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Old 03-08-2012, 08:43 PM   #1
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Default A Polite Reminder to the Ladies of Things That Should Be Perfectly Obvious

Since there've been a handful of "No-Fucking-Duh" reminder threads from the ladies, I thought it was timely for one of the guys here to remind the providers of a few things. Granted, only the shittiest of providers would do any of these things, so this obviously doesn't apply to any of you ladies here *wink, wink* So, if it doesn't apply to you, my dears, please feel free to ignore it. If it does, well then read on and take notes.

Lesson the First: Try to sync up your advertisements. I know its difficult keeping track of all the names you go by, websites you post on and rates you charge us dopes, but consistency is a mark of quality in a provider. It's frustrating researching a provider and discovering she has an ECCIE rate, a P411 rate, a BP rate, and a personal website rate, not to mention a "special" rate and a grandfathered rate she may have mentioned to you once upon a time but has since forgotten.

If we ask, we're wrong. If we bring the lowest rate, we're assholes. If we bring the highest rate, we're chumps. If we just bring a whole lot of cash, you start to look at us like we're human ATMs. I trust you understand our conundrum. So decide what kind of hooker you are: cheap and good for a quick throw, or GPS and worth every damn penny. Either way, we'll call and spend money. I promise.

Lesson the Second: Give us some kind of clue where we're going. What side of town is your incall on? Is it a private, quiet gated community? Is it a trashy, freeway-accessible notel? Will we have to valet our cars or pay for parking? Is it a confusing, labyrinth of identical apartment buildings? You get the picture. While we may understand and appreciate your need for privacy and security, texting us the address 20 minutes before our scheduled date, only to reveal that I'm going to have drive halfway across Harris County is god damned annoying. Discovering on arrival that parking is limited, my flashy car sticks out like a sore thumb or that I'll have to fork over $10 bucks for parking is god damned annoying. Trying to communicate via text, while creeping through a strange parking lot attempting to identify which of the nearly identical buildings hosts your incall is god damned annoying.

Lesson the Third: Please clean up your place. Stepping barefoot on another man's used condom is troubling. (I speak from experience.) Stepping on a fresh dog turd barefoot is troubling. (I'm still speaking from experience.) And while some may find a sink with your filthy, period-stained underwear sexy, most of us won't. (Again, I speak from experience.)

Lesson the Fourth: Wash your vagina and anus. We clean our scrotums, penis and anus before showing up and are even willing to do it again when we arrive... Houston traffic being the stressful, hot experience that it can be. I expect that you will too. I know you're a whore, you know you're a whore -- you don't have to smell like one to prove it.

Lesson the Fifth: Disregard what that one pussy-whipped faggot told you, none of us like "a little teeth" with our BBBJ. I'm not even going to acknowledge CBJ and it's many advocates. You people aren't even worth my time. Open your mouth widely when you blow us. If your jaw is sore, learn to type or take fewer clients a day.

Lesson the Sixth: Yes, we do look at your faces during sex. When you roll your eyes, sigh and look bored, glance at your cellphone or the clock, and/or wince in discomfort, we notice. Its not sexy, its not what we paid for and its not welcome. If your pussy is so sore that our needle-dicks are causing discomfort, please refer to the above lesson.

Lesson the Seventh: Supply condoms. (Special emphasis on the plural) A provider without condoms is like a mechanic without tools. First, it makes me wonder if you're not fucking insane. Second, it makes me believe you're trying to scam me. Third, it makes me resentful of having to do your job for you.

Accidents happen, it's part of life. One will rupture or become uncomfortable. You'll take a break and need a new one. Or you'll switch to anal and want a new one. They're cheap, so you should have a large supply of a wide variety and different sizes. Asking me to bring my own is like a hotel asking me to bring the mint for my own pillow.

Lesson the Eighth: Semen isn't made from acid. You don't have to behave like it is. Don't get me wrong, its funny as shit when you do, but it does spoil the mood. I understand if you don't want it in your eyes, that can't be comfortable. Or in your hair because that will probably take a long time to clean out. But everything else should be fair game. To go back to the mechanic analogy, you should be alright with getting your hands (and face, and even your mouth sometimes) a little dirty. It's part of the job. While I'll understand if you don't want to get it on your face or mouth, its probably going to send me somewhere else next time.

Lesson the Ninth: You're not as hot as you think you are. You may have to actually work to give me an erection. It's true. For the record, it is part of your job to make it erect. You don't pop the hood, disconnect the battery and loosen all the bolts for your mechanic, do you? Of course not, because the prep work is part of his job too, isn't it?

Lesson the Tenth: If I don't come, its because of you. I may not have the heart to tell you that. I may be slightly embarrassed that an hour of our time, and hundreds of my dollars all amounted to nothing. I may even be more interested in getting the fuck out of there, so much so that I'm contemplating faking a nut -- something that can actually be pulled off pretty easily. But if I don't come, its because of something you did.

You may not have shaved your armpits and that grosses me out. You may have a weird smell coming from your privates. You may have asked me, "Are you getting close?" (By the way, the answer to that question is always, "I was a second ago, but now I'm not.") You may still be dragging your teeth across my penis, despite my attempts to correct this. You may have spent too much time warning me to not to come here, here, here, here, here, here, here or here...

Either way, you fucked up and for the sake of the next guy, fix yourself.

