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Old 03-24-2012, 02:22 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
So MSNBC gives a Democratic Strategist 2:30 of air time to racemonger? Couldn't she work in Sarah Palin? Sounds like someone is getting desperate.

Is Mitt Romney good for a beer?
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Old 03-25-2012, 12:45 AM   #17
I B Hankering
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Default Examples of Liberal Media Lies and Distortions

@ Sexyeccentric1: FYI, Retching Madcow in addition to being a liar, the shrew-bitch is still a screeching-banshee.

MSNBC: Gun-Toting Protesters are 'White' Racists... Black Guy with AR-15 Edited to Conceal his Race. (False) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYKQJ...ature=youtu.be
This is reality:
Greg Gutfeld of Fox News Calls Out MSNBC on Their 'Strategic Editing'.

MSNBC’s Retching Madcow says Wisconsin is on track to have a budget surplus this year (False)

MSNBC’s Madcow Accuses Fox News of Claiming New Black Panther Party Stole the 2008 Election (False) http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-me...panther-party/

MSNBC’s Madcow says Wall Street fees claim a third of 401(k) values (Mostly False)

The Washington Post points out the hypocrisy of MSNBC’s Madcow’s crusade against Politifact.com.

MSNBC’s Madcow claims Palin got zero support for her idea, only it wasn't hers, and others supported it. (False)

MSNBC’s Madcow claimed that the unions play less of a role in election outcomes than conservative PACs and big business. (False)

MSNBC’s Madcow says Rick Perry's tax plan promises the rich huge tax cuts while everyone else would get big tax hikes (Mostly False)

MSNBC’s Madcow says "President Bush never did one interview with the New York Times during his entire presidency." (False)

MSNBC’s Ed Schultz says Wisconsin state employees might lose 20 percent of their income under Gov. Scott Walker’s budget repair plan (False)

MSNBC’s Schultz claims that Landrieu got $1.8 million in BP PAC and employee contributions (False)

MSNBC’s Schultz says health care bill will only tax top 2 percent (Mostly False)

MSNBC’s Ed Schultz says McChrystal was Obama "problem" inherited from Bush (False)

MSNBC’s Olbermann says Rep. Hoekstra Tweeted whereabouts of top secret mission to Iraq (False)

MSNBC's Ed Schultz purposefully edits and airs a Rick Perry remark, and then Schultz falsely claims Perry is a racist. (False – manufacture lie)
On August 15, 2011, Schultz used an edited video clip of Texas Governor Rick Perry at a rally talking about the national debt crisis. Governor Perry said this “Getting America back to work is the most important issue that faces this country, being able to pay off $14.5 trillion or $16 trillion worth of debt. That big black cloud that hangs over America, that debt that is so monstrous.” The audio of the clip was cut off after “America”, so Schultz’s audience did not hear “that debt that is so monstrous.” Governor Perry refers to the debt before and after the “big black cloud” statement. Ed said, “That black cloud Perry is talking about is President Barack Obama.” The following day on his TV show Schultz apologized for taking Governor Perry out of context. “We did not present the full context of those statements and we should have,” Schultz said “No doubt about it, it was a mistake and we regret the error … we should not have included it in our coverage.”[15] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ed_Schultz

MSNBC’s Olbermann says oil and gas subsidies account for 88 percent of all federal subsidies (False)

