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Old 03-18-2012, 10:11 AM   #46
Indiana Bone
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Originally Posted by smockdoiley View Post
Trust me Douche, I often prefer rubbing one out then dealing with the drama with trying meet up with a provider.
No wonder you can't get laid, women generally don't like assholes!
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Old 03-18-2012, 06:02 PM   #47
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Indiana I wasn't talking to a provider, just the unpleasant john talking smack. As for the other john's and their horrible advice who like to troll posts like this and read way too far into my words....don't care. If a provider isn't smart enough to answer a guy who's looking to meet up and spend money....their loss. I'm extremely attractive, wealthy, clean, and very polite, and if you don't want to get paid to be around that then oh well. My job has no set schedule so it's hard to plan, and that is why I ask what her schedule is like. If chick wants to take that as me being a waste of time then she's stuck up and not my type anyways. God forbid I try to accomodate her schedule. As for the term "shopping around", I'm referring to looking at ads and choosing a lady to email so get off your high horse. I'm in the hobby because my job makes it near impossible to date so I'm not desperate or cheating on my wife like most dudes on here.
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Old 03-18-2012, 06:08 PM   #48
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To the stuck up girls on here who think a multiple reviewed, P411 verified user is trying to "waste their time", go talk to CravenCummins who just got her room, and steak dinner paid for by a gentleman as well as offers to take her shopping and take care of her. We had a great time, and we really hit it off. I think I'll be sticking with this one since she at least knows how to answer emails.
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Old 03-18-2012, 06:27 PM   #49
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Sorry thought you were calling me a douche my bad carry on
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Old 03-18-2012, 06:28 PM   #50
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Awww your so sweet I had a GREAT time ;^)

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Old 03-18-2012, 09:59 PM   #51
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Just be yourself....Each of us gets rejected....Having a tough skin helps out a lot.....If the women that you send a message to do not respond try repharsing what you are trying to say again and then send the message to quite a few.

All women love money...that is a simple fact....Just because she may be beautiful this is not the conception to have such as she will rock a mans world in bed. Go into a country and western bar and ask women to dance, a lot may say no for various different reasons....

Looking a little deeper into the woman and go from there....Do not tie yourself down to one ethnic background or race of women either.

Keep trying,

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Old 03-18-2012, 10:12 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by smockdoiley View Post
To the stuck up girls on here who think a multiple reviewed, P411 verified user is trying to "waste their time", go talk to CravenCummins who just got her room, and steak dinner paid for by a gentleman as well as offers to take her shopping and take care of her. We had a great time, and we really hit it off. I think I'll be sticking with this one since she at least knows how to answer emails.
Problem solved! I love happy endings.
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Old 03-19-2012, 12:05 AM   #53
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Originally Posted by Waldo P. Emerson-Jones View Post
I don't seem to recall the part about Sir Lancelot asking a bunch of ladies to let him know their availability for a fuck.

First guy admits he's "shopping around" and now you admit that you're "casting a wide net." It's no wonder the ladies often do not respond to general inquiries about their availability. I think they realize that often the guys are just seeing what's out there and even if they're serious, they're likely to go with someone else. No point dealing with a time waster when there's another guy asking to meet at a specific date and time.
Let's play a little scenario out for you since you seem to be challenged in the area of deductive reasoning.

