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Old 02-05-2012, 06:53 PM   #211
Little Stevie
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Originally Posted by 7071949597 View Post
Yet, they've provided more evidence and citations of KXL's and TransCanada's own state submissions than both of you combined.

You may not care for the politics of the messengers, but you've done nothing to invalidate their findings. You've just placed a label on it and shoved it to the side because what it says undermines your whole position on the debate.

Now, if there are any adults that would like to have a rational conversation about this, then let's have one. Otherwise, go back to accepting your daily dose of Fox News and Glenn Beck at face value.
7071949597, get used to these PARTISAN hacks who rant about the partisanship of anything anti-pipeline or anti-oil.

Their political stripes are aligned with those who care not for the country and who would rather do whatever it took to get rid of Obama. They often take positions that hurt the country as long as they know those positions will hurt the economy and therefore hurt Obama.

I agree 100% with your figures about how the pipeline and oil industry have distorted the supposed benefits of the XL fiasco!

Thank you for providing an intelligent and honest rebuttal to the tripe they post.
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Old 02-05-2012, 09:08 PM   #212
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I think it is the people who care about the country who want to defeat President Obama. And if they really care about the country, they won't replace him with Gov. Romney.
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Old 02-06-2012, 06:59 AM   #213
I B Hankering
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Originally Posted by Little Stevie View Post
7071949597, get used to these PARTISAN hacks who rant about the partisanship of anything anti-pipeline or anti-oil.

Their political stripes are aligned with those who care not for the country and who would rather do whatever it took to get rid of Obama. They often take positions that hurt the country as long as they know those positions will hurt the economy and therefore hurt Obama.

I agree 100% with your figures about how the pipeline and oil industry have distorted the supposed benefits of the XL fiasco!

Thank you for providing an intelligent and honest rebuttal to the tripe they post.
Once again Little Blind Boy feebly vies to be the advocate for the Kool Aid sodden drunks of the left. But in his blind, Kool Aid drunken state he offers feeble, unsubstantiated argument and cannot reconcile the scribblings of his current set of socialist experts with the position of other, more traditional socialist experts who are not so dismissive of jobs as Sweeny and McKibben. Feast on this “tripe” yet again you ignorant, Kool Aid drunkards:

Labor Agreement For Keystone XL Pipeline To Create 13,000 American Jobs

Labor Agreement For Keystone XL Pipeline To Create 13,000 American Jobs
TransCanada Corporation announced a Project Labor Agreement for a significant portion of U.S. construction of the proposed US$7 billion Keystone Gulf Coast Expansion Pipeline Project (Keystone XL). The agreement will provide TransCanada with a capable, well-trained and ready workforce in the U.S. to construct Keystone XL. During construction, the project is expected to create over seven million hours of labor and over 13,000 new jobs for American workers.

The Project Labor Agreement is with the Laborers International Union of North America, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, the United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry of the United States and Canada, AFL-CIO, the International Union of Operating Engineers and the Pipeline Contractors Association. . . .

The Laborers International Union of North America represents half a million workers in the heavy construction and building construction trade, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters represents 1.4 million professionals in the private and public sector, the United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry of the United States and Canada, AFL-CIO represents 300,000 members across North America in the plumbing and pipefitting industry, and the International Union of Operating Engineers represents 400,000 operating engineers, who work as heavy equipment operators, mechanics, and surveyors in the construction industry, and stationary engineers, who work in operations and maintenance in building and industrial complexes, and in the service industries.


The Keystone Pipeline project is projected to create over 20,000 jobs for middleclass Americans to construct the pipeline and over 118,000 spin-off jobs to communities desperately in need. The United Association and Pipefitters Local 537 is very much in favor of this project and hope you contact your representatives in Washington D.C. to show your support.


Union Support For Keystone XL Pipeline Project

General President William P. Hite and the United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada lauded the U.S. Department of State decision to move forward with a next step for the Keystone XL pipeline permit. . . .

The unions have executed a project labor agreement to provide the Keystone XL project with a well-trained workforce in the U.S. The planned 1,959-mile, 36-inch crude oil pipeline will stretch from Hardisty, Alberta to a delivery point in Nederland, TX to serve the Port Arthur, TX marketplace.


Canadian oil sands development will create more than 500,000 new U.S. jobs and generate $775 billion in GDP by 2035.

Keystone XL will generate as many as 20,000 new U.S. jobs during construction alone,

Our country’s skilled tradesmen and women will build this pipeline using state-of-art technology, ensuring the highest possible standards of safety.


Notice, the writers are union affiliated, such as Local 469 and Local 537. The fact that you persist in referring to them as ‘Fox News’, ‘Limbaugh’, ‘Hannity’ or ‘Beck’ only serves to underscore both your blind-drunk partisanship and your complete ignorance on the matter. Had either of you sots troubled yourselves to actually read through the thread, you would have noticed your partisan-socialist, ‘green’ experts, Sweeny and McKibben, diverge significantly from the partisan-socialist, ‘labor’ experts in Locals 469, 537, etc.

