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Old 02-16-2012, 05:41 PM   #1
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Default The Right Wings War On Women...

Today in Iowa, a Tea Party elected Iowa State Rep named Kim Pearson(R) introduced a bill that would completely outlaw abortions in the state and would charge a doctor performing the abortion with a Class A felony(feticide) punishable by life without parole.
This is only the latest attack on women's health, among many others, by the right wing.

"Among other things, the bill make it so a doctor that performs and abortion commits “feticide” — a Class A felony, which is punishable by life imprisonment without the chance for parole:

The bill makes “attempted feticide,” where the fetus does not die, a Class B felony, punishable by 25 years in prison. Iowans can even be punished for helping someone else perform an abortion, as, “joint criminal conduct shall apply to persons knowingly participating or concerned in the commission of feticide or attempted feticide under this section.”

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Old 02-16-2012, 06:02 PM   #2
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The citzens of an Iowa district elected a State Rep who happens to be Republican. I did not know we had a third party called the Tea Party. Just because 1 person filed a bill does not condem the entire "right wing". How many sponsors are there on the bill which would show how much support there actually is for the measuere. Once again condemming an entire class of people because of 1 person.

Are you a resident of the State of iowa? If not, then what the people of Iowa decide for themselves is thier choice and not for you to decide for them. Do you really think that a bill like this would ever pass without some form of exemption to protect a womens health. I do not believe any reasonable person would ever consider this reasonable. Since I have not heard that the State of Iowa has been taken over by the Tea Party I think it's safe to say that this silly person will not get her way.

You seem to enjoy painting classes of people this or that but you seem to really enjoy labeling Republicans racist. So I will ask you to provide documented proof that The Republican Party has been racist in a cordinated effort towards which race or group.

have a nice day College Girl says to tell you Hello. (not really)

Originally Posted by 1NEMESIS View Post
Today in Iowa, a Tea Party elected Iowa State Rep named Kim Pearson(R) introduced a bill that would completely outlaw abortions in the state and would charge a doctor performing the abortion with a Class A felony(feticide) punishable by life without parole.
This is only the latest attack on women's health, among many others, by the right wing.

"Among other things, the bill make it so a doctor that performs and abortion commits “feticide” — a Class A felony, which is punishable by life imprisonment without the chance for parole:

The bill makes “attempted feticide,” where the fetus does not die, a Class B felony, punishable by 25 years in prison. Iowans can even be punished for helping someone else perform an abortion, as, “joint criminal conduct shall apply to persons knowingly participating or concerned in the commission of feticide or attempted feticide under this section.”

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Old 02-16-2012, 06:14 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by THETAXMAN View Post
The citzens of an Iowa district elected a State Rep who happens to be Republican. I did not know we had a third party called the Tea Party. Just because 1 person filed a bill does not condem the entire "right wing". How many sponsors are there on the bill which would show how much support there actually is for the measuere. Once again condemming an entire class of people because of 1 person.

Are you a resident of the State of iowa? If not, then what the people of Iowa decide for themselves is thier choice and not for you to decide for them. Do you really think that a bill like this would ever pass without some form of exemption to protect a womens health. I do not believe any reasonable person would ever consider this reasonable. Since I have not heard that the State of Iowa has been taken over by the Tea Party I think it's safe to say that this silly person will not get her way.

You seem to enjoy painting classes of people this or that but you seem to really enjoy labeling Republicans racist. So I will ask you to provide documented proof that The Republican Party has been racist in a cordinated effort towards which race or group.

have a nice day College Girl says to tell you Hello. (not really)
Well, well, TaxMan, thank you for stepping into the ring!! I have to hand it to you for having the guts to challenge me on the issues. Which one would you like me to address first? One at a time my friend one at a time…..
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Old 02-16-2012, 06:33 PM   #4
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your choice but make sure you use documented information not some BS from some blogger or other rag
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Old 02-16-2012, 06:35 PM   #5
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I favor the bill !!!

All those baby killing liberal motherfuckers can rot in hell!
If I was king for a day , every doctor who has EVER performed one
would be hung from the gallows for ALL to see !!
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Old 02-16-2012, 06:44 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by THETAXMAN View Post
your choice but make sure you use documented information not some BS from some blogger or other rag
No, no,no I want a commitment, I want etched in stone proof you wanted to discuss the issue...
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Old 02-16-2012, 06:54 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Biggysmalls View Post
I favor the bill !!!

All those baby killing liberal motherfuckers can rot in hell!
If I was king for a day , every doctor who has EVER performed one
would be hung from the gallows for ALL to see !!
Hey Big, that movie was the best Doc Holliday movie of them all and I'm not a baby killer, but I do eat puppies every now and then…………..

