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Old 01-20-2012, 12:14 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by babee View Post
Layla, its part of posting your number. You should be able to tell in under 3 words if it's someone you want to meet. Just hang up (that's why they invented that lil red button for your phone) or be nice & refer them to your ad or site, ask them to call when they're ready to schedule & wish them a nice day/good luck.
I've called you before! Stop hanging up on me I stutter, damn it! LOL
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Old 01-20-2012, 01:52 PM   #17
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Thats the way I take it when I am asked questions like that. Its a way for them to introduce some sort of conversation and see if you are as nice, & polite as your ad. It doesn't matter to meme because at the end of the day I enjoy the conversations that come after the questions.
Originally Posted by Budman View Post
I believe that many questions are ask because we don't remember all of the info in your ad. We are not sitting at the computer making calls. Many guys look at the ads and write down numbers of providers they are interested in. When we are in a position to call some of the ad info starts running together. We also may be trying to get the conversation going.
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Old 01-20-2012, 02:00 PM   #18
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Sorry to hear some dudes are taking up your time. If I was in Austin I would give you a long tight hug to make everything better.
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Old 01-20-2012, 02:09 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by babee View Post
Some are nervous and, shall we say - socially awkward? and for some reason refuse to believe that "Hello. How are you?" or whatever basic greeting is not appropriate to <pick one> ho's or exotic delites. (There's no in between and it's not your issue so don't boggle on that either, btw)
If the guys were "SOCIAL EXPERTS" they would not be calling you babee! They would be getting it for free someplace.

I am amazed sometimes by the things some lady's write about men here, reminds me of the " I'm to good for you" crowd of girls in my younger years.
I don't want to talk to you because you shop at K-Mart...uhhh duhhh!

Keep showing your true color's !!!
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Old 01-20-2012, 04:06 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by sweetlayla View Post
Why is it that 95% of guys calling ask questions that are obvious(as in on my ad)? like how old are you?what area are you located?c'mon really...............read the ad not just the # on it.....uhhhh duhhhhhhh..................... ....
Your showcase says 5'4". But also says slender and 220 lbs so sometimes people might want to make sure what is written is correct. Looking at your pictures I'm sure the weight is wrong.
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Old 01-20-2012, 05:19 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou View Post
Maybe it's just me but since I've been focused on getting new clientel everyone that i have corresponded with on the phone have been nothing but sweet and already informed about my rates and services and just want to inquire about my availability. I thought I was going to get alot of BS when I made my number public.

The only thing I don't like is when guys respond to my EROS ad that says " NO SAME-DAY APPTS." and they want to know if I am available tonight. That's the only thing that annoys me.

The last sentence. THIS!!

Thankfully this doesn't happen often.
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Old 01-20-2012, 08:35 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Exhibitbob View Post
Your showcase says 5'4". But also says slender and 220 lbs so sometimes people might want to make sure what is written is correct. Looking at your pictures I'm sure the weight is wrong.

Maybe she just needs to take a dump.
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Old 01-20-2012, 11:34 PM   #23
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Maybe it should be thought of positively when men don't often read the ad detail, and a gentleman here bought up a good point. I call businesses too and I don't always read the fine print on their ads or in their brochures/pamphlets. And men are visual, so mostly, they look at the pictures and write down the number.

But having that website built actually lessened the number of men asking questions because it's all there. I never understood either why girls worked under different names. What's the purpose of that? Wouldn't someone find out who you were anyways?
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Old 01-21-2012, 07:10 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by alluringava View Post
Happens all the time. The biggest pet peeve I have is when they ask for me when I AM NOT in town ( even when the DATES AND TIMES are posted), or when I say no last minute appointments and they ask for 'take out' in thirty minutes.

I know a lot of men just don't always pay attention to the words, they're getting hard over the pictures and don't always write things down, just the number and name. But really, is it that HARD LOL to read the dates I will be in TOWN?!
This is the type of attitude that pissed customers off. Numerous times I have contacted visiting providers because they were "supposed to be in town" only to be told "I haven't made it yet" or "Sorry hon I already left" or some other BS. You are posting like the majority of providers are excellent at TCB when in reality most are very below average in this department.

Someone made the comment that hobbyist don't pay attention to details. Probably true but the same can be said about providers. I can't count the number of times I have sent an email or PM with several questions that I need answers to before I can decide if I will schedule with a provider only to get back some dumb ass response. An example is I ask if the provider is still in town and how early she sees clients. I also ask what part of town she is in. I get a one sentence reply like "when do you want to see me". How the fuck do I know because I have no idea where you are at. If you are right across the street from me then anytime could work but if you are hanging out with Shamu at Sea World then we may not be able to see each other because I live an hour away.

