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Old 01-26-2012, 01:04 PM   #16
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I think if you're travelling it makes it easier but it's not a necessary tool.
Reviews do more justice than anything IMO.
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Old 01-26-2012, 09:40 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Shayla View Post
I think if you're travelling it makes it easier but it's not a necessary tool.
Reviews do more justice than anything IMO.

I have a link to my reviews. I don't know, I just wanted a nice website and I really like the way Good Girl Media designed it. It's an investment for me.
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Old 01-27-2012, 06:06 AM   #18
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Fact of the matter is , guys don't want to have to login to sites to find you. A website is sooo inexpensive I don't know why most ladies don't have it. I know a few ladies that have made killer websites with WordPress (which is what I use) and they do very well. I know a few high end gals that have no website at all and charge twice the rate I charge. People scream reviews reviews and it's not true. A LOT of guys (high paying guys) do not know what reviews are. So the more professional your website is - the better response you get.

My top six tips for those wanting their own website.

1.)Buy your own hosting and learn how to use wordpress or a sitebuilder. For those of you that use escortsite.com. Escortsite.com is $20 a month. My hosting with hostgator is $14 a month. See it's cheaper and you don't look like
ever other escort out there.

2.) Get your own domain name even if you have one of those cookiecutter sites. (Do not use Kaylaxxxx.tumblr.com or Kaylaxxx.escortsite.com. Use Kaylaxxx.com instead -- it shows you have style and you're not cheap).

3.) Be straight forward and get to the point. (Guys don't want to know about all your 10 VIP packages. Keep it simple.
If you are not gfe, don't use the word GFE. If you're not available at 3am, don't say you're available 24/7)

4.) Do not use graphics that have nothing to do with the services you provide.

If you're offering companionship, why do you need a hello kitty doll on the sidebar? It doesn't make any sense.
All the glitter graphics? I know you think it's cute but it does nothing but clutter up the page.

5.) If you're not good at spelling, write your content on a word document before posting.
You will thank me later

6.) Never use flash to build your website. You don't need a butterfly flying across your website do you?
How old are you? you're an escort so you must be over the age of 18. Think professional.

And last but not least, lose the music. No one wants to hear it. It's distracting and you can get the guy in trouble.
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Old 01-27-2012, 07:39 AM   #19
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Truly right on the money. Great post. Great, great post. Sticky worthy.

All: note the word about music. Don't do it. Nothing will get a gentleman to close your site faster.

If I could also add: ladies, the list of rules and demanding words like "you must" or "I will not respond" make you look like demanding, horsey-ass bitches and certainly that's not how you wish to portray yourself--nothing buys you a ticket to backpage any faster. Instead, learn to couch your wishes diplomatically. E.g., instead of saying, "I will NOT respond to blocked phone numbers," try, "I regret that I am unable to respond to blocked phone numbers." Or, instead of saying, "I do NOT answer calls after 10:00pm" learn to say, "I look forward to each of your calls and keep my phones on until 10:00pm each night to receive them." See, the behavior behind the phrases is the same: you WONT take blocked calls and you WONT answer after 10. But the demanding approach makes it appear that you are in complete control and the gentleman is just lucky to be in the same state as you. In reality, he is lucky--but you're lucky also to have him interested in you. Play it both ways.

All the best.

Originally Posted by ZarahAdams View Post
Fact of the matter is , guys don't want to have to login to sites to find you. A website is sooo inexpensive I don't know why most ladies don't have it. I know a few ladies that have made killer websites with WordPress (which is what I use) and they do very well. I know a few high end gals that have no website at all and charge twice the rate I charge. People scream reviews reviews and it's not true. A LOT of guys (high paying guys) do not know what reviews are. So the more professional your website is - the better response you get.

My top six tips for those wanting their own website.

1.)Buy your own hosting and learn how to use wordpress or a sitebuilder. For those of you that use escortsite.com. Escortsite.com is $20 a month. My hosting with hostgator is $14 a month. See it's cheaper and you don't look like
ever other escort out there.

2.) Get your own domain name even if you have one of those cookiecutter sites. (Do not use Kaylaxxxx.tumblr.com or Kaylaxxx.escortsite.com. Use Kaylaxxx.com instead -- it shows you have style and you're not cheap).

3.) Be straight forward and get to the point. (Guys don't want to know about all your 10 VIP packages. Keep it simple.
If you are not gfe, don't use the word GFE. If you're not available at 3am, don't say you're available 24/7)

4.) Do not use graphics that have nothing to do with the services you provide.

If you're offering companionship, why do you need a hello kitty doll on the sidebar? It doesn't make any sense.
All the glitter graphics? I know you think it's cute but it does nothing but clutter up the page.

5.) If you're not goog at spelling, write your content on a word document before posting.
You will thank me later

6.) Never use flash to build your website. You don't need a butterfly flying across your website do you?
How old are you? you're an escort so you must be over the age of 18. Think professional.

And last but not least, lose the music. No one wants to hear it. It's distracting and you can get the guy in trouble.
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Old 01-27-2012, 07:54 AM   #20
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To that I say, maybe they're catering to a certain type of guy.
In this business when we try to appeal to everyone, we appeal to no one.
For that lady, it could be working for her but it may not work for another lady.
You would be surprised how many guys that are into her demanding/bossy nature...ya know?
Everyone is different in this business.

Originally Posted by JDNorthface View Post

If I could also add: ladies, the list of rules and demanding words like "you must" or "I will not respond" make you look like demanding, horsey-ass bitches and certainly that's not how you wish to portray yourself--nothing buys you a ticket to backpage any faster. Instead, learn to couch your wishes diplomatically. E.g., instead of saying, "I will NOT respond to blocked phone numbers," try, "I regret that I am unable to respond to blocked phone numbers." Or, instead of saying, "I do NOT answer calls after 10:00pm" learn to say, "I look forward to each of your calls and keep my phones on until 10:00pm each night to receive them." See, the behavior behind the phrases is the same: you WONT take blocked calls and you WONT answer after 10. But the demanding approach makes it appear that you are in complete control and the gentleman is just lucky to be in the same state as you. In reality, he is lucky--but you're lucky also to have him interested in you. Play it both ways.

All the best.
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Old 01-27-2012, 08:04 AM   #21
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Maybe. But I will remain doubtful that most are thinking that strategically. Rather, I believe most are trying a populous appeal and allowing their personalities to shine forth.

Originally Posted by ZarahAdams View Post
To that I say, maybe they're catering to a certain type of guy.
In this business when we try to appeal to everyone, we appeal to no one.
For that lady, it could be working for her but it may not work for another lady.
You would be surprised how many guys that are into her demanding/bossy nature...ya know?
Everyone is different in this business.
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Old 01-27-2012, 08:07 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by JDNorthface View Post
Maybe. But I will remain doubtful that most are thinking that strategically. Rather, I believe most are trying a populous appeal and allowing their personalities to shine forth.
Most but not all.

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