It's Monday at 8AM. You know you'll have time to play on Tuesday after 4PM. So you send out a message to Plan A. Plan A doesn't respond to you by say 12PM on Monday so you send out a message to Plan B. Plan B doesn't respond to you by say 4PM so you send out a message to Plan C. Plan C doesn't respond to you by 8PM Monday and neither has A or B. So you send out a message to Plan D before hitting the hay. Come Tuesday at 8AM, Plans A, B, C and D haven't responded to you so you send out a message to Plan E. By noon Tuesday, nobody's responded so you contact Plan F. At about 1PM Plan A, D and F contact you confirming they are available. Which ones do you cancel on? Are the pieces fitting together for you or should I come draw you a picture and do a sand table exercise with moving pieces and a stop watch? Also, I didn't quote Sir Lancerhot at all but thanks for ASSuming my post had anything to do with his post in this thread. Wide nets happen because providers for whatever legitimate and bullshit reasons do not promptly reply to appointment requests. Keep in mind, none of the above scenarios involve requesting an appointment from a provider you haven't screened with yet. I can't count how many times something like this happens daily to "johns". It's a major reason BP ladies get so much business (volume-wise). Finally, I have not admitted to anything. Read my posts correctly. This forum is all about hypothetical events that take place between hypothetical people. Oh yeah, one more thing. You sound like the collision between a Sparklet's truck and a truck carrying vinegar.
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Old 03-19-2012, 09:15 AM   #54
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Scan a picture of your money and attach it to the email.
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Old 03-19-2012, 09:47 AM   #55
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Originally Posted by Prolongus View Post
Yes you are. By not requesting a specific day and time, your putting the Provider in the position of doing it for you.

They don't like that. They expect YOU to set the date, not them.

Get your day and time, pick a few ladies, ask them and go from there.
I am serious when I say they don't like it when we ask them when they are available.

There is a fundamental flaw with this approach

If you suggest a date and time, and then arrange your schedule to make that work, only to never hear back, it has obvious ramifications. I do understand this also goes for the ladies when the guys don't show up.

This is a primary reason why I have been so infrequent in this area. It's just not worth the hassle sometimes. I'm working to establish a regular connection as that has worked well in the past.
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Old 03-19-2012, 10:01 AM   #56
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You have your "schedule" of when you can hobby, so what you have to do is of the providers you wish to see, find out who is "working" during your time frame. If that means "casting and wide net" to see who would be available so be it. If a provider does not get back with you, then it is her loss, as you might not have scheduled with her immediately, but for future reference, you might see her down the road and because of the timeliness or untimeliness of your initial communication, that will go a long way in determining seeing the provider or not. There are lots of providers out there so don't be discouraged, just move on and see someone else, then write a review, the provider that never got back to you will see it and will say to herself that it could have been her that you saw and ultimately money she lost and will never get from you.

Unfortunately for me, many providers I have wanted to see work the same time I do so I cannot see them for a session.
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Old 03-19-2012, 10:04 AM   #57
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If you want to see someone REALLY bad, and she is slow to respond... Offer more $$$'s. That will get her attention. Cash fixes many problems.

Oh, and, SchmockDoiley is not a great name either.
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Old 03-19-2012, 12:07 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by TexasTom View Post
There is a fundamental flaw with this approach

If you suggest a date and time, and then arrange your schedule to make that work, only to never hear back, it has obvious ramifications. I do understand this also goes for the ladies when the guys don't show up.

This is a primary reason why I have been so infrequent in this area. It's just not worth the hassle sometimes. I'm working to establish a regular connection as that has worked well in the past.
Disagree, TT. Providers have told me they do not like it when a guy calls up and says:
"Are you free Wednesday thru Sunday?"
Her: "Yes...how about Wed. at 1:00?"
Him: "No, can't do that."
Her: "Thursday at 4:00?"
Him "No, can't do that."
Her: "Friday, 10;00AM??"
Him: Nope, that won't work..." And on and on...

You're the one who knows your work/playtime schedule; why should they try to guess it? And NCNS happen both ways; part of the hobby. That's why a lot of guys have Plans B, C, D to make sure they see someone at the time THEY want to see them.

If you have a fav Provider that you see every week, same day, same time and she blocks that time for you, it's beautiful.
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Old 03-19-2012, 12:19 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by Blubba View Post
If you want to see someone REALLY bad, and she is slow to respond... Offer more $$$'s. That will get her attention. Cash fixes many problems.

While the cash fixes many problems applies, I have to disagree with offering more cash than the provider's requested donation, regardless of how bad you wish to see her. I would hate to think I am paying more for the same kind of service the some other hobbyist paid!
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Old 03-19-2012, 02:37 PM   #60
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Give me a break Prolongus. That's completely different than asking a girl what her availability is tomorrow or Sunday or whatever. You're putting out this extreme worst case scenario that doesn't apply to this situation at all.
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