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Old 03-27-2012, 09:05 AM   #16
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It may happen but there is a 1 year hold on one of the major laws -the one making Incalls illegal, to give time for new legislation to be put in place.

There is an allowance of 30 days for another appeal which I suspect will happen. As it is Federal law, overturned in a ("lower") Provincial Court, it will probably have to go through the Supreme Court of Canada.
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Old 03-27-2012, 12:52 PM   #17
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^^^What I'm thinking is that a lot of the provinces will write something keeping incall illegal. I had high hopes, but after reading more I'm a bit worried.

If you ever go to Canada for any reason, keep in mind Canadian Police don't like Americans.
Disagree. I was robbed and stalked whilst living in BC and the police were beyond helpful. The people at the US Embassy were 10000x worse.
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Old 03-27-2012, 01:10 PM   #18
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I was robbed and stalked whilst living in BC and the police were beyond helpful. The people at the US Embassy were 10000x worse.
That's from the standpoint of a victim. Police had primary jurisdiction...the Embassy did not. Had they been viewing you as a criminal rather than a victim, the treatment might have been much different. ijs
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Old 03-27-2012, 01:37 PM   #19
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I may need to go to Canada then... less stress worrying about LE
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Old 03-27-2012, 02:02 PM   #20
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More stress worrying about being assaulted as there's less screening. More short visits, and less fun/relaxed times. I honestly think I prefer working in the US, even with all of the issues here. But that's because I am loving the whole traditional courtesan aspect of it which I never got to explore in Canada.

Don't get me wrong, that's not to say I don't enjoy the hobby in Canada. I love working in Canada, but it's pure escorting over being a courtesan. It's just a different job.

That being said: The overall quality of life in BC was superior to practically everywhere I've lived in the States though, and that is just a cultural thing. It's a more accepting, tolerant culture. The cost of living is higher, but you get more bang for your buck. The weather is good, the seafood is good, the healthcare was good, and of course topless beaches are good .
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Old 03-27-2012, 02:31 PM   #21
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of course topless beaches are good
In BC???? ***s-h-i-v-v-v-v-e-r***
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Old 03-27-2012, 09:59 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by charlestudor2005 View Post
In BC???? ***s-h-i-v-v-v-v-e-r***
While I might enjoy what cold does to the nipples I am afraid what it does to a guy might make me feel inadequete when everything shrinks LOL
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Old 03-28-2012, 05:58 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by canuckvic View Post
Sorry thats a myth at best. They don't have prejudice over any nationality versus others but there are more American visitors to Canada then any other country and that will likely offer more percentage of Americans to experience issues with our laws than any other nationality.
Iam not talking about the general population of Canadians. Iam talking about the Canadian Police. It's no myth.
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Old 03-28-2012, 07:27 PM   #24
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I didn't say the Canadian Police were'nt professional in doing their job and weren't attentive to a victim of a crime. I just said they really don't like Americans of the tourist kind. Most foreign Police don't.
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Old 03-28-2012, 08:42 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by charlestudor2005 View Post
In BC???? ***s-h-i-v-v-v-v-e-r***
In Vancouver in July? No way. Metro Vancouver doesn't really get cold, I saw snow whilst living there once and everyone went apeshit over under a foot. We had to borrow snowplows from WA state and things closed. It was hilarious.

On the flip side, the following summer there was a "heat wave" and all the stores had to hang signs saying "WE HAVE NO AIR CONDITIONERS OR FANS". Everyone had mocked me when I bought an A/C in January. How American, they said. It doesn't get that hot up here, they said. You know who was laughing in July? Right here.
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Old 03-28-2012, 11:12 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by acp5762 View Post
If you ever go to Canada for any reason, keep in mind Canadian Police don't like Americans.
Simply not true, Canadian Police don't like criminals......does not matter what country they are from.

Originally Posted by acp5762 View Post
Iam not talking about the general population of Canadians. Iam talking about the Canadian Police. It's no myth.
Originally Posted by acp5762 View Post
I didn't say the Canadian Police were'nt professional in doing their job and weren't attentive to a victim of a crime. I just said they really don't like Americans of the tourist kind. Most foreign Police don't.
I think that the law enforcement of any country does not like anyone involved in criminal activity, no matter what country you are from. Rule of thumb is that if you are not involved in any illegal activities, you have precious little to worry about regarding Canadian police having issues with you. Probably pretty much like it is in the US for the most part.

Originally Posted by Missy Mariposa View Post
More stress worrying about being assaulted as there's less screening. More short visits, and less fun/relaxed times.
I guess the screening part is true, but that likely is because the act of prostitution is legal in Canada, as long as it takes place behind closed doors. If you belong to one of the "better" forums, the girls use each other as references and they also look at a potential clients posting history and reviews and make their own decision. It really is not difficult and works very well for the most part. I don't think we really have a service like your P411, mostly because it is not needed in Canada. The reference, posting history, review method works well, mostly because the hobby is regulated differently in each country.

