS REQUIRING BY LAW, PRIVATE CITIZENS TO BUY IT FROM PRIVATE COMPANIES. I dont care if it used to be a republican idea its still an expansion of government powers Im not comfortable with. You want to start government group health insurance and take 10 bucks from me a month to do it fine no problem I good with it. Do it by state and shop that shit around to different carriers for the best deal. Fine. Glad to give to the cause. Just dont tell me that the government can make me buy something or penalize me. Also if you dont opt into the free or reduced cost goverment policy and you dont have private insurance you dont get care if you are over the age of 18. Period. Make some level of personal responsibility a component of the law.
It was the only way to get the private insurance companies to go along. Note that they are not squawking at all about the legislation? Provides a whole pool of uninsured folks out there for them to get their claws into.

Single-payer would have been best. But, it never would have passed because of the bizarre screaming about socialism. Amazes me that the repukes have no problem letting the government regulate water, air, education, the environment, work-place safety, delivery of mail, delivery of law enforcement services, national defense, and on and on and on......but when big oil, or big pharma, or big insurance doesn't like something that is being proposed, even though it is for the good of the people and is morally the right thing to do....it suddenly becomes the boogiemen from the last century: socialism, communism, big government, blah blah blah. And the idiot sheep like Whirly, JD and all the rest lap it up right out of their asses.
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Old 03-28-2012, 12:07 PM   #162
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Originally Posted by liberaldevil View Post
Are you a moronic simpleton? Look up SBS. End of story.
in the US dudes tell bitches at bars [& hooker message boards] theyre in the seals, in UK they tell the bitches at pubs theyre in sbs. ur lying, only difference is the bitches told this crap in the UK got bad teeth [uk healthcare system?].

know how i know ur a lying pussy? u dont give off the vibe guys in special forces give off. this i know.
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Old 03-28-2012, 12:14 PM   #163
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Originally Posted by Af-Freakin View Post
u come 2 LA mofo. royal navy? LOL! ur on a boat outta the action. navy only provides transportation 2 the dudes who do the fighting. u pussy.

if the US tells the UK 2 lick its ass, the UK licks the US's ass. UK use 2 b the world's greatest power, now only a 4th rate country. reason why u aint great no more is because ur a bunch of pussies.
You are one pathetic creature Af-Fuckup. Your ignorance of current events is dwarfed only by your ignorance of history. You know nothing of naval and British personnel on the ground in Bagram, Kabul, Kandahar, etc., so STFU.
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Old 03-28-2012, 12:16 PM   #164
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Originally Posted by Af-Freakin View Post
even tho u come from a country full of pussies, u r right on. we gotta force our moral beliefs on these right-wing teanuts.
Like they aren't trying to do the same!
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Old 03-28-2012, 12:20 PM   #165
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
You are one pathetic creature Af-Fuckup. Your ignorance of current events is dwarfed only by your ignorance of history. You know nothing of naval and British personnel on the ground in Bagram, Kabul, Kandahar, etc., so STFU.

I B Hankering4Cock, every morning I get up, I got chunks of guys like u & the limey in my stool.
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