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Old 04-10-2010, 01:13 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia View Post
I know I might be beating a dead horse here...
Technically, it's not really a dead horse. I like to call it: Zombie, the Wonder Pony from Beyond the Grave.

George Romero owes me a Producer credit if he turns that idea into a movie.
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Old 04-10-2010, 01:55 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia View Post


Every city has "Dallas Envy"...
The lovely Sophia has a point. I moved from Austin to Boston and went from charging $220/hr to $340ish/hr. Did I lose weight? No. Did I lose age? No. Did I get work done? No. Did I magically provide MORE AMAZING SERVICE? Actually, my service took a nose dive (which was because of my agency, story available upon request)

I mean, I won't claim to be an economist or anything (although I sort of am), but markets aren't always as simple as they appear. Detailed research might be necessary to fill in all of the pretty colors of that picture you just drew yourself.
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Old 04-10-2010, 06:58 AM   #18
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As Royal said, "comparing Austin and Dallas..." oops. Hobbyists mostly hobby in one city at a time, easy to make that kind of mistake. Perspicacious (and pulchritudinous!) providers, on the other hand, might tour, and get a much better sense of price relative to cost of living.

Raises the question, where *should* a provider live? Where might the cost of living be *low* relative to rates?
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Old 04-10-2010, 08:36 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia View Post
This ranks right up there with "Drive to Dallas immediately and fuck an Asian" for the next Dallas tourism slogan.
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Old 04-10-2010, 08:50 AM   #20
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Why haven't I moved yet? ;-)
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Old 04-10-2010, 08:51 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia View Post
I know I might be beating a dead horse here... but since this is brought up continually... I'll just say it again.



Every city has "Dallas Envy"...

If you exclude Dallas, Austin's prices and quality are really not that far out of wack from most other places in the continental United States. Many places have much lower quality, much higher prices, OR BOTH.

Houston is about equal to Austin in price and quality for GFE. It's a bigger city so there are more girls, but not that many relative to the population -- certainly fewer GFE providers per capita. But they do have a lot of AMPS, Spas and you can get full service in the strip clubs.

Every other community in Texas has significanly fewer providers. Check out your options in RGV, West Texas, Panhandle, East Texas, Corpus, and even San Antonio...

The one thing I'll never understand is why so many DFW providers stay there. Are they crazy? They could go ANYWHERE in America and make more money. Why they stay home and fight for scraps is beyond me. I can't imagine what it must be like for them to have to deal with that. The typical uber hot Dallas $200 girl could go to DC or NYC and make $400 - $500 -- or Austin, Houston, Corpus, West Texas, etc and make $250 - $300. Luckily for the OP, a few Dallas gals have the right idea and tour around Texas (sometimes sticking with their Dallas prices). If you like one, just send her a PM and suggest that she come and visit. It might work.

But to answer your question -- it's the Dallas prices that are out of wack with the rest of the country -- not the Austin prices, which are on the lower end nationally, especially for a city of this type, i.e. good economy, high per capita income, young, vibrant, liberal, mecca of the creative class, etc...

Someone needs to start a shuttle service that would either shuttle Austin hobbyists up to Dallas -- a discount pussy vacation -- Or shuttle Dallas providers down here.

I'm thinking of taking up permanent residence in Houston myself... The Austin environment has become so anti-provider lately that it kinda makes me sick. I like being in a place where the hobbyists don't regularly start threads about how unattractive and overpriced the local talent is.
Sophia....WOW! Thank you!

-Kelli Ann Preston
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Old 04-10-2010, 09:23 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by 78704 View Post
As Royal said, "comparing Austin and Dallas..." oops. Hobbyists mostly hobby in one city at a time, easy to make that kind of mistake. Perspicacious (and pulchritudinous!) providers, on the other hand, might tour, and get a much better sense of price relative to cost of living.

Raises the question, where *should* a provider live? Where might the cost of living be *low* relative to rates?
I'd vote for Corpus, West Texas or the Pan Handle. Super cheap cost of living and because of the shortage of available talent, gents are willing to shell out more for less. But I can't imagine voluntarily living there. There is more to life than money.
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Old 04-10-2010, 10:50 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by royal View Post

The prices seem to be out of wack here in Austin. I'm looking at the difference between Austin and Dallas. Dallas typically has lower prices (or equal at worst), but the quality is SO MUCH higher. I know Austin is a much smaller city, but there seems to be an absence of young, hard bodies.
Your perception is partially correct. If you see ads on these boards and on some of the local agencies you will find that the prices are really out of whack.

However, if you are patient. Very carefully look outside these boards in places such as CL or backpage. Visit some strip clubs (don't recommend looking for extras inside although it happens) and get to know some civies, you'll find that you can find a lots of young hard bodies looking for some fun and some pocket money.

This economic recession has really brought the hobby into a "buyers market" and for some reason that fact has not been acknowledged by the pricing on these boards.

Good luck hunting.
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Old 04-10-2010, 12:07 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia View Post
I know I might be beating a dead horse here... but since this is brought up continually... I'll just say it again.



Every city has "Dallas Envy"...

If you exclude Dallas, Austin's prices and quality are really not that far out of wack from most other places in the continental United States. Many places have much lower quality, much higher prices, OR BOTH.

Houston is about equal to Austin in price and quality for GFE.

But to answer your question -- it's the Dallas prices that are out of wack with the rest of the country -- not the Austin prices, which are on the lower end nationally, especially for a city of this type, i.e. good economy, high per capita income, young, vibrant, liberal, mecca of the creative class, etc...

