I just got a ride over to NTB from a girl with a nose piercing, two piercings in each ear, with short blond hair with magenta and cyan tips, driving a Jeep Wrangler wearing, Daisy Mae cutoffs and a wife beater tee and large natural , bodacious tata's with no bra and legs that went on forever .. oh, yea and had a great dog named Max. I thanked her for giving an old ugly guy like me a lift and she said no problem... you should have seen the guy hanging out in here earlier eye balling all the women... then she said, "I could tell by looking at him he hasn't been laid in a while." I asked how she could tell and she said,
1. Guys with calluses on their right hand and an over developed bicep on their right arm... haven't been laid in a while.
2. Guys who adjust their crotch in public... and don't see what is wrong with that... haven't touched any one elses private parts in a while.
3. Guys that point to their car when you ask them to tell you about themselves .... have concerns with inadequacies.
4. Guys who judge womens appearances by comparing them to the photo shopped pics in his spank magazine ... haven't been with a real woman in a while.
5. Guys who sit in NTB all day making preconceived judgements on women they do not know... will probably continue to be lonely.