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Old 02-16-2012, 06:56 PM   #8
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Alright TaxMan, I'm out for the night but you think about it and let me know. We'll have a civil discussion on whatever you decide.
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Old 02-17-2012, 09:36 AM   #9
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So one state rep files a bill for publicity and you view that as a war on women by the right. Come on dude really?
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Old 02-17-2012, 02:44 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Grifter View Post
So one state rep files a bill for publicity and you view that as a war on women by the right. Come on dude really?
No Grif, of course not, it's just one of a long history of the republican's regressive policies and attitudes toward immigrants, minorities, the poor and women. Let me substantiate this for you so you get a more clear picture of what I'm talking about.
Concerning the war on women, this happened yesterday:

The Republican War on Women Continues
"Yesterday morning, House Republicans held a hearing on birth control and refused to include even one woman on the panel. And in the Senate, GOP leaders are backing the Blunt Amendment, which would allow any employer to deny women basic contraception coverage for any reason. Once again, Republicans are proving that they are only interested in waging war on women."

This is a picture of the panel assembled by House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) for a hearing examining the Obama administration’s new regulation requiring employers and insurers to provide contraception coverage to their employees.

Darrell Issa refused to allow women brought to testify on an issue about women and it's absolutely egregious no matter how you cut it.

Here's another example, yesterday Rick Santorum's campaign financier, Foster Friees, was being interviewed by MSNBC Anchor Andrea Mitchell and said the following when asked about women's contraception

"Back in my days, they used Bayer aspirin for contraceptives," Friess said on MSNBC on Thursday, adding: "The gals put it between their knees, and it wasn't that costly."

Foster Friess, a major donor to the super PAC backing Rick Santorum, has said it was a joke about contraception but prompted outrage from women's groups.

And this:Earlier this month, a bill requiring women to receive an ultrasound before they can receive an abortion passed the Virginia senate, and it recently cleared a state house committee with an overwhelming majority.

The effect of this bill would be to force most women to undergo a stunningly invasive procedure for no medical reason whatsoever. “Because the great majority of abortions occur during the first 12 weeks, that means most women will be forced to have a transvaginal procedure, in which a probe is inserted into the vagina, and then moved around until an ultrasound image is produced.”

Here is a depiction of the procedure that women would be forced to endure under the Virginia bill:

Simply put, it is difficult to distinguish a law requiring women to be vaginally penetrated by a long metal object from state-sponsored rape. Worse, discussions among lawmakers leave little doubt that its supporters understood just what they were trying to write into law — they just didn’t care. As an unnamed lawmaker told a fellow Virginia delegate, a woman already consented to being “vaginally penetrated when they got pregnant.”

There are many others throughout the nation called "Personhood Amendments" and all of this is the result of the republican Tea Party fueled sweep in 2010 that took over many state government offices.
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Old 02-17-2012, 03:46 PM   #11
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They are coming for you 1Nemesis. Cant you hear the drumbeats? Ted Nugent is leading the charge and there will be no quarter given.
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Old 02-17-2012, 03:48 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Round Tripper View Post
They are coming for you 1Nemesis. Cant you hear the drumbeats? Ted Nugent is leading the charge and there will be no quarter given.
Could be, some say I look pregnant with triplets….
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Old 02-17-2012, 03:55 PM   #13
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It would be inappropriate to blame the social conservative issues on the Tea Party movement. While many of the social conservatives are also members of the Tea Party, the Tea Party is a fiscal responsibility movement. Many members of the Tea Party movement are more Libertarian and do not support the issues you are discussing in this thread.
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Old 02-17-2012, 04:14 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Laz View Post
It would be inappropriate to blame the social conservative issues on the Tea Party movement. While many of the social conservatives are also members of the Tea Party, the Tea Party is a fiscal responsibility movement. Many members of the Tea Party movement are more Libertarian and do not support the issues you are discussing in this thread.
Laz, the Tea Party candidates are the ones that are sponsoring these bills and bringing them on the floor and if what you say is true, you have reps that are completely destroying the Tea Party mantra.

Laz, your party has not made that distinction because their voting records often show complete unity on these issues. The political reality is that the optics concerning these social issues clearly identifies them as part of the republican platform and the voter does not make that distinction. It doesn't help either that no republican leader will step up and say that.
While you may not be supportive of this, unfortunately, your leaders don't care and have turned so far right that they have completely destroyed your party.
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Old 02-17-2012, 04:48 PM   #15
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Speaking of optics, three of the leading republican candidates have horrible baggage concerning women in their past:

Herman Cain- Numerous charges of sexual harassment.
Newt Gingrich-Considered a serial philanderer with 3 wives.
Mitt Romney-A self-identified Mormon which itself is commonly linked to polygamy.

Really a bad message to women….
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