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Old 03-26-2012, 03:37 PM   #1
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Default Trafficking

In light of the LoveWomen fiasco I decide to have that thread closed and...read today where a guy in Lenexa went on Facebook met up with a girl...got her to turn to being a provider and in turn he enticed a few other girls into the business and ultimately took control over there money and everything else after showing them how to advertise online.

He ultimately according to records beat these girls and if they recruited someone for him he would give them the night off.....

He got 10 years in Fed prison for Trafficking!!

In this case I say good for LE to take this kinda trash out to the curb...I know it happens but it doesnt belong!

Im not saying what LW did was similar but I wanted to pass this along should anyone else decide they want to take up this mentoring thing

I think Jackie's advice rings true!

The girls got stung by Lenexa in Jan 2011...cant post the link obviously but most can find it or If you wish on the Kansas City Kansan
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Old 03-26-2012, 03:58 PM   #2
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Unforunately to outsiders...what this asshole did in Lenexa some how becomes the
poster face as to why prostitution can never be legalized.

Trafficing, dealing w/minors or forced prostitution is not what it is all about. There is no room in any section of our community for these scum buckets. It is not the face of any reasonable movement to try and legalize prostitution.

These types should be placed in the same jail block as murders, rapists and other violent predators. They take advantage of the weak links in our society...they have no place anywhere other than in jail.

Healthy hobbists and providers find these pathetic creatures to be just as disgusting as any other folks from various walks of lives

May they not only rot their remaining lives in jail...but burn for enternity in Hell as well
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Old 03-26-2012, 03:58 PM   #3
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Gee, I wonder if the "mentors" in KC/on this board ever think that'll happen to them. The arrest part of course.
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Old 03-26-2012, 04:07 PM   #4
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Part of the dirty image that prostitution has lies in the fact that everytime one of the girls get caught, then she plays the victim and says that she was "forced" to prostitute herself..... I wonder if Trista Cummings is "forced"? or Jasmine Skyy? Or a few of ECCIE's unnamed females with "husbands" and/or "management"?
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Old 03-26-2012, 08:36 PM   #5
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Interesting and very logical possible observation by T9

Not saying it happens all the time....like the example given in this thread...NO WAY

But still a different angle, in possibly some cases
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Old 03-26-2012, 08:41 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by vkmaster View Post
Interesting and very logical possible observation by T9
Not to mention pure conjecture.
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Old 03-26-2012, 08:51 PM   #7
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Hmmm were just simple mongers here what does conjecture mean? I hope it's not a disease! Checking my dork and looking for some conjecture.
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Old 03-26-2012, 08:59 PM   #8
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This is why my daughter says girls go to college to get more knowledge and boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider!!
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Old 03-26-2012, 09:00 PM   #9
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Vk, more interesting to me is how those girls jump from Facebook to pawn, or how the guy finds them to work on. That to me is the real story. Talk about 'grooming.' (In the psychological manipulation sense, not the Head and Shoulders sense.)
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Old 03-26-2012, 09:05 PM   #10
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Yea, bartipero your right, it would be interesting to getting alittle background info or filler infomation.

But still, can not take away the maggot asshole guy playing a disgusting role.
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Old 03-26-2012, 09:26 PM   #11
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One thing that I know: You can't make a woman do anything. No amount of psychological bullshit, short of prolonged captivity and torture, can make a square soccer-mom just up and start selling "time" - and she can't be talked into it either. These women, who are not underage children, make their own decisions and suddenly become "forced" when they are arrested and face jail time. It just another "default" excuse. I mean, who are we kidding. These women do not live in Afghanistan... The culture here in the US lends itself to protection for females. At any moment, all that any female has to do is walk into any of the metro police stations and tell her story.. Game over..... Dude gets what he deserves, not enough, as far as I'm concerned, but the ladies shouldn't be getting off scott-free by playing victim when it's convenient....

Hmmmm. Pull on a tail, and hear a squeal....
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Old 03-26-2012, 09:38 PM   #12
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Thorough, I'm certain there may be some ladies that attempt to do exactly as you've outlined, and some may even do so successfully. However, your statements are conjecture and assumptions, and the opposite is true in most prosecutions. LE and DA's weren't born yesterday, and most ladies "man up" and take responsibility better than many men in the endeavor, who look for any excuse not to own their behavior.

A couple of very high profile cases come to mind, both where the lady had a "pimp", both culminating in the lady dong more time than the (supposed) "trafficker" (one using a government computer comes to mind, which I am sure many here will remember). Your assumption is rooted in the popular culture and what we see in the media, but not in the reality of how I (and others) have seen the system work first hand.

I've ran clean and avoided an issue with LE my entire career (knock wood), but, as a trusted Escort in KC with many connections, I've attended many an appointment with a lady now and then to several local attorneys. I don't have the same view that you do - looking from my seat, which may admittedly be closer to the 50 yard line than your own.