Keep drinking the Kool Aid! It's amusing to watch you sots inchoately wallow and crawl in your pathetic puddles of ignorance.
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Old 02-07-2012, 05:12 PM   #214
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Op-ed writer Joe Nocera of The New York Times can hardly be called a conservative. In fact, he's the well-known columnist who, last summer during the debt-ceiling debates, compared "Tea Party" Republicans to terrorists, accompanying that assertion with a couple of other rather incendiary comments for which he later apologized.

But here he makes several pretty good points, mentioning in particular the real agenda of the environmental movement:

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Old 02-07-2012, 08:13 PM   #215
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Joe Nocera article sounds like post http://eccie.net/showpost.php?p=2059063&postcount=13.

But he's wrong in one respect, the Republicans never cast this as some "end all" for unemployment and dependence on Middle East oil. That's Democratic talking points that 98% of the media and the useful idiots on this board keep repeating until the voting idiots believe it.

Its a simple litmus test for "Eco-fascism." Its about playing to Obama's base, not aquifers or pipelines. That's why he will green light the pipeline *IF* he's re-elected.

Hear the roar of our gasoline powered engines. Its half-time in America. Time to change Quarterbacks.
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Old 02-07-2012, 09:51 PM   #216
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It will be interesting to see what happens if gasoline reaches $4.00 per gallon this May, as I heard predicted on NPR yesterday. President Obama is on record saying he would favor $4.00 gallon gasoline.
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Old 02-24-2013, 10:00 AM   #217
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Thumbs up Pipeline or no........?

this state of Nebraska that was mentioned......is it the one and same Nebraska where the shady deal was made exempting all Nebraskans fron the future taxes of Odumbo care ?
The deal that became known as the Nebraska Cornhusker Shuffle ? Like in the Louisiana Purchase where the president bought that congressional vote as well for a $300 million bribe to the state ?
I say to hell with the self serving politicians. I am tired of this administration and $4.00 gasoline.The very same group of politicians that campaigned on getting the price of gas downs because "W" Bush wouldnt do it. Well here we are with gas higher than giraffe pussy and unemployment at the same level for over 4 years.
I say bring on the Keystone Pipeline and to hell with Obama !
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Old 02-24-2013, 10:42 AM   #218
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Originally Posted by rioseco View Post
this state of Nebraska that was mentioned......is it the one and same Nebraska where the shady deal was made exempting all Nebraskans fron the future taxes of Odumbo care ?
The deal that became known as the Nebraska Cornhusker Shuffle ? Like in the Louisiana Purchase where the president bought that congressional vote as well for a $300 million bribe to the state ?
I say to hell with the self serving politicians. I am tired of this administration and $4.00 gasoline.The very same group of politicians that campaigned on getting the price of gas downs because "W" Bush wouldnt do it. Well here we are with gas higher than giraffe pussy and unemployment at the same level for over 4 years.
I say bring on the Keystone Pipeline and to hell with Obama !
You think the Louisiana Purchase was a mistake?

Nebraska is a Red State and it has a problem with the pipeline. Do your research and you won't come off as a retard.

Let me point out something else...do any of you have a problem with government condemnation of private lands to build a private pipeline? Do any of you really think this is being do for 'public benifit'?


Utility providers such as natural gas, electric, telecommunications and water/sewer companies generally may be granted the power of eminent domain by the local, state or federal government for the purpose of constructing utility infrastructure that is considered a public purpose or having public benefit.
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Old 02-24-2013, 04:57 PM   #219
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
You think the Louisiana Purchase was a mistake?
Not THAT Louisiana Purchase, knucklehead. THIS one:


As someone once said "Do your research and you won't come off as a retard"
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Old 02-24-2013, 05:57 PM   #220
Chica Chaser
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Utility providers such as natural gas, electric, telecommunications and water/sewer companies generally may be granted the power of eminent domain by the local, state or federal government for the purpose of constructing utility infrastructure [B][U][I]that is considered a public purpose or having public benefit.
From your quoted article
While the utility company may acquire the power to use eminent domain to take property for such projects, the US Constitution and state constitutions require that condemnors who acquire private property for a public purpose must pay the property owner just compensation for the taking.
This has been going on since the beginning of time. Railroads, power transmission lines, gas pipelines, cell phone towers, radio/TV broadcasting towers, etc. They purchase from the landowner a right of way for their equipment. Typically its a very narrow or small section of the land, most of it very rural areas. Most farmers have quite willing to give up a 20-30 ft section of their land for the compensation that comes with it. This is not the big deal some are trying to make it out to be.
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