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Old 02-08-2012, 09:17 AM   #1
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They are fleeing the sinking ship lilke rats............

This one is German scientists Prof Dr Fritz Vahrenholt. Widely regarded as one of the founding fathers of the modern green energy movement; and hardcore supporter of the IPCC (at least up to now). And Social Democrat.

From his new book.............apparently written because of the massive fraud he beleives is going on within the IPCC and climate change science that supports it.

‘The climate catastrophe is not taking place’, the environment expert claims. The sun is being underestimated as a natural climate factor. ‘The sun has been weak since 2005′, Vahrenholt said in a DER SPIEGEL interview. ‘We can only expect cooling from it for the time being.’”
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Old 02-08-2012, 09:41 AM   #2
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Brutal winter grips Europe.......even the Russians are complaing it's too cold !

8 inches of snow on the Colosseum in Rome; also blanketing the dome of St. Peter's.

And at home, in Alaska the winter is worse than most remember.

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Old 02-08-2012, 09:50 AM   #3
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And it's a balmy 30 degrees in the Air Capital
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Old 02-08-2012, 09:56 AM   #4
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Thank god the Republicans stopped Obama, Pelosi, Reid and ther rest of the Democrats from passing Cap, Tax and Trade!

It would have been a fiancial yoke around the American middle class.

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Old 02-08-2012, 10:26 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
Thank god the Republicans stopped Obama, Pelosi, Reid and ther rest of the Democrats from passing Cap, Tax and Trade!

It would have been a fiancial yoke around the American middle class.


Don't forget that "W", Newt, McCain and Romney have all bought into this scam at various times, as have many more "R's" I'm guessing. I think Mittens may still be in the Warmmonger camp.


Observations support theory that pokes a big hole in AWG:


The theory supported:


Even the Warmmongers admit that water vapor is to CO2 what a jet engine is to a rubber band. But, all of their models assume water vapor remains constant. Now it appears that it has been decreasing as CO2 increased, indicating there may well be a negative feedback loop (like in every other natural system ever studied), which the Warmmongers have always denied.
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Old 02-08-2012, 12:14 PM   #6
I B Hankering
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Default The Goracle of Doom

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Old 02-08-2012, 12:47 PM   #7
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Of course none of anti-America idiots believes 'anything' the government says while Whirlie apparently only likes Der Sperma and Cog jumps on any dick that wags his way.
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Old 02-08-2012, 12:52 PM   #8
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Methane is 40 times more destructive of ozone than CO2 but not many talk about it. They also don't admit that the ozone hole was there when they first looked for it in 1947. They assume that it was not there a hundred years ago but they have no reason to believe that except for the cause. The ozone hole reacts to solar activity. There have been years when the ozone hole was all but gone due to a dormant sun. In 1994 there was an event called the "Bastille Day" event in which the sun destroyed huge amounts of ozone in just a hand full of days. http://www.theozonehole.com/sunozone.htm

A new film is out there about this fraud. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0mxL...layer_embedded it is called "The Inconsistent Truth".
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Old 02-08-2012, 01:58 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Sa_artman View Post


Of course none of anti-America idiots believes 'anything' the government says while Whirlie apparently only likes Der Sperma and Cog jumps on any dick that wags his way.
If you believe everything government tells you, I feel sorry for you. The globe may be warming, but the government isn't trying to stop it, it's trying to control the population. There are many scientists on both sides of the issue. So while I'm not sure about global warming, I am sure the government will side with whichever one will allow them to take more power from the people.

Government lies. Sorry to burst your bubble.
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Old 02-08-2012, 05:25 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
If you believe everything government tells you, I feel sorry for you. The globe may be warming, but the government isn't trying to stop it, it's trying to control the population. There are many scientists on both sides of the issue. So while I'm not sure about global warming, I am sure the government will side with whichever one will allow them to take more power from the people.

Government lies. Sorry to burst your bubble.
No shit Government lies dumbass. I still get a Gov check and trust me I take issue with shit all the time, but last I checked this government is of the people and for the people. Don't like it, vote, run for office or stfu. Everyone who cries about government conspiracies is an idiot. There's so much bureaucracy and red tape they couldn't get their shit together enough to work en masse to create enough wool. When enough independent and government brains come to similar conclusions, I doubt it's a power issue.
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Old 02-08-2012, 05:42 PM   #11
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"By the people" . . . LOL! We don't have a choice, and we aren't in control. The banks and industries are in control. If you think people really have a say in things, you are truly delusional. Now I understand. LOL!
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Old 02-08-2012, 11:12 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
"By the people" . . . LOL! We don't have a choice, and we aren't in control. The banks and industries are in control. If you think people really have a say in things, you are truly delusional. Now I understand. LOL!
So shrivel and die since you truly are weak and feeble. Darwin was right. How pathetic an extremist who cries that big old baddy government doesn't allow any control. You're a waste of good oxygen for people who believe in this country and your true anarchist tendencies are showing.
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Old 02-08-2012, 11:13 PM   #13
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ABC News just had a blurb on Friday about how global warming caused the jet stream to stay to the north this winter. And the so called "expert" said "It was beyond a doubt" and Dianne Sawyer gave him a profound head bob up and down. As in affirmative, not in the nice way.....

With this type of BS being foisted on the American Public it doesn't matter who is in charge of anything. Non thinking idiots rule us all....
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Old 02-08-2012, 11:24 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Sa_artman View Post
So shrivel and die since you truly are weak and feeble. Darwin was right. How pathetic an extremist who cries that big old baddy government doesn't allow any control. You're a waste of good oxygen for people who believe in this country and your true anarchist tendencies are showing.
LOL! At least you didn't call me a neocon.

Which part of this country do you believe in? The part that allows the President to arbitrarily arrest and detain someone without due process? The part where warrants are no longer needed in many cases to spy on us? The part where government gets to decide what people make and keep? The part that has borrowed us to the point of economic collapse? The part that will make us the #2 power in the world in a few years - behind China? And so on, and so on.

If you believed in this country you wouldn't blindly follow what our "leaders" tell you. You would look for yourself and ask, "Is this consistent with a free society, or not." Since you blindly go along, you have become a useful idiot for the State. I won't go there. Have me arrested, or kill me since you don't like what I say. Then explain how you believe in freedom of speech. Fucking hypocrite.

I love that. "I believe in America, so STFU" LOL! Just when I thought things couldn't get stupider. "Let's preserve our freedom by killing all those who dare disagree." This is funny stuff.

Your about the third or fourth "tolerant liberal" who has wished me dead because of my ideas. In the old Soviet Union, you were known as the "Party."

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Old 02-09-2012, 12:58 AM   #15
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Actually Darwin warned against using his theories for social reasons. His views were all biological and he said so.

I remember reading about the jet stream changing to the north back in 1991 in USA Today. I called my brother to warn him about his crops in the future. I also remember reading about pilots having to deal with the jet stream in the 1940s. The warmongers are full of shit again and your typical anchor doesn't have the brains to pour piss out of their stylish boots.
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