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Old 02-07-2012, 03:56 PM   #1
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Default Chrysler Super Bowl Ad

Clint Eastwood's TV commercial for Chrysler during the Super Bowl made my day. I think his critics are full of hot air.
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Old 02-07-2012, 04:31 PM   #2
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Jack I have to agree that was well put across. Ed
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Old 02-07-2012, 05:15 PM   #3
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I love Clint Eastwood and the commercial told a story that should uninte this country.
But with all the divisiveness existing today, the anti Obamites will criticize and his supporters will put the critics down. I have a very smart relative that persuaded me to believe government is corrupt and to look at each issue as an individual item. So I try to be informed about issues I comment on. In this case my own experience leaves me bitter, as I was a bond holder that had my secure investment made worthless by Obama. He cut into my hobby fund. LOL I know of a provider in the same situation with her investments. Seriously though if you take any manufacturer today that is struggling and the government comes in and wipes out their payables and debt leaving the company with no debt, and then the company becomes solvent and profitable, what did they do. This country will stop existing if this became the law of the land. All the government did was hurt investors, kept the union agreements intact and pushed the problem down the road. So when I see an ad for the auto manufacturers, it is seen with some bitterness and a viewpoint of negativity knowing more that does not get reported than all the glowing reports the media puts out there. It has been reported by some that the auto makers would be in the same boat today if they had gone through the bankruptcy courts like the airlines have and other industries where the companies become stronger based upon the laws in this country. I may have still lost the investment but being secure I would have been ahead of the unions which were protected and given control of the company. The auto makers would have kept going. Even in Lockport when Harrison Radiator went thru bankruptcy, it came out different but still intact and operating. They still employ thousands of workers. Stock shareholders are at risk and should be but when a premium is paid to be a secured investor, there is an order to follow that did not happen in this case. So still love Clint, believe the commercial can be taken many different ways but surprising from Eastwood I took it as an ad for what Obama did to turn the auto manufacturers around. I read none of the commercial was filmed in Detroit. Anybody know where?
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Old 02-07-2012, 10:43 PM   #4
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Jack you have the open rain check for that drink and you always will! And while I thought the commercial was outstanding and very moving Montana makes a ver VERY good point! BUT I think I took a positive away from the commercial as it being an effort to reflect on where the country is now and that historically we've been in worse places and we came out by pulling together!

But Montana your point is understandable on so many different levels and the reality is whether you blame the President or Congress for the blank check trillions that went to pull the auto industry out of their hole the reality is that it was the American People who bailed them out and investors, yes I WAS one of them too, like you and I did get kind of hosed in this process - I thank goodness that I didn't get burned too badly!

SOOOO Montana I NOW would like to buy you a drink and I'll make that an open rain check as well

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Old 02-07-2012, 10:44 PM   #5
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Jack you're starting to cost me money

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Old 02-08-2012, 08:10 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by DDarkness View Post

SOOOO Montana I NOW would like to buy you a drink and I'll make that an open rain check as well


Thanks double D. You me, Jack and lets include Ed as he responded here could share some interesting stories. Ed's drink is on me for all he's done to help our girl Lee out.
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Old 02-08-2012, 08:44 AM   #7
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My biggest concern is it cut into your hobby money, sorry to hear that.

I too dont believe we should have just pushed it on down the line as stated. The only company that didnt take bail out money was FORD maybe we should all learn a lesson here.
I do agree they should have followed the laws claimed bankruptcy and screwed the banks they are the ones that got us all in this mess from the start by giving out to many loans to people who coudnt afford it.

We as people should all have stock in these car companies as it was our money that bailed them out.
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Old 02-08-2012, 09:01 AM   #8
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I like Clint, and the message the commercial was trying to get across. I believe him when he says he wasn't endorsing any particular person or party. The one thing I find ironic is Chrysler is barely an "American" auto company anymore, Fiat holds a 58.5% controlling interest! Welcome to the realities of a global economy.
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Old 02-08-2012, 03:50 PM   #9
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it would be bizarre to believe that any "conservative" would not be aware of what Obama has done over the last three years and feel the similarities in the gut apon reading that script which came from some Obama's past elction ad writers..I find it hard to belive that the guy could be that clueless.its almost an insult to think he tries to pass himself off as "conservative". http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/new...mercial-287778
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Old 02-08-2012, 04:58 PM   #10
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I personally thought that the commercial was outstanding. It doesn't have anything to do with Obama. It is a tribute to the American people and their will to fight adversity and overcome the challenges that face us. It is about the situation our country has been in over the past few years stemming from the Banking Industry debacle and were still not out of trouble yet. I've known a lot of people out of work, businesses that have closed etc. To clarify a point, if you look back over the last few years, it was the Bush administration that made the short term loans to GM and Chrysler...and yes they were loans and both GM and Chrysler have since paid them back in full. This took place before Obama actually took office. I personally had mixed feelings about it at the time, however since it's been been the government over the years that's been messing with the imbalance of trade in our country, I feel like we needed to do something to preserve what little manufacturing is left in the US. The auto industry does compries more than 15% of the country's retail sales. I'd hate to think what would have happened to all the workers in the US and all the ancillary industries that supply and support the manufacturers should these two manufacturer's have gone down.

While it's true that Fiat holds a significant share, although I thought it about 30%, I know the United Auto Workers also hold a significant share. I believe the positive was that both companies would share technologies, thus Chrysler benefiting from Fiat and subsidiaries like Ferrari and Alfa Romeo. Altenatively, I believe Fiat had a strong if not the strongest market in Europe and it would give Chrysler the ability to expand into European markets.
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