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Old 03-02-2012, 02:01 PM   #31
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Who really cares about the content of the recordings reguarding one of your ladies comings and goings? And the fact you record is not that big of a deal. And most could care less if the girl was there or not. If you think any moderator is going to get that involved with this, your crazy. Its not their job to prove anything. Especialy for something that did not happen on the board.

The issue is why in hell would you show those recordings to anyone? What was the legitimate business reason to show anyone those tapes? If that is how you protect your customers' privicy, how can anyone trust you enough to go there? Privicy and descretion are paramount in this world. You violated both by sharing that information. Its also been suggested email has been shared as well. Have they?

What else are you sharing? What else are you recording? Who else are you sharing that information with? Any suggestion that one hobbiest could have information about other hobbiests is scarry.

As long as those questions remain unanswered and Bigdog0311 continues to bring up this topic over and over again, your reputation will continue to suffer. Each time this comes up, more guys see it and swear off ever going to SW. Coming on here and making condensating remarks to your potinual customer base is not all that smart either.

Based on what I have seen on your website and the reviews I have seen, you have some great ladies working there. I had considered visiting. Now, no way I or many others here will ever consider your studio as long as there is concern about privacy. You may not feel you get many customers from here. You could be way wrong. A lot of guys here do not use their board names when they hobby. And most dont post reviews. There are a LOT of guys on this board here in DFW.

If you want to reestablish trust with the members here, you need address the problem, not insult us. Be assured, every time SW gets mentioned, someone will remind us about this incident. Its up to you to fix that and this is not a post that helps in any way.

Originally Posted by Studio WET View Post
Funny how most of the guys that are concerned about SW's operations and protocol have never spent any money at SW and have no intentions on ever visiting SW, except B.Wayne. Make no mistake, I have recordings. However, I will not publish them... not even for you B.Wayne. I feel obligated to address this only in hopes of keeping your business, Mr. B.Wayne. Even if it means ranking as your second alternative Plan B.

Please accept this as a formal request, ANY DALLAS MODERATOR, for viewing files of dates that are in question. All i ask is that you make immediately announce your findings or viewings via ECCIE. It should not take more than 30 minutes. Please visit us anytime at your convenience within the next 48 hours and do not announce arrival time for obvious reasons.

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Old 03-02-2012, 02:10 PM   #32
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You clearly know very little about this site. Tiger has been on here 2 years. Many members are on here for years without posting or doing a review. But they use the info here to decide how to spend their money. And, there are even more who come here for information without ever joining the site.

Once again, you are attacking your customer base here. How many guys will see the disrespect you just showed Tiger and be turned off by it? How many guys will he tell to not go to your studio? You will never know.

I am starting to wonder. Given all the "sharing" going on at SW, is it really V posting these comments? They sure show a complete lack of customer service skills.

Originally Posted by Studio WET View Post
With all due respect you have 346 posts and 0 reviews. The chances of you visiting WET are ZERO.
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Old 03-02-2012, 03:05 PM   #33
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Tiger has never said anything nice about SW... no love lost.

I addressed B.Wayne's " no recordings, no proof" comment by requesting a mod to view files hoping that you guys would see that some people are full of crap and lies. And so all other accusations are also lies. Bubba i don't have time to get into a pissing match with you. Im busy with customers. But i'll find the time to take your money if ever you change your mind about seeing SW's "hot girls"

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Old 03-02-2012, 03:09 PM   #34
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You take care of those customers. Heaven forbid you address the problems rasied here by your improper actions. If, that is, this is really V at all.
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Old 03-02-2012, 05:56 PM   #35
Tiger Woods
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Originally Posted by Studio WET View Post
With all due respect you have 346 posts and 0 reviews. The chances of you visiting WET are ZERO.
There's no sneaking anything past you!

There has to be a review out there somewhere! I've been to just about every studio I can think of going all the way back before OES. I had heard they had cameras too!

But, when a studio loses it's ability to control client / employee discretion, it's off my list. Although the drama surrounding your Pimp Wars has been entertaining....
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Old 03-02-2012, 07:47 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by Tiger Woods View Post
There's no sneaking anything past you!

There has to be a review out there somewhere! I've been to just about every studio I can think of going all the way back before OES. I had heard they had cameras too!

But, when a studio loses it's ability to control client / employee discretion, it's off my list. Although the drama surrounding your Pimp Wars has been entertaining....
Hit the Nail on the Head, put the Ball out the Park.

Great business model on display.
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Old 03-03-2012, 06:44 AM   #37
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Who wants to take bets on how long it will be before this place goes down?
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Old 03-03-2012, 07:55 AM   #38
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Default Not an issue.

Bubba addressed something that I had thouht of as well. WHY IS THIS STILL GOING ON? WHAT IS IT ABOUT THIS PARTICULAR WOMAN THAT HAS STUDIO WHO, SO HOT AND BOTHERED TO KEEP BRINGING THIS UP. A certain person posting on this thread has posted that he was hired by V as a photographer for studio what. So that tells me he WORKS for V. I believe that informatiion was posted AFTER the fact he said he viewed footage of this woman coming in and going out of the place on a day she said she was not there. I DO NOT care if she was not there. I do not care if she was there. I still get to spend time with her. WHY was my post so imporant as to draw V to respond? AFTER all of what has been said, MY post was singled out about NO PROOF and I am to believe it is to keep me as a customer?? Security camera footage can expire and also be cut and edited. Im not saying that is what is going on..I am saying that I am one guy, I had been there a total of 3 times. I saw kimmy sugar 2 times, and summer once. The reason I even saw summer was because kimmy was not there. I DO NOT believe there was one legitimate reason to show someone tapes. WHO LATER, AFTER ALL THIS DRAMA posted that he was just hired on as a photographer..how convieniant. kinda makes one think that now he is an employee, he would have access to tapes. EVEN still WHY WOULD A PHOTOGROPHER need to see security camera footage? to get the right lighting affect? Give me a break. Leave the girl alone and stop bothering her about this. WHO CARES IF SHE WAS OR WAS NOT THERE?> she is awsome and im still going to see her regardless for as long as she allows me to. This experience has allowed me to learn alot about doubting the wrong thing, and looking for things that are not there.

To the OP; You just all of a sudden felt like posting this thread out of the clear blue sky?? why are you apologizing to studio what?? did they tell you that you could not come back there and see anyone if you did not post a thread about this woman?? SOMETHING SMELLS ALOT LIKE AGENDA to me. FYI I never went to studio who just to go, I went there to see someone in particular, and she is no longer there so I have no reason to go.

I will say however that despite all of this, when I did schedule at the studio it was very easy. V was good about getting back to me and the communication was very well done. I never had a problem as far as that goes and that was as easy as could be. I dont understand what bad blood came between this place and this young woman but she has moved on and I think the studio needs to do the same.
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Old 03-03-2012, 10:36 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar View Post
Who wants to take bets on how long it will be before this place goes down?
Very,very soon...
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Old 03-04-2012, 12:00 AM   #40
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Love the avatar Jules!
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Old 03-05-2012, 07:09 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by NewYoRican View Post
Very,very soon...
And what is going to happen to all those video recordings when her business folds? Will they "accidentally" get posted somewhere? Anyone who goes there now knowing all this is a fool...
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