Originally Posted by ck1942
Deleting your history affects only the device itself.
Your cell carrier still has all ALL! of its records, which includes calls and text data, including who texted who and the content of those texts.
Just sayin'
That they do, but a court order is needed to restore it. I won't say they will seek out a court order but that is a bit much for them to do for a basic arrest... Oh and prepaid smart phones from Wally World.. they TOO have a call history that the cell carrier keeps.. they are REQUIRED to keep the history of calls in an out, maybe even texts.. but a prepaid does not have your personal info linked to it.
thing is a smart phone can be locked done more and it can be set up to wipe data if incorrect pass codes are entered.. so they would have to take EXTRA steps to to restore the data.
anytime you can slow them down in gaining access means a greater chance they will screw it up.
being a tad paranoid helps too