Originally Posted by MrGiz
I still say the POTUS should not be our main target for criticism! He/she can't do dick without a willing Congress! (that inclues GWB!)
- 2 Term Limits for both Houses of Congress
- 28th Amendment , stating no legislation ever becomes law, that doesn't equally and completely apply to government employees as it does the tax paying citizens.... and vice/versa!
- End of lifelong pensions and Preferred Health Care benefits for Congressional Members!
- If Social Security is good enough for the general population.... it's more than good enough for all the Millionaires leaving Congressional Jobs.
- Campaign Reform.... BIGTIME.... using CLEAR , SIMPLE LANGUAGE!!
- Every Bill which comes before a vote in Congress shall be read in it's entirety on C-SPAN (and explained after numerous public hearings).
- Prison Terms for Congressional Members found guilty of fraud and deceipt with the public's money!
Could agree with the majority of those, but would add
-release of claimed income for 2 years prior to running for office.
-3 year ban after congress from joining lobbying firms or firms that have direct dealings with congressional lobbiest. Think there is some hold on certain levels of government, not sure it applies directly to congress, but also needs to be included for cabinet level appointees.
Would disagree with the "explained after numerous public hearings" part. Inevitably, no matter who does the explaining, some group of people will claim bias and lack of information, see Fox haters and MSNBC haters. There has to be personal responsibility about attempting to understand some legislation.
I mean even putting a public reading of a bill on cspan would have an peak audience of 3 people. If a bill can't be made into a 30 second sound byte it will be generally ignored by all sides. Which is why all bills get turned in to "tax cuts for evil billionaires who eat poor people for dinner with a $4000 a glass cup of wine" or "soul crushing, god hating, america hating tax increases that satan approves of". I think most people on both sides don't really want to know, it is all too complicated.