Keith Olbermann's Top Ten Lies of 2007
It's time for our annual list of the worst, most egregious, most outrageous lies from the infamous, deplorable Keith Olbermann. It's the toughest job of the year: narrowing the list down to just ten. There is so much to choose from! Be that as it may, the staff of Olbermann Watch has caucused and the votes have been cast. Here are Keith Olbermann's Top Ten Lies of 2007:
#10 - Keith Olbermann just can't help itself when it comes to Fox News. It's Extreme Olby: Envy Edition as hardly a day goes by without some attack on a news channel that is actually successful. The usual tactic is to claim something on Fox was untrue or a lie, when it wasn't. Or another favorite: make a sweeping claim that you know is untrue, because it appeals to your blue blog base. But the #10 winner uses a more blatant technique: just make up something about Fox, broadcast it as if it were the truth, and never correct the record.
#9 - Olbermahn's diseased loathing for anyone to the right of Fidel Castro--like his hatred of Fox--regularly sends KO into fits of fantasy, where facts and truth are dispensible annoyances. So he'll, say, invent totally fictitious statistics to slander the American Enterprise Institute. Just as he will misstate a whole fistful of facts when it suits his purposes. This syndrome also explains the lunatic statement that comes in at #9 in the countdown: "Mister" Bush is the first President ever to fire US attorneys.
#8 - When Monkeymann gets worked up about something, the truth just isn't good enough. It's much more effective when Olby himself can create a phony quote and use that to make his dishonest points. You know, like when he spent an entire segment berating Rudy for something he never said? In our #8 entry, note how Herr Olbermann pulls that same trick: to "prove" a point he cites a Patrick Fitzgerald statement that turns out to be, well, imaginary.
#7 - You know that since we are on the threshhold of O'Reilly attack #400, there had to be some doozies in 2007. There are too many Olbermann Lies about Bill O'Reilly to detail without running out of space. We've selected this and this as our representative examples for #7.
#6 - Republicans beware. Edward R Olbermann will cover up for Hillary and spike stories that paint her in a bad light. But if you have an (R) after your name the Hsu is on the other foot. Bathtub Boy will run endless scandal stories, and if the blue blogs don't give him enough ammunition, then he can cook up Another Olbermann Lie or two. Governor Gibbons (R) learned how truthful Olby's reports are: not very. So it is that lie #6 in our countdown finds Mr Merkle berating Mitt Romney for something that--all together now--Romney never said! Yes, another phony, doctored quote from Olbermoronn.
#5 - As quickly as Herr Olbermann will rush to attack other broadcasters, he is oh-so-careful not to upset his corporate masters at A-Mess-NBC. He'll broadcast flat-out fabrications, like claiming Rudy Giuliani's Presidential campaign is being run by--get ready for this--Fox's Roger Ailes. He'll even lie about the contents of a competitor's blog. But our #5 entry shows Keith "Man on Fan" Olbermann at his most desperate. So eager was he to protect a possible NBC hire (Rosie O'Donnell) he doctored her words (sound familiar?) to claim she never compared US troops to terrorists. Then he blamed "Fox Noise"--another lie to protect his own sorry butt, since the people who accused Rosie of the troops/terrorism comparison were Joe Scarborough, Chris Matthews, and Howard Fineman--not on Fox, but on MSNBC!
#4 - More lies about Fox News. We could do a top ten list every month the way Oralmann spews them. Whether it's a smear of Chris Wallace, or a slander of Brit Hume, the one thing you can trust about Monkeymann's attacks is that you cannot trust Monkeymann's attacks. That's what made this #4: Keith Olbermann contructs an ostentatious salvo at Fox over a leak. And guess what? Every single statement he made about Fox News was false. Untrue. An elaborate edifice of lies.
#3 - When Oralmann gets a bee in his bonnet, there is nothing that will stand in the way of OlbySpin. So he will pretend Richard Armitage never existed and assert that Karl Rove was an "original leaker" of Valerie Plame. To attack GWB, he'll invent a nonexistent checklist of rules for Presidential pardons. But his blatant dishonesty about waterboarding is our #3 lie. Olby's duplicity about Daniel Levin was so shamelessly barefaced that even the fawning mainstream media called him on it, something that gave John Gibson no end of pleasure.
#2 - Did you know that Keith Olbermann doesn't indulge in personal attacks? Why no, he's above all that. Sure, tell that to Liz Claman. In #2 of our countdown, observe how Fat Ass, to fuel yet another error-ridden critique of GWB, is willing to smear two writers: ridicule their professions, lie about their success... There can be no doubt that Keith Olbermann is The Model of a Liar.
And finally, here it is, the #1 Keith Olbermann lie of 2007. In fact it bids fair to be the greatest lie of his sorry career: "I'm not politically biased."

MSNBC’s Lawrence O'Donnell says critics called the original GI Bill welfare (Mostly False)

MSNBC’s O'Donnell alleges Gingrich laid off Bush, record indicates otherwise (False)

MSNBC’s David Shuster fabricated racially charged quotes aimed at blocking Limbaugh’s NFL bid.

Paul Krugman claims protests in 2005 weren't as raucous as health care protests. (False)

Karen Finney Claims Mitt Romney’s Silence Caused Trayvon Martin’s Death
So, when Newt Gingrich, presidential candidate Newt Gingrich says that, quote, "really poor children in really poor neighborhoods have no habits of working and have nobody around them who works. They have no habit of I do this and you give me cash, unless it's illegal," or Rick Santorum says, "I don't want to make black people's lives easier," or Rush Limbaugh calls a presidential candidate, Senator Barack Obama a magic negro, or Mitt Romney says nothing at all, the effect is dangerous.

http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-TV?id={EA0E2B36-391C-47D3-A57F-2D6790DDFA35}&title=MSNBC%20Ho st%20Blames%20Limbaugh%20Gingr ich%20Santorum%20Rhetoric%20Fo r%20Trevon%20Martin%20Death

This what NBC’s "Meet the Press" David Gregory reported: “The financial sector equals 25 percent of U.S. economy.” (Mostly False)

CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin "A filibuster has never really been successfully used against a Supreme Court justice." (False)

CNN's Peter Arnett's "Operation Tailwind". (False)http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Tailwind

CNN's Ali Velshi takes a look at the history of Iraq as he 'tries' to explain some little known facts about the country. (Factually Wrong) This show aired on August 31, 2010. Did you know the Ottoman Empire was ally to the Axis Powers during WWII? Notice where Velshi places Iraq when he says “Illinois”.
http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/us/...istory.cnn?ire f=videosearch

And for those who depend on comedians for your news:

Comic Jon Stewart says Congress met most Christmas Days in its early years (Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire)

Jon Stewart says those who watch Fox News are the "most consistently misinformed media viewers" (False)

Bill Maher says that some natural gas pipes are made of wood (False)

"Brazil got off oil in the last 30 years." (False)

Fox has its distortions and liars as well. But you Libs pretentiously pretend your shit doesn't stink.
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