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Old 02-14-2012, 03:50 AM   #1141
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I don't think that neck is any good. If it happens would have to cut someone for sure. O just don't see the texans buying into the side show that would come.
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Old 02-14-2012, 04:55 AM   #1142
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$28,000,000(2012) + $26,000,000(2011) = $54,000,000 gamble vs Andrew Luck on a team that is rebuilding.... He's going somewhere.

Texans would be foolish not to at least entertain the idea.

Sure there would be some cuts... Scooter boy, Mario, Jacoby perhaps...
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Old 02-14-2012, 05:16 AM   #1143
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Should the Houston Texans sign Perton Manning for the 2012 NFL season? Hmmmm! There are a number of questions that first need to be addressed! Among them:

1) First and foremost, if the Texans sign Manning, would they be forced to trade or cut Matt Schaub? (Probably so!)
2) if so, would that make Dopey Dude and the Schaub haters happy? (An emphatic hell yes!)
3) Does making the haters happy win a higher percentage of their football games? (it certainly didn't with T.J. Yates!)
4) Would Manning be content to sit on the bench and be the #1 option in the event Schaub were to go down with an injury? (Probably not!)
5) Is Manning damaged goods? (The jury is still out!)
6) Are Manning's best days behind him? (Probably so!)
7) if so, is Manning a better option than T.J. Yates? (If healthy, yes!)
8) Can Manning thrive in an offense designed for the qb to throw on the run? (You don't bring in a P. Manning unless you are willing to change your offense to suit his style of play!)
9) Is Mannings 2011 injury more of a threat to his career than Schaub's? (an emphatic hell yes! )

Indy staked their entire 2011 season on a healthy Peyton Manning. Understandbly so, he had been one of the most durable qb's in NFL history. The Colts spent $20 million, believing Manning would take them to the 2012 Super Bowl. He did not take a single snap from center, even in preseason. We know now, they failed miserably. Indy's 2011 season was arguably the most epic failure in NFL history! Do you think that Houston would do the same, knowing that with Schaub, they have a trip to the playoffs in the bag that could possibly include a trip to the Super Bowl?

In the NFL, front offices and coaches have been fired over making these types of decisions and rolling snake eyes. Ask the Polian's and Jim Caldwell! Kubes is much too cautious to risk his job over a lick and a promise. Especially when he is already very close to the promised land!

The story makes good headlines. The story is an interesting read. The story is intriguing. I could easily see Jerry Jones making that type of splash, but not Bob McNair.

Bob Allen has made a career in trying to one up Mark Berman and has usually fell short of his goal. Perhaps he is now trying to go out with the splash that has alluded him throughout most of his career! Only Bob Allen's hairdresser knows for sure!

As for me, I ain't gonna bet the family farm on Manning wearing a Houston Texans uniform in 2012!
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Old 02-14-2012, 10:35 AM   #1144
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OMFG in class right now, just read the headlines. I currently have a raging hard-on!
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Old 02-14-2012, 02:38 PM   #1145
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Further Questions for Bigtalk to ponder:

10. Would cutting Schaub affect Bigtex's gay love for him?(Probably so, as long distance relationships are a bitch)
11. Could Peyton Manning beat Dopey in a foot race with or without the Scooter?(probably so, but get the sundial ready to time it)
12. Could Peyton Manning be accurate in Kubes offense and be as mobile as the fleet footed Schaubler?(Fuck yes, anybody that says Manning can't throw a roll out pass is whacked out on hippie lettuce and crack)
13. Peyton Manning has doctors that have said he is cleard to play, what do the doctors say about Dopey's Lisbeansandfranc Injury?
14. Who has the stronger arm? Dopey or a ungenerated nerve arm of P. Manning?(Get out the punt pass and kick people to determine the winner!! and have Andre stand 50 yards downfield to see if either can get it that far, we know Dope can't get there)
15. Keep a below .500 winning % QB or get a Super Bowl winning, MVP, 8 or 10 straight year division winning QB?
16. Should we trade Schaub, sure there are alot of suckers that think like Bigtalk, we could maybe even get a third round pick for him.

Seriouis queston here, what do you think the value of Schaub would be to other teams? (I know I know bigtalk, you would do a Mike suck my Ditka trade and get all of some other teams picks ala the Ricky Williams trade)
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Old 02-14-2012, 04:23 PM   #1146
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Dopey Dude is the only mullet in the sea that will always swallow the stiink bait. Throw out the line, give it a little slack, then reel the mullet in!
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Old 02-14-2012, 04:38 PM   #1147
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17. What if the Titans pick up a healthy Manning, will we still be able to win the division?
18. Could this leak have come from Peyton's agent as a stunt trying to up his value?
19. Have you seen any presidential escorts around Reliant lately?
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Old 02-14-2012, 04:40 PM   #1148
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I heard the report from Bob Allen. Guys, before you get your dicks all hard on thinking Peyton will come here and we can finally get rid of Dopey....listen to what he said....

Bob reported that Peyton said Houston was one of the places he would LIKE to go to. That's it. Noone says he will or the Texans have interest in him. Of course he would like to go to a Superbowl contender and a team in his division to get back at the Colts and rub it in their faces. But it will take a lot for that to happen, trust me.

Would I like to see that? Hell yeah, IF he's healthy, but more than likely, we will play it safe and stick with Dopey.

I much prefer to move on with Mario, sign a big play veteran receiver, cut Jacobi, reup Arian, and get someone to please replace Kareem Jackson...