You providers should be damn glad that customers are calling. That means they found you interesting and are thinking of spending their hard earned money on you. Some may be window shopping today but tomorrow just may be the day they decide to take the plunge and your attitude on the original call may be what pushes them to see you.
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Old 01-21-2012, 07:57 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by Budman View Post

You providers should be damn glad that customers are calling. That means they found you interesting and are thinking of spending their hard earned money on you. Some may be window shopping today but tomorrow just may be the day they decide to take the plunge and your attitude on the original call may be what pushes them to see you.
So that means asking you to put a little thought into contacting a lady is asking too much? You should always expect out of a situation what you put into it. Darling Budman, sometimes a compromise has to be met. Neither the lady or the gent is solely the problem, but if communicating one way doesn't work, you should probably try another.

POINT BLANK. When contacting a lady, tell HER when you want an appointment, and either she can accommodate you or she can't. For the most part, her availability is none of your business until you make your intentions known. I know the caveat in that is screening for a girl that's potentially not available when you want her to be, but it doesn't hurt to get that process out of the way for the next time. That's worked well for me with gents who like short notice appointments.
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Old 01-21-2012, 08:18 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by Drtry2 View Post
babee..... Keep showing your true color's !!!

My statements stand.

Every client has the right to handle his biz however he chooses. As does every lady. Every guy's preferred approach will not work with every lady. Accept it and move on or post petty comments behind an "anon" handle.

Same goes for the ladies. Post your number; deal with the BS. Doesn't mean we have to like it, just that we have to figure out our way to deal with it.

Now, I need to go find me a Jack Nicholson costume so I can practice my "You can't handle the truth." impression. I feel like it's gonna be needed.
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Old 01-21-2012, 08:37 AM   #27
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Layla, here is my take on this.

Go to the Profiles and read the Hooker Ads. Go to the websites.

Most men's reactions are, 'who writes this shit'. Is there a universal "Hooker Ad" outline that includes all of the worn out shit that most men find comical?

If you go by the ads, there isn't a hill of beans difference in any of the Ladies, because they all say the same trite crap in the ad.

Same catch words and same dumbass phrases that are supposed to "entice" a Hobbyist. The only thing different is the actual description of the Lady, which, in many cases, is bullshit as well. "Alluring", "Bombshell", "Unforgettable", "Naughty", "Hottie", "Discriminating taste", "Mindblowing", "Captivating" "Well read", "Educated", "Adventurous", "Total Package", "Carefree", "Funloving" and the list goes on.

It makes you wonder if any of the Ladies actually read any of this.

Men don't care. You already have the one thing they want, and are willing to pay for. All of that other shit is just a bunch of crap. The web sites read like they were written by other chicks, or maybe a used car salesman.

So most men look at the pictures, read what ever reviews are out there, and make a call. If you act civil enough over the phone, he might decide to spend his hard earned money on you.

Babee seems to have a pretty good take on all of this. She's selling, we are buying. Nobody is forceing anybody to do anything.

And whether a Hooker is worth it is not predicated on how generous he is on his first visit. her worth to him will be how much he is willing to spend on the next visit.
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Old 01-21-2012, 01:26 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Budman View Post
This is the type of attitude that pissed customers off. Numerous times I have contacted visiting providers because they were "supposed to be in town" only to be told "I haven't made it yet" or "Sorry hon I already left" or some other BS. You are posting like the majority of providers are excellent at TCB when in reality most are very below average in this department.

Someone made the comment that hobbyist don't pay attention to details. Probably true but the same can be said about providers. I can't count the number of times I have sent an email or PM with several questions that I need answers to before I can decide if I will schedule with a provider only to get back some dumb ass response. An example is I ask if the provider is still in town and how early she sees clients. I also ask what part of town she is in. I get a one sentence reply like "when do you want to see me". How the fuck do I know because I have no idea where you are at. If you are right across the street from me then anytime could work but if you are hanging out with Shamu at Sea World then we may not be able to see each other because I live an hour away.

You providers should be damn glad that customers are calling. That means they found you interesting and are thinking of spending their hard earned money on you. Some may be window shopping today but tomorrow just may be the day they decide to take the plunge and your attitude on the original call may be what pushes them to see you.
" You should be damn glad that customers are calling."

Wow. And I have the right to say NO to damn customers like you who behave like THIS. Talk about a crappy attitude.
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Old 01-21-2012, 01:26 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson View Post
So that means asking you to put a little thought into contacting a lady is asking too much? You should always expect out of a situation what you put into it. Darling Budman, sometimes a compromise has to be met. Neither the lady or the gent is solely the problem, but if communicating one way doesn't work, you should probably try another.

POINT BLANK. When contacting a lady, tell HER when you want an appointment, and either she can accommodate you or she can't. For the most part, her availability is none of your business until you make your intentions known. I know the caveat in that is screening for a girl that's potentially not available when you want her to be, but it doesn't hurt to get that process out of the way for the next time. That's worked well for me with gents who like short notice appointments.

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Old 01-21-2012, 04:12 PM   #30
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Thasnk you all for your feed back i think most of you took that and ran with it but again thanks
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