Just a few comments that spring to mind reading this thread...
You guys crack me up! (WYD's calloused knees which mandola will soon have as well)
Great interpretations of UTRP's motivations and perceptions of benefits & boundaries appropriate of their niche. From my personal standpoint, I always seek meaningful encounters no matter what the context: P4P, Fling/CasEncounters, platonic, civvie/FWB or love of my life - married or just blossoming. Limiting the people you bring into your world increases the quality of those remaining. I have a lot of love to go around and it's a wonderful thing to share. You know it's true... Come to Mama... >

Sorry... Always a goofball, so SPANK me!
As for not sharing your treats, you boys should know that the info will be had in one way or another. If it's meant for your paths to cross, they will. Play fair! Don't have to be nice... lol
Last, although ladies always have a choice of who or who not to see, becoming more exclusive does increase her options.

My problem is that I require fresh meat as much as the next carnal connoisseur & have to surface occasionally to maintain a feel for the community and contribute my commentary so I can lure them in. *mwahahaha*
Continue on, Fellas! Didn't mean to interrupt the flow. Interesting discussion.