Anyone can be a "Mother", by definition, these days. Hell, there are 13-year-old (and younger..) babies having babies and that hardly qualifies them as MILF's. I
When I think "MILF", I automatically think 35 or older. There's some "give" to that time frame...but in general, I don't think of "MILF" as under 30. Sure, you can be a mother and be younger than that, but I think "MILF" connotes a little more sexual maturity than someone who is in their teens or even their early twenties. Just my opinion.
I thought I liked sex a lot, until I turned 27. After that, I turned into a total whore. I went from a stripper who was too good for extras, to wanting to know everyone a little better...and I mean
everyone! In fact, I would say I never REALLY enjoyed sex until my late 20's and early 30's...with the peak being right about now, I hear?

From what I am told, we don't hit our "peak" until later, but I can't fathom wanting to fuck, any more than I do now. I'm in sexual overdrive at the moment