Bonus Lesson: No, I won't lend you money. Either offer to fuck my brains out or don't ask. End of discussion.

There it is, a sample of my boundless genius. Revel in it and learn, ladies.

Jesus, that was fun. Now lets see this one go sailing off a cliff.
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Old 03-08-2012, 09:00 PM   #2
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Good Job Ender!

You should give lessons on scheduling and dependability also.
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Old 03-08-2012, 09:40 PM   #3
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Well said.
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Old 03-08-2012, 10:29 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by enderwiggin View Post
Lesson the Third: Please clean up your place. Stepping barefoot on another man's used condom is troubling. (I speak from experience.) Stepping on a fresh dog turd barefoot is troubling. (I'm still speaking from experience.) And while some may find a sink with your filthy, period-stained underwear sexy, most of us won't. (Again, I speak from experience.)
thanks for taking the time to put down everything that has been on every fucktards mind one time or the other.

in all my years of doing this i have not had any one of the above three experiences. you have had all three. Amazing!!
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Old 03-08-2012, 10:36 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by proper View Post
thanks for taking the time to put down everything that has been on every fucktards mind one time or the other.

in all my years of doing this i have not had any one of the above three experiences. you have had all three. Amazing!!
I'm not proud of it, but I had (and still have to a certain extent) a penchant to hunt through the BP girls of questionable quality. However, the condom incident happened with a VERY highly regarded provider.
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Old 03-08-2012, 10:55 PM   #6
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A more trivial gripe I have...ducklip Showcase pictures aren't sexy or attractive. A smile is damn near the sexiest thing a woman can wear.
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Old 03-08-2012, 11:27 PM   #7
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WTF ? You can't look down and watch where you're walking.
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Old 03-08-2012, 11:34 PM   #8
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And please don't mistake the visit for a chatfest....... Not interested in your family..... the car's flat yesterday..... next month's (or this one's) rent.....your kid's report card..... acid rain...... global warming..... the election..... or the decline of western civilization.........The getogether was a business transaction, solely for the purpose of providing an hour's fantasy and relief from the everyday world for me, not amusement and diversion for you.........
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Old 03-08-2012, 11:38 PM   #9
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Ninth lesson: I remember that one. I'm in my b-day suit laying on the bed and she asks me if I can get myself hard. I said sure but I'll be taking my money back for doing your job. She did what she's supposed to needless to say.
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Old 03-09-2012, 12:05 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by starflash View Post
And please don't mistake the visit for a chatfest....... Not interested in your family..... the car's flat yesterday..... next month's (or this one's) rent.....your kid's report card..... acid rain...... global warming..... the election..... or the decline of western civilization.........The getogether was a business transaction, solely for the purpose of providing an hour's fantasy and relief from the everyday world for me, not amusement and diversion for you.........

LMAO, so what? You would like us to just take clothes off and get to it? Well, I understand all the complaints you guys must have, but you should also realize, that although you may not want the small covo to warm things up, some do. In fact, most of my visits are started by conversation STARTED BY THE GUY, asking how the day has been, etc...some guys talk about their wives, kids, bills, businesses, trucks, cars, etc.. because some are paying for TIME, so, some times, unless we have seen you before and know what NOT to say, we just start talking. I mean, I wont talk about kids, late bills, or dramma, because I dont have any. But i am pretty personalable with my visits, when its a mutual convo. Iv'e had a lot of guys walk in, never say shit, I try to talk to them, they still dont say shit, and that's just rude in my book, but i guess we are all different.

Note to self: DO NOT SPEAK TO ECCIE guys, just take your clothes off and get to it..
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Old 03-09-2012, 02:50 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by NIKKILOVE View Post
Well, I understand all the complaints you guys must have, but you should also realize, that although you may not want the small covo to warm things up, some do.

Note to self: DO NOT SPEAK TO ECCIE guys, just take your clothes off and get to it..
Almost from the beginning when I realized that females were built different than males, and why!, I noticed that females are into "getting to know" and "getting acquainted" with some BEFORE sex, and guys are interested in having sex FIRST .....

... when are you going to learn that?
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Old 03-09-2012, 03:44 AM   #12
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My lesson to providers
Dont say stuff like "are you gonna give it to me?" as we are just getting started warmed up and that's the only dirty talk you have (from personal experience). We all know you want us to cum ASAP and get the hell out. Don't make that too obvious.

Please have some decent and current pictures on your showcase. Do I really need to elaborate this? It's for your own good.

Don't ask us bring you a bottle of wine if you don't have a bottle opener. I just wasted my money on a bottle of wine that I couldn't even taste.

Be punctual. Our time is as valuable as yours.
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Old 03-09-2012, 06:34 AM   #13
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Sticky material.

oh, the threAD, not the turd or used condom.
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Old 03-09-2012, 09:40 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by enderwiggin View Post
I'm not proud of it, but I had (and still have to a certain extent) a penchant to hunt through the BP girls of questionable quality. However, the condom incident happened with a VERY highly regarded provider.
Hunting for BP girls of questionable quality is a useful skill to have in your hobby tool box. comes in handy when you have a sudden urge and shortage of funds but still want a great experience. so what if you have to walk through shit or witness blood and gore sometimes
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Old 03-09-2012, 09:51 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Diomidis View Post
A more trivial gripe I have...ducklip Showcase pictures aren't sexy or attractive. A smile is damn near the sexiest thing a woman can wear.
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