Dopey? Prefer not to have him, but I could live with him....
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Old 02-14-2012, 06:55 PM   #1149
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,If Peyton's agent makes calls in interest to NFL teams there are only 3 who don't answer the phone (GB, NE & NO)...... there are a handfull of other teams who will pick it up and most likely have the notion of "Thanks but no Thanks" at the tip of their tounges..... (Pitt, NYG, Det, Car, and MAYBE Dal & SD)....... everyone else is listening to that call..... whether they "chase" after it or not is another story..... but they are taking the call......

Texans, like everyone else not listed above, should at least kick the tires and hear them out just to see what's there..... Joe Montana was in an almost identical situation when he went to KC..... granted the Texans are a better team than KC was, but what is the worst case scenario if this does go down? You play an entire season with Yates/Leinhert? Who's to say Schaub makes it thru the year himself? Is an 80% Peyton better than a 100% Schaub? Almost certainly....... the guy is unquestionably a Top 5 ALL TIME at his position and just out of his "Prime".

Texans need to cut Jones. Tender Mario and wait for someon to overpay him and hope to get a 2nd rounder or conditional pick with an option to match. But most likely let him walk. You can get guys to fit to rush off the edge in this system for cheaper than he'll command. Meyers and Foster need deals and you need to head Duane Brown off before next year too or he's gonna want to get paid fat too. Draft a WR in the 2nd or 3rd round that is more than pure "potential" or sign a decent speed to high speed vet. Lestar could be that guy if he progresses and stays freaking healthy! Draft the shit outta DL and OL in the early to mid round (its a good draft for that debthwise) and continue to develop Harris McManus, McClain, and Jackson.... there is more than enough talent there that has made goodstrides last year..... J.Jo, Manningham, and Quinn along with the pass rush will help them along the way....

The good news is that Houston is quickly going to become destination for short term vets and guys will come here for less then ever in Houstons past.

Most likely they will stay close to the vest on everything and simply take care of their own and draft conservitively....... but last year proved that even they will deciate from their norm...... should be fun!

Now if only my lowly Vikes could make some strides this year.......

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Old 02-14-2012, 07:35 PM   #1150
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In the words of Popeye @ the SC... "WELL CALL ME HORNEY AND BLOW ME DOWN...." hehehe

JAD I love it man! epic post.. no BS and pleeaase don't let him go to Dallas.. I'll cry
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Old 02-14-2012, 10:57 PM   #1151
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Lol, if you read my second to last line, he said in a long way eveything I said...,except the most important...give Arian his money!!! And the other thing is fuck trying to "develop" Jackson, cut that loser...
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Old 02-15-2012, 09:20 AM   #1152
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Great posts by One Eye, Satin and JAD.

I can't see us keeping Mario and if we franchise him it hamstrings us in locking up other guys like Foster and Myers. Hopefully Mario will realize that Texas money, and Houston Living is a big advantage to other states income tax and lack of titty clubs. Hopefully he will give us a home field discount and return, I doubt it and he will likely become the all time highest paid NFL defensive player ever. I can't believe that it is possible for Mario to become the highest paid defensive player ever, that aint right man!! He's good but not that good.

I see this happening, we let Mario go. Sign Myers, Brisell, Foster, cut Jacoby, draft the LSU WR Rueben Randle, maybe sign another WR like Manningham or Bowe instead of drafting Randle. Elevate Lestar Jean and Bryan Braman. Use other draft picks on LB's or OL and nose tackle.

What does Kareem Jackson make? Can we cut him to save $$ for other guys more deserving or a Free Agent? Who else could we cut to save $$ so we can distribute the $$ elsewhere, I hate to even think it, but Demeco? Dopey? It would be nice to cut Jackson and sign another quality CB. Talk about a stout D then!!!
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Old 02-15-2012, 10:37 AM   #1153
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Trust me..... Jackson is not as bad as you think he is.... he was over-drafted to be sure.... but he can be a very solid CB in this league..... You just have to put him in situations he can excel at..... He will never be a guy who can bump and run with a guy with great speed... he just doesn't have it.... but he is VERY good with larger physical receivers and he is excellent in run support and a very good tackler. You have guys in Harris and McMannus that are on their way as solid developmental type guys...... Kareem was MUCH improved last year.... and chances are he will be much improved again.... again the problem is expectation from where he was drafted..... get over the fact he should have been an early 2nd rounder and then he doesn't seem as bad.... He's still on his rookie deal btw and he's not costing a bunch of money so cutting him makes little sense...

Mario won't be the highest paid.... but he'll no doubt command top 3.... Panthers fucked that up when they signed C. Johnson to that ridiculous deal last offseason..... But Mario could easily get that or in the neighborhood of it from someone else.... Don't be surprised if you see the likes of Jax drop some serious overpayment to get him in over there.....

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Old 02-15-2012, 03:22 PM   #1154
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Sure wouldn't want to play against Mario twice a year!! No Way Dopey could escape his grasps!! Hopefully the playing for the contender speech will make sense to him. Unfortunately it probably won't make sense to his agent.

Anybody else we can cut or restructure to save money?

I agree to a certain degree on K Jackson's play it was improved but I still have visions of him getting toasted on any vertical route. Makes me sick that we keep drafing Corner and not getting that much out of them. I was really disappointed that Branden Harris didn't get on the field last year.
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Old 02-15-2012, 03:31 PM   #1155
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Jad, you bring up a great point, the first thing I thought of was how many players would want to come to the Texans, it would have an effect similar to what the Eagles had last year, except the Texans going into next year are a more complete team than the Eagles were last year...

It would be neat seeing a lot of the top free agent vets coming together for a championship, we just got to choose the right guys. I think Vincent Jackson would be an awesome pick up.

Eh, it's fun to fantasize.
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