But, I do and can appreciate how you came to form your opinion.


- Jackie
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Old 03-26-2012, 09:40 PM   #13
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I understand and agree there is that element, it happens, but not in every case. There is a pathology and there are those talented enough to pick up the right subjects and overcome their free will. Two very famous examples, Patricia Hurst (though that is debatable) and Charles Manson, come to mind. It's the more mainstream ones that are curious. Some are obvious, like pure force threatening to harm one's family. Still scuzzy, but good at it.
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Old 03-26-2012, 10:17 PM   #14
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I'll not discount what T9 says...as is most situations, you have the clear cut "black and white"....but also that gray area.

One area that I might point out to T9, I would imagine in many cases, the victims would not be the soccer-type mom...but the more approachable (and easier manipulated) gal in her teens to early 20's...and even older, but far less mature gals.

MSNBC is currently running on Sunday evening a program entilted something like Sex Slaves in America. Most of the gals protrayed in that series fall in the younger age.

And of course you have the whole...gals from messed up home and drug issues.

But at the same time, I'm sure there are cases where the gal does play the "cry wolf" theme.

And then again, there's Jackie's input...Jackie, I don't always agree with ya, but as usual, you do bring some insightful and informed thoughts to the table.

I would hope that in most, not all, but most cases LE can determine who is the victim vs just playing the system.

But ultimately (and thankfully) I'm just an outsider looking in...trying to be open, while having a somewhat informed opinion
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Old 03-26-2012, 11:06 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Jackie Devlin View Post
Thorough, I'm certain there may be some ladies that attempt to do exactly as you've outlined, and some may even do so successfully. However, your statements are conjecture and assumptions, and the opposite is true in most prosecutions. LE and DA's weren't born yesterday, and most ladies "man up" and take responsibility better than many men in the endeavor, who look for any excuse not to own their behavior.

A couple of very high profile cases come to mind, both where the lady had a "pimp", both culminating in the lady dong more time than the (supposed) "trafficker" (one using a government computer comes to mind, which I am sure many here will remember). Your assumption is rooted in the popular culture and what we see in the media, but not in the reality of how I (and others) have seen the system work first hand.

I've ran clean and avoided an issue with LE my entire career (knock wood), but, as a trusted Escort in KC with many connections, I've attended many an appointment with a lady now and then to several local attorneys. I don't have the same view that you do - looking from my seat, which may admittedly be closer to the 50 yard line than your own.

But, I do and can appreciate how you came to form your opinion.


- Jackie
Just some ladies, huh? It's a cop-out, an excuse, and it's allowed by the LE and the prosecutors because they want the sensational, headlining conviction more than they want real justice - same occurs when two people who commit a robbery/homicide get different sentences because one flips and turns state's evidence. It just so happens, that in prostitution cases, the "pimp" has no chance of flipping unless the "pimp" is a female, and unless there are high-profile clients involved. And in the cases that you would mention, I believe that the sentencing was based on one party having a clean record and no prior convictions....

Most trafficking, by definition, involves moving or trafficking a female to someplace that is foreign to her in order to increase her dependence upon the pimp. These ladies were from fucking Blue Springs.... If you can't find your way from Lenexa to Blue Springs, then.....

As far as who man's up and takes the biggest lumps, who really gives a shit? It's like arguing about which is smellier: The brown part of the turd or the green part..... A pimp/husband/manager is a piece of shit... Did someone expect him to man up and say "Yeah, Your Honor, I did it". Does anyone expect a female involved in this most honorable profession, with its lies and - er - fantasies, to just revert to pre-ho honesty when faced with jail time? Not likely, but the system is designed, and inclined, to believe the "I'm a victim" bullshit line, on the part of the female, of a willing participant, just like the aforementioned robbery/homicide example.

I too am a trusted confidant to many ladies of the night and females or ill repute and have accompanied them to various doctor's appointments, meetings with attorneys, PTA meetings, parole board hearings, readings from psychics, seances with Druid priests, and hotel visitations. I donate frequently to the Save-A-Ho Foundation, and I'm on the National Board of 1-800-Ho-NO-Mo. I too can spout off some credentials meant to bolster my credibility, but it doesn't change the basis of the argument or the facts. So our respective views are both arguable....

You can't base your argument against the rule, on the "exception" to the rule. One or two high profile cases.... Ok. Both of the involved , male and female, are equally at fault and should be equally liable, unless the slime-ball is truly a trafficker ala kidnapping and force, in which case he should be masturbated daily with an oven mitt crusted with broken glass and rock salt and forced to be Tier 7's Bitch for the duration of his imprisonment. If the basis of my opinions being conjecture and assumptions is "because you said so", then, yours are equally so.....

Pulls and Tugs,

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