Exactly! Mind your business in public and respect the hobbyists/providers privacy and don't acknowledge them in any way.
You never know who they're with even if they're not walking/standing alongside someone.
I've been approached by hobbyists in public while out with my siblings and those hobbyists made sexual *hobby* comments to both my siblings & myself. Needless to say. I refused to ever see those men again. Because the lacked discretion!!
Discretion is key. No matter when/where!
Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
I seriously can't believe how many posts say "If my wife isn't around I'll say hello" as though the hobbyist's discretion is the only thing that matters here.
Rule #1: Discretion - its a two way street.
Rule #2: See rule #1.
Yes, some guys are single so approaching them isn't a problem. Except Psychic 101 is not part of hooktard training, so chances are, most women won't know that about one particular client amongst her many clients. So, refer back to rule #1.
If you see me, and I appear to be alone, don't assume that I am. My best friend, SO, niece, or father might be 5 steps away. You don't know what they look like, so how do you know?
No wave, no nod, no eye contact. I'll assume you don't want me making google eyes at you while your wife is standing there wondering who that lady is. You assume I might have a friend or family member near by who would be wondering who you are.
I had this happen to me while at a festival with my entire family. Guy started walking right up to me, big smile on his face, waving hello. I looked him in the eye with a look that could curdle milk then turned my back on him. Then my niece asked who that guy was waving at me, and I mumbled something about he must have been waving at someone else. Thanks jerk. Now where's your wife so I can introduce myself was all I could think.