Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
It's nothing fancy just a nice hot bath for the two of you to soak in, it's a really relaxing way to start a longer appointment. I add in whatever essential oils they like the best so give it a spa like atmosphere (usually something that is uni-sex like mint, rosemary, etc.), usually just relax in their for about 12 or 20 but usually don't get out until the waters cold or we are all pruney. Then I go to Nuru.

I would say if you're interested in offering this type of service then add it to your menu and see if you have any takers.
True...that many of us just want to get naked and do the wild thing, but then again, there are also many of us who can appreciate the efforts of a woman who takes the time and puts forth the effort to pamper us and make us feel like a king. I know I do!
In my opinion this would work wonderfully if you offered this in a 2 hour session or longer.
It might also help to have a clear understanding of what you will be performing in a certain length of time.
For example:
2 hour session--- 15 min bath, 15 min rubdown (or longer) and 1.5 hours of BCD. Of course the times can be adjusted to whatever you like or whatever your client prefers.
3 hour session....well...thats plenty of time to do just about whatever you have in mind.