Someone needs to start a shuttle service that would either shuttle Austin hobbyists up to Dallas -- a discount pussy vacation -- Or shuttle Dallas providers down here.

I'm thinking of taking up permanent residence in Houston myself... The Austin environment has become so anti-provider lately that it kinda makes me sick. I like being in a place where the hobbyists don't regularly start threads about how unattractive and overpriced the local talent is.

Gawd, I love it when Sophia talks dirty!!!!

I don't love it when she talks about leaving.

Not every hobbyist in the Austin area thinks that ALL prices are too high and certainly not all of us think that all of the ladies in Austin are fat and ugly. Personally, unless I am wronged, I tend to follow the rule that "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything!" I would be a lot less inclined to NOT see a provider for poor TCB than a $20-$40 dollar price difference. For me it is much more about chemistry and service than the $20-$40 difference in price. Fortunately, I am at a place in my life where that difference in price is not as important to me as it is for some.

The last time I looked closely, there were ladies to be seen over the entire price spectrum here in the Austin area, as well as the traveling ladies who visit us and bring variety to our lives. I think that we have the best of a lot of worlds. Let's enjoy it!!!
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Old 04-10-2010, 12:13 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Spacemtn View Post
Gawd, I love it when Sophia talks dirty!!!!

I don't love it when she talks about leaving.

Not every hobbyist in the Austin area thinks that ALL prices are too high and certainly not all of us think that all of the ladies in Austin are fat and ugly. Personally, unless I am wronged, I tend to follow the rule that "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything!" I would be a lot less inclined to NOT see a provider for poor TCB than a $20-$40 dollar price difference. For me it is much more about chemistry and service than the $20-$40 difference in price. Fortunately, I am at a place in my life where that difference in price is not as important to me as it is for some.

The last time I looked closely, there were ladies to be seen over the entire price spectrum here in the Austin area, as well as the traveling ladies who visit us and bring variety to our lives. I think that we have the best of a lot of worlds. Let's enjoy it!!!

Ditto, Space! G-d, how Sophia gets my blood boiling with lust. Her POV is pretty much always dead on! A smarter, sexier young woman I don't think I've ever met. But I get a pit in my stomach when the mention of Sophia moving away permanently is mentioned. Sophia, you are one of the reasons Austin compares favorably to other cities; talk about quality! ( Yeah it sounds WK, but I don't care. I will WK for this beauty any day of the week)
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Old 04-10-2010, 01:50 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by KlassyKelliAnn View Post
Sophia....WOW! Thank you!

-Kelli Ann Preston
Maybe the gals stay in DFW because of all the events that happen there. You have sports all year around, great show, concerts, etc. You also get lots of visitors on top of the big population.

I also think the SuperBowl is there next year. Imagine the cash to be made then too!
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Old 04-10-2010, 03:05 PM   #27
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"The Austin environment has become so anti-provider lately that it kinda makes me sick. I like being in a place where the hobbyists don't regularly start threads about how unattractive and overpriced the local talent is."

I imagine probably more than one of the ladies who read this web site have had similar thoughts. I’d like to thank the Attack Pack, also known as the Posting Posse and, for a while, as the TGBI Avengers, for their ceaseless, high decibel effort at making this a hostile environment for women. Yes, that is sarcasm. I don’t know about you, Fellow Commercial Sex Customer Guy, but to me what we are all about here, locating available, appealing and cooperative sex workers, requires the participation, preferable enthusiastic, of women.

Dallas is only about three hours away if you drive the big black truck in a Texas Manly manner all the way there. Assuming the national average total cost per mile (not just gasoline) that will run you about $100 each way but surely it would be worth it for Horny Guy’s Heaven on Earth. Go for it! Do post a link to your Dallas reviews so we all know how it worked out for you.

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Old 04-10-2010, 03:20 PM   #28
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I think people generalize quite a bit for example Sophia i would not consider you to be overpriced at all. you are perfectly priced for what you offer and your looks in my opinion. However others who do not have your rep and looks charge alot more and screw the market. I think that is what people are complaining about.

anyway I agree we have a a good mix, not as much choice as Dallas but still a good mix and I'm happy we get providers visiting and I have the choice. Also you can't go yet Sophia as i would quite like to meet you first :P
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Old 04-10-2010, 03:24 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by JennsLolli View Post
The lovely Sophia has a point. I moved from Austin to Boston and went from charging $220/hr to $340ish/hr. Did I lose weight? No. Did I lose age? No. Did I get work done? No. Did I magically provide MORE AMAZING SERVICE? Actually, my service took a nose dive (which was because of my agency, story available upon request)

I mean, I won't claim to be an economist or anything (although I sort of am), but markets aren't always as simple as they appear. Detailed research might be necessary to fill in all of the pretty colors of that picture you just drew yourself.
Boston is beautiful. As, I'm sure you know, the cost of living is MUCH higher. Good luck on owning anything (property) there or most of the Northeast. If money was no object though, I sure would love to live there... well except in the winter.

I am surprised though an uber hot Dallas provider has not moved here on a more "permanent" basis . If one, could eliminate CBJ (which is a big common trait of the gals there), she would most likely do great
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Old 04-10-2010, 04:28 PM   #30
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You all do realize that the OP that started this thread has just this one post at this time, and registered on the same day? Doesn't pass the sockpuppet sniff test for me.
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