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Old 03-11-2012, 05:18 PM   #1
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Default In the parking lot...and she says "NO"...

Just curious...how many of you guys have actually arrived to the incall, texted or called you're here and the Provider says..."I can't do this!"

In a previous thread, TinMan related an experience with ice in the trunk, booze he's not familiar with and...no date!

Happened to me a couple of months ago...hell, I just laughed it off...she said she was too nervous to see me...HUH??

No names...just wondering what your thoughts were...and Providers, DEFINITELY wondering what your thoughts were for "Chickening Out"...
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Old 03-11-2012, 05:26 PM   #2
The Proper Stranger
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I haven't been cancelled on in the parking lot, but I've gotten "Just another 5/10/15" minutes repeated long enough for me to get fed up and cancel a few times. And there was the once a provide (who I'd seen a few times before with no problems) cancelled on my 5-10 minutes after I was already in the door, with a spontaneously noticed aunt flo as the given reason.
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Old 03-11-2012, 05:27 PM   #3
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Some men are intimating.

Even for me, and I'm not scared of much, when someone contacts me who is known for his prowess and has a strong online personae with a lot of reviews of GORGEOUS women, I get very intimated.

There have been a few times that I've declined an appointment because of it.

I don't do that anymore but I have. Even now, there are a few men here that if they called me I'm sure that my heart would start racing and I would think to myself, "Why in the heck does he wish to see me?".

As far as someone just refusing to see you and you're already there ... well, it's not very professional but women are emotional creatures. I would personally be pretty pissed off and would understand that but on the other hand, if a woman is so nervous as to not wish to see you at the time, she's probably doing you a favor in the long run.

Interesting topic! I like interesting topics!!!

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Old 03-11-2012, 05:57 PM   #4
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Oh hell ... EW ... I am not that scarey.
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Old 03-11-2012, 06:41 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers View Post
Some men are intimating.

Even for me, and I'm not scared of much, when someone contacts me who is known for his prowess and has a strong online personae with a lot of reviews of GORGEOUS women, I get very intimated.

There have been a few times that I've declined an appointment because of it.

Well, don't know about the prowess, but...she felt like she didn't "measure up in her looks"...Talk about hitting the nail on the head...yeah, that's what she said...VERY perceptive response, EW! Weird to me...geez if I go to the trouble of checking your reviews, Showcase, website, etc. and ask you to meet me, BELIEVE ME, I know what I'm getting in to...and I want you!
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Old 03-11-2012, 09:41 PM   #6
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Well, I don't know about that particular situation. There was one lady, who shall remain nameless, who was thinking of going from massages to FS. And she was very nervous about it. I talked to her on the phone and asked for the works. When I got there we hit it off smashingly, better than I have ever hit it off with a girl on my first meeting in and out of the hobby. During a break she confesses that she has a problem chickening out and she was going to do that till she met me. I hope she doesn't read this and mind me relaying the story since it has a valid point. And that is the whole hobby thing is kind of scary, especially if you are new. Some people take to it like a fish in water. Some take to it like someone skydiving to get over their fears.

My whole point is, you get one of those situations, try to be understanding. Sure, your day is still ruined, but who knows, she might change her mind at some point. And if that happens you may get a discount or might have an even better time then you would have the first go.
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Old 03-11-2012, 09:46 PM   #7
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She actually offered a free session for not going thru with the appointment...I said I just want to see you, baby...forget the freebie...

Maybe some day...hope you are reading this.
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Old 03-11-2012, 10:48 PM   #8
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nobody will know but her what her reason was for canceling and that is her right to do so.....sucks for you and I feel your pain have been canceled on and nc/ns and the worst is ten more minutes for a few hours till the frustration level kicks in as well....

ironically I would bet there are some men that have done the same thing to providers as well....gone so far as to arrange date and drive to the incall and for some reason change their mind.......

as for me, I am happy that things in my life allow me to hobby and try to take it all in stride.....if the worst thing that happens is someone decides to cancel on me or not see me that is okay can find someone else to spend my $$$ on

will admit to trying to figure out why people do certain things and finally gave up trying to figure it out and just accepting it as life......
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Old 03-11-2012, 10:52 PM   #9
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This only happened to me once, situation is different but the feeling is equivalent. Not going to mention any names but that is one thing that really upsets me, an agreed upon appiontment that ends up as a no show without a call or text. Have some professional courtesy if something changes communicate. Sitting in a parking lot is not cool
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Old 03-12-2012, 04:04 AM   #10
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I got refuse after I walked in the room not three months ago. Like in those comedies where someone goes in the room after knocking, door shuts, a minute later, door opens and the person comes out confused. Eerie
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Old 03-12-2012, 04:50 AM   #11
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Happened to me at least a half dozen times but never telling me they dont want to see me. Just not answering the phone when i get to the 2nd call spot.

Hell happened last week.

I've had a few "just 5 more minutes" until a half hour has gone by and my time to play is used up. I just take them off my list.
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Old 03-12-2012, 06:43 AM   #12
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PM'd for an appointment, screening passed, appointment set, chat on the phone...all seemed to be in order.

Head to the incall, chat from the parking lot and get the room number...you guessed it, get to the room and my knocks went unanswered.

PM'd afterwards, and the excuse was "My "aunt" arrived. Hmmm...in the five minutes between the time i parked and made it to your door? Off the list.
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Old 03-12-2012, 07:44 AM   #13
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I was halfway from FW to Dallas on I-30 when I got a text from a gal I had seen over a dozen times saying she just couldn't see me anymore. Since then, she has on more than one occassion offered to make it up to me, but the IOP is gone.
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Old 03-12-2012, 08:23 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by tigercat View Post
I was halfway from FW to Dallas on I-30 when I got a text from a gal I had seen over a dozen times saying she just couldn't see me anymore. Since then, she has on more than one occassion offered to make it up to me, but the IOP is gone.
I can better that...

Back in my really active hobby days, I was seeing a L2 massage lady two or three times a month, for quite a period of time. She would ask for help with her ads, or computer issues since she wasn't tech savvy. In spite of the fact she offered free sessions in exchange for that help, I never accepted them.

When business was slow, she'd call me for a session and I always obliged. I enjoyed her company, the sessions were good and I never asked for a "frequent flyer discount."

Then one day out of the clear blue, she pulls the same stunt. "I can't see you anymore." Huh? No reason, nothing. Although I was curious, I'm no stalker so I said to myself, "OK, there's plenty of fish in the sea."

Fast forward, apparently she had moved out of town for a few weeks thinking the grass was greener elsewhere, and when she returned business was bad. Yep, you guessed it. She calls and asks for a session? WTF???????

No rhyme or reason to this hobby...
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Old 03-12-2012, 08:32 AM   #15
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Pro, I don't see this as a problem with that, or any other provider. What it is, is you're giving her the opportunity to see you in the parking lot and realizing you guys are inflicted with major fuglies!

I've had one cancelation due to family emergency, a better known provider from a few years ago, so I didn't have any problem with not trusting her reason.

But as said before, either party has a right to cancel if not comfortable with the other.
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