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Old 02-06-2012, 09:18 PM   #76
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she had been posting on craigs list most likey where he found her and this whole train wreck began and it a real shame she is new to all of this and does not know how to handle it i knew her for 3 years before she found her way here and trust me she should not be here it not in her best interest i take no offense with what they did bbl can be over the top sometimes but thats kool and she is an adult but this is all getting out of control she got verified status today but i am not sure she will stay here and i really cant say i blame her she just to new to what goes on here and for her stake and what she has on her plate she really does not need to be here she has too much to loose
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Old 02-06-2012, 09:27 PM   #77
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Originally Posted by timothe View Post
I don't know, Laz. The impression I had was that RCS was not a provider on this board when that session happened and that she had seen him outside the hobby. Do you (or anyone) have information contrary to her claim?

You can post a review on a provider, whether she is a Eccie member or not, and sometimes guys will post reviews of girls they paid for sexual services, and maybe when RCS joined, then BBL may have thought, "perfect" and did his review. Maybe he did her a favor, maybe not, but from her original post, it looks like she regretted meeting the guy, it is a common thought among providers about this guy, but seemingly only after he posts a review with the pics to prove it.
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Old 02-06-2012, 09:44 PM   #78
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hell i have pics to prove what we did but she asked not to post them and i will not even share them that is between her and me rcs and does not know what she is doing here
and that scares me for her
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Old 02-07-2012, 01:18 PM   #79
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Originally Posted by timothe View Post
The impression I had was that RCS was not a provider on this board when that session happened and that she had seen him outside the hobby. Do you (or anyone) have information contrary to her claim?
Outside the hobby? Instead of playing a game of Clue to figure it out, why not simply ask RCS. Keep in mind that asking either party more details at this point, especially given the post by surfindick where the Staff looked into the initial claims of this thread of non-consensual, and found her to not be exactly 100% accurate or truthful so unpredictable results may occur if you check on the previous meetings.

Originally Posted by bigdog0311 View Post
You can post a review on a provider, whether she is a Eccie member or not, and sometimes guys will post reviews of girls they paid for sexual services, and maybe when RCS joined, then BBL may have thought, "perfect" and did his review. Maybe he did her a favor, maybe not, but from her original post, it looks like she regretted meeting the guy, it is a common thought among providers about this guy, but seemingly only after he posts a review with the pics to prove it.
Quite a bit of speculation there without a shred of facts.

"Maybe when RCS joined BBL thought to do her a favor?"

I may be alone in thinking this but I don't think that when BBL chose to write this review he thought of "doing her a favor". More like I'd wager his PA was about up and he needed another 6 weeks and RCS was a recent visit PLUS with the Lito, it fell right into his wheelhouse for outrageous sessions this site craves and survives o.

I am so confused by that paragraph because it is incomprehensible how you could possibly entertain a thought that BBL's thought process would even be in the same Zipcode as RCS.

Now, just how the hell would you know about some "common thought among providers about this guy"?

He has a total of 5 reviews. Lizzie disappeared, Nina appears to be strictly Backpage and the number has different names attached, and then there is Gin. The review speaks for itself. but is she even around?

So, the sum total of providers who may have some kind, in fact, any kind, of though about this guy is 3. A thought held by 3 individuals is not common, far from it. Please try to stop with embellishing replies, OK?

Wow. Now people are trying to make a distinction about whether RCS was on this board or not.


We have entire forums devoted to vagina vendors that are not on here. Sure, there are a lot of guys, myself included, who will mention the site and point out the free ads and ability to network with other providers for better and safer screening tips, but other than trying to derail this even further, who gives a shit and more important, why does it matter?

1. BBL somehow someway met and as confirmed by both parties, had a couple "dates" prior to the Lito session.

2. RCS was "alerted" to the extremely graphic review by her small legion of white knights who tried to convince her she had committed a deadly sin by seeing BBL.

3. As history has shown since ASPD died and ECCIE went from a smaller, tighter, more friendly place to what we have now, the number of people, men and women both, who scream out yelling and cursing that a graphic review such as this will kill the providers business, has increased yet the providers getting such reviews do very well.

The funny part about it is that Logan has been writing even more outrageously graphic reviews than this (I really miss "The Road to Hell" series! posted years back on ASPD) yet it seems some just can't get over his handle so go bonkers and work their brains into a tizzy making accusations and making shit up, sorry, embellishing, posts in reviews and threads.

