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Old 04-06-2010, 09:37 PM   #1
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Default All about incalls

So here is the deal...I have this luxurious incall that is great, but it's eating up alot of money! I don't like that, lol! I like providing my guys with the best, but I kind of think I could still do that would something a little more quaint. I know a fancy place is part of the experience and all, but you are there to see the girl. NOT her place right? As long as it kept clean and puts you in the mood with sensual surroundings is that good enough? I am about to move, and I would like some input. Hopefully this will be informative for the other ladies out here too. What is the most convenient part of town for an incall? I am sure the answers will differ, but I am trying to get a general idea.
Is a providers location even a determining factor for you? Obviously, as long as it's not in the ghetto! I hate hotels and I think they are a waste of money unless you are traveling. I tried a house in a neighborhood that consisted of mostly retired folks, and that made me a nervous wreck! A condo or good positioned apartment seems to be the way to go.
Thoughts anyone? Thanks in advance.
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Old 04-06-2010, 09:56 PM   #2
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A king-sized bed is a luxury; the rest of the place is just background. "As long as it kept clean and puts you in the mood with sensual surroundings is that good enough?" Yes.
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Old 04-06-2010, 10:02 PM   #3
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A nice place where gentlemen feel safe and discreet. Your discretion is important, too. If you feel comfortable there, the guys probably will too. Doesn't have to be plush, just nice, neat, clean as you've stated.
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Old 04-06-2010, 10:08 PM   #4
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for me, i like the place to not be so high volume in traffic..... lots of people coming and going kind of sucks

as for the ghetto.... well im kind of torn on that one. its not a big deal during the day really. very few spots in austin's ghettos are bad day and night. how many hobbyists are going to run into people they know in the ghetto? i think one would be more likely to be seen at the nicer spots IMO

i think a well kept king size bed, clean and organized incall are the keys. its great for the extra incall eye candy but i dont think people are going to see you or not see you because the incall isn't totally luxurious
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Old 04-06-2010, 10:18 PM   #5
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I am not concerned with traffic. Thats not an issue. No baby brothels here, lol!
I am more interested in finding a discrete place that has a good location.
I could just rent a storage unit, but I dunno if the king size bed would fit?
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Old 04-06-2010, 10:26 PM   #6
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i dont know about a storage unit? but when i said traffic, i actually meant resident traffic within the apartment complex. i visit alot of clients in apartment complexes (nice ones too) and some are very high volume (i cant even pick my nose without someone there to see it)
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Old 04-06-2010, 10:30 PM   #7
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I was just messing around! I saw some thread in the others section about renting a storage unit to take the SW's. That is why I said that. It was hilarious! Pretty novel idea.
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Old 04-06-2010, 10:33 PM   #8
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hahahaha that was good........

nice to know you are a fan of the others section
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Old 04-07-2010, 07:43 AM   #9
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Where a girl leases her incall can have an impact on her rates. I'd rather see a girl who works out of an average/older apartment for $200-$250 than see that same girl who has to charge $250-$300 to pay for the Taj Mahal. Some of my best times in the hobby have been seeing a girl in your ' typical average home' as opposed to a ' home of luxury.' Now I guess in the case of a true HDH who is $500 an hour a room at Trump Tower would sure beat a run down place in Queens, but for the most part I think most Austin girls are about the same, no need to rent these top of the lines places with pools, and work out rooms and roof top terraces. Same goes for hotels, I'd rather have a good time with a girl at the Super 10 Motel than pay up to see some lady just because she has a room at the TripleTree. ' Ghetto' in Austin doesn't matter to me really, coming from where I lived most of my life, Austin area ghettos look like rich suburbs relative to ghettos up in the northern cities that go on for miles and miles and the cops themselves are too scared to enter.

As to location, well no one likes WilCo. I'd rather meet a lady in the bushes on the side of Airport Road than go to a fine house in Round Rock. For me, anything north of Ben White, south of the Wilco/Travis border between I-35 and Mopac works great for me, nothing in Austin is too far a drive. However, many guys live by the lake, up in CP or Leander even G-Town, so 183/Mopac is most likely ideal.

But you are right, it is the girl we are seeing not the incall. On another note, I do wonder who will be the first hobbyist on this board to write a review where he took the new Austin light rail train from his home to the ladies' incall. Good luck on your search.
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Old 04-07-2010, 11:08 AM   #10
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A super nice incall is great and all, but in reality as long as its in a nice area and the place is well kept Im not at all botherd by it.
I do hate going to incalls that are just messy, mainly those who who work out of there home. Some are nice on the outside, and in nice areas but inside is just awfull with trash everywehre and stained carpets and etc.
Im never too fond of hotels, but als long as they have back entrances I usaully dont mind. I just hate cruising by the front desk area.
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Old 04-07-2010, 11:30 AM   #11
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Thank you kosher. The place has had an effect on my rates and profit. I will miss the place, but my roomie has a knack for finding some pretty cool places.
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Old 04-07-2010, 01:44 PM   #12
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I personally will drive anywhere in Austin for a session. I hobby in the evening rather than during the day which seems more common for businessmen. To me location doesn't matter, as long as it is not in one of the rougher parts of town (for my car's sake). Though as this town gentrifies there are more "nice" homes in the "ghetto" parts of town.
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Old 04-07-2010, 08:13 PM   #13
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I honestly have only been freaked out by two provider locations: One was next to a school, but it was in the afternoon and had more traffic than I normally expect, so I was a bit nervous. The other was at what seemed to me like the no-tells that a crackhead would break into and stay in. I would say as far as the appearance of the place, as long as it's a decent hotel (and I'd venture to say that I'd probably prefer a hotel - those are the ones that do NOT open to the outside, right?), or a home that's pretty nondescript and not near any public establishments, I don't really care.

I will say that I personally would prefer a incall in the Loop (inside the "loop" created by 183, Mopac, 290/Ben White, and I-35), since that's pretty much where everything happens, and it's easier for me to "sneak" there versus venturing anywhere else.

Also, none of this matters if the provider is above a certain threshold of desire to me. If I really want to see a provider, I'll see her in the bathroom of a IHOP...
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Old 04-07-2010, 08:33 PM   #14
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a studio that is clean,discrete,comfortable,and in a decent locale is great for using just as an incall...As long as the place is decorated to enhance your sessions,its all good!!Candles,fancy comforter,throw pillows,incense,etc
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Old 04-07-2010, 10:12 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by rekcaSxT View Post
I personally will drive anywhere in Austin for a session. I hobby in the evening rather than during the day which seems more common for businessmen. To me location doesn't matter, as long as it is not in one of the rougher parts of town (for my car's sake). Though as this town gentrifies there are more "nice" homes in the "ghetto" parts of town.
gentrifies???!! u mean raising the property taxes so the poor old folks on fixed incomes can't afford to stay b/c the value of their 1000 sq ft home increased 3 fold in the last couple of years?? lol just messing man. i know u ain't like that. just glad i own this place. maybe i will be able to retire one day!
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