Visits or sessions as we tend to call them last between 30 minutes to as long as overnight occasionally, with 1-2 hours for a session being the typical norm.

Originally Posted by Missy Mariposa View Post
Yep! As long as the hotel room wasn't rented for the sole purpose of the outcall. As Shayla said though, some cities care more than others so just check the local hobbying scene on the appropriate local forum before visiting. Most of the legal risks are for the providers though (licensing laws, running an incall) as opposed to the hobbyist. You would have to do something incredibly stupid to get arrested whilst trying to book/see an escort in Canada.
In Canada, providers do assume most of the risk with regards to law enforcement. Mostly the local forums provide most of the insight into the hobby of any city. As long as all communications are of a "private" nature, provider and hobbyist have very little to worry about regarding enforcement. Just make sure your communication is not taking place anywhere the public can reasonably be expected and you are pretty safe. Phone calls from a private residence, PM's, email and texts are all considered private communications in Canada. Just don't phone from your cell at Starbucks or meet her in a lounge, pub, in her or your vehicle or on the the street to negotiate services or prices.

Originally Posted by charlestudor2005 View Post
I have traveled all over the world, including Canada. People from the US are almost universally despised...or people are envious of us (who knew) and the reaction is the same. When in another country, US citizens should be very, very careful to avoid any kind of entanglements with persons in any kind of power. Canada is no exception.
charlestudor2005 is pretty much correct in that people from the US are not looked upon favourably in a lot of parts of the world. He is also correct in that when in a foreign country, any person should be very, very careful to avoid any kind of entanglements with persons in any kind of power. This hold true not just for Americans, but anyone. I was in Mexico for a few weeks during the winter months and I sure in hell would not want to piss off any of the Mexican police or army that I saw. Same with the US, I would not want any entanglements with anyone in any kind of power there either. IMHO, that is part of "Travelling to a Foreign Country 101" or as I like to call it, common sense.

Originally Posted by Tom Terrific View Post
Living close to the border, I consider Montreal to be the land of OZ. One has to be really stupid, careless or incredibly unlucky to get in trouble with the law in Canada on this activity. If you have never been to Montreal, you should go. The combination of the relaxed laws, the French influence and the overall culture makes this Hobby Heaven. (the typical fs hour is $180.00)
Quebec and Montreal in particular is considered to be the hobby mecca of Canada for all the reasons indicated above.
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Old 03-29-2012, 03:41 PM   #27
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I guess the screening part is true, but that likely is because the act of prostitution is legal in Canada, as long as it takes place behind closed doors. If you belong to one of the "better" forums, the girls use each other as references and they also look at a potential clients posting history and reviews and make their own decision. It really is not difficult and works very well for the most part.
When I started in this hobby, it was in Vancouver circa late 2008/early 2009 and god references were such a hot debate. Guys said they violated their privacy, they shouldn't HAVE to tell someone who they had seen, pussy is a dime a dozen, blah blah blah.

It is a lot better now, I know - and I'm beyond glad. I keep up with all of the Vancouver indies I knew living there (they're the only female friends I've got these days!) But it's still annoying when you constantly saw "references violate my privacy omg!!!" or "screening is so unnecessary because girls aren't really going to be arrested here" on perb or (at the time) cerf - especially after 3 indies had been assaulted by the same client, weeks apart.

I actually started the reference ribbon campaign after that incident, so that us indies up there could tell who was okay to go to for a reference (before even asking for one) as there were some shady girls giving out bad/fake references or not responding to legitimate ones. A lot of us were spooked to use them for a bit. Most providers up there screen by phone conversation and lack of info on a blacklist though, it just makes me too nervous
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Old 03-29-2012, 03:53 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Missy Mariposa View Post
When I started in this hobby, it was in Vancouver circa late 2008/early 2009 and god references were such a hot debate. Guys said they violated their privacy, they shouldn't HAVE to tell someone who they had seen, pussy is a dime a dozen, blah blah blah.

It is a lot better now, I know - and I'm beyond glad. I keep up with all of the Vancouver indies I knew living there (they're the only female friends I've got these days!) But it's still annoying when you constantly saw "references violate my privacy omg!!!" or "screening is so unnecessary because girls aren't really going to be arrested here" on perb or (at the time) cerf - especially after 3 indies had been assaulted by the same client, weeks apart.

I actually started the reference ribbon campaign after that incident, so that us indies up there could tell who was okay to go to for a reference (before even asking for one) as there were some shady girls giving out bad/fake references or not responding to legitimate ones. A lot of us were spooked to use them for a bit. Most providers up there screen by phone conversation and lack of info on a blacklist though, it just makes me too nervous
If you get a reference from GOD your automaticly a "Verified Provider"! LOL
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Old 03-29-2012, 08:58 PM   #29
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Thats a rambling Brook if I've ever read one, lol.
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Old 03-30-2012, 01:44 PM   #30
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Nice catch SL


This should help everyone out a bit.
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