There's a reason why certain clients get discounts when they see call to see providers who understand the cash value of a well written and graphic review. It's all about the Benjamins and the small discount to make sure certain clients show up and not go to plan B or C means increased income.

Everyone needs to bring their heads back to Earth and understand that no amount of complaining will change anything. Just like many others, I'd bet he never uses his handle to screen. (if providers screen at all, a whole different topic)
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Old 02-07-2012, 01:47 PM   #80
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I'd like to speculate that BBL is the Mr. Hyde to LL's Dr. Jekyll.
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Old 02-07-2012, 06:25 PM   #81
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Originally Posted by Sami View Post
Wow just Wow The pictures of her on that review? Is that allowed without her permission? BBL I believe you have been added to many DNS list.
Hell many of the guys don't want to even see ladies you have seen.
What a shame
You should also put DickemDown on your DNS list, as this is exactly what he did here http://ww.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=275175
where he took pix during a session, posted them, and then Reese stated that she wanted those pictures removed.

Originally Posted by Oppa View Post
Cajun, don't let one asshole in the hobby destroy you or your desire to take care of your kids.

As for the video and pictures, I question if they were taken with consent. If not and they were shared here, I think there is good reason for the mods to send BBL away for a very long time.
By that logic - you think we should send DickemDown away for a long time for his posting pix of Reese without her consent?

Edit for Boltfan in private tags:

One last issue - I do not believe RedCajunSpinner had management of any kind at the time I saw her. There was no indication of that whatsoever at that time.
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Old 02-07-2012, 06:37 PM   #82
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Interesting spin.

Did the ladies in question ever post that the pictures were taken and posted without their knowledge? If so please cite it along with the review you posted.

Not saying I am siding with either party. I wasn't there. But you are trying to compare your situation to another very different one. Taking statements at face value, Red has stated they were taken without her consent. You disagree, fine. The ladies above never posted the pictures were taken without their consent.
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Old 02-07-2012, 10:35 PM   #83
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Originally Posted by BarebackLover View Post
You should also put DickemDown on your DNS list, as this is exactly what he did here http://ww.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=275175
where he took pix during a session, posted them, and then Reese stated that she wanted those pictures removed.

By that logic - you think we should send DickemDown away for a long time for his posting pix of Reese without her consent?

Umm....I did not ask for my pics to be removed. Please get it straight. SK asked that hers be removed and only after she had been harassed by some WK. She and I both gave our permission for the pics to be posted.

DeD would never disrespect a lady by doing something that she asked him not to do. So maybe you should get over your vendetta against DeD, he is one of the good guys.
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Old 02-08-2012, 12:29 AM   #84
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Originally Posted by Reese Foster;2147444[B
She and I both gave our permission for the pics to be posted. [/B]
Are we talking about the photo shoot where flames were shooting out of someone? Because that seemed a bit over the top for posting in public, but I'm no marketing genius.
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Old 02-08-2012, 02:32 AM   #85
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Originally Posted by SirThomasTew View Post
Are we talking about the photo shoot where flames were shooting out of someone? Because that seemed a bit over the top for posting in public, but I'm no marketing genius.
For real? Use some common sense... Please? Those pics were stolen and edited by some very bored and very mean people, to make light of something tragic that happened to me as a child. If you find that entertaining... Then you are as sick as they are.

By the way.. Those photoshopped pics were never posted here on eccie and certainly not by DeD.
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Old 02-08-2012, 07:57 AM   #86
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I couldn't resists. I creeped out the house around 3:15am last night. Left my wife at home. I wanted to see what it was like. I must say that I was impressed on how spacious the rooms were, cleanliest it was, TV in all the rooms, and everyone was nice. I could stop by there everyday after work and leave there only spending 11 dollars. Now, I just need to find a female side kick to join me on the weekend or on special occasions.
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Old 02-11-2012, 05:38 PM   #87
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Ill again just bite my tongue...
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Old 02-12-2012, 06:02 AM   #88
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i am not beliveing her now i think she is just out to hurt people i know she did that to me
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Old 02-12-2012, 06:24 AM   #89
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Originally Posted by skirtchaser79411 View Post
i am not beliveing her now i think she is just out to hurt people i know she did that to me
This is about RCS and her bad experience with BBL. If you have other issues with RCS can you please start another thread?

How did she hurt you?

How is she trying to hurt others?

I'm not trying to be a jerk, but if you wish to warn us about RCS, burying it in this thread is not the proper way to do it. I think the mods call it thread hijacking.
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Old 02-12-2012, 06:39 AM   #90
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my bad your right
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