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Old 01-19-2012, 01:58 PM   #16
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quote a "provider here"but I wont stoop to her level and reveal who she is.
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Old 01-19-2012, 02:12 PM   #17
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Sorry to hear that. Loosing a life long friend and having the SO pissed at you is a double whammy. Also sounds like the fiance is a real dick by allowing himself to be part of this drama. He should have known what he was doing was going to be damaging to you. What a prick! Exactly what did he have to gain? More BBBJ from your so called friend?

What happend to discretion being the better part of valor?

In the future, stay away from such people who are capable of such heinous behaviour
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Old 01-19-2012, 02:15 PM   #18
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Charlie, after talking to you earlier, this sounds an awful lot like the BS drama most of us probably remember from high school. You and her have been friends for over half of your life. Your husband and her fiance have only been friends for a short period of time, right, and only because you two introduced them, right? Seems to me that the drama in this situation centers around your significant others, based on the additional info you gave me that is not posted here.

It's shitty to intentionally expose your friend's dirty laundry to their SO, whether in the hobby or regular civilian life. I know those who I count as my closest friends would never do such a thing, and if they did there would be hell to pay. At least in this case you really didn't suffer any great damage from her doing that.

Here's my suggestion on how to resolve this:
You and her need to get away from your other halves for a girl's day out at a spa. Figure it out there with both being honest about what you know happened and why, and let the speculation end. You are both entirely too old to let this kind of crap ruin a friendship that goes this far back. Neither one of you is entirely without blame, and sitting down without the boys might just open things up for some honesty.

If your husband and her fiance want to salvage their friendship, they probably should go play a round of golf or drink a beer at the neighborhood bar and do the same thing you and her did to save your friendship.

From our conversation earlier, there seems to be a lot of petty crap here. Get together without the SOs and figure it out like adults.
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Old 01-19-2012, 02:22 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Yowzer View Post
Sorry to hear that. Loosing a life long friend and having the SO pissed at you is a double whammy. Also sounds like the fiance is a real dick by allowing himself to be part of this drama. He should have known what he was doing was going to be damaging to you. What a prick! Exactly what did he have to gain? More BBBJ from your so called friend?

What happend to discretion being the better part of valor?

In the future, stay away from such people who are capable of such heinous behaviour
thats just it she has never been this way except last 6 months, but she has been going through her own drama so I let it slide
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Old 01-19-2012, 02:24 PM   #20
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My wife worked as a provider. One of her "friends" sent pictures and other information about her to my former wife who forwarded it to my family members, my wife's family members, my wife's 18 year old daughter and many of my business associates. The impact of this disagreement among "friends" has been very severe and may never be healed.
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Old 01-19-2012, 02:28 PM   #21
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There has been to many lies and refusing to admit thee truth for that and to many betrayal's on her part for me to even want to rebuild anything. All of this has been done for selfish reasons.[/B][/B][/B][/B]
Originally Posted by striped_cock View Post
Charlie, after talking to you earlier, this sounds an awful lot like the BS drama most of us probably remember from high school. You and her have been friends for over half of your life. Your husband and her fiance have only been friends for a short period of time, right, and only because you two introduced them, right? Seems to me that the drama in this situation centers around your significant others.

Here's my suggestion on how to resolve this:
You and her need to get away from your other halves for a girl's day out at a spa. Figure it out there with both being honest about what each knows happened, and let the speculation end. You are both entirely too old to let this kind of crap ruin a friendship that goes that far back.

If your husband and her fiance want to salvage their friendship, they probably should go play a round of golf or drink a beer at the neighborhood bar and do the same thing you and her did to save your friendship.

From our conversation earlier, there seems to be a lot of petty crap here, and its coming from both of you (sorry, we wouldn't be friends away from Eccie if we weren't honest with each other). Get together without the SOs and figure it out like adults.
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Old 01-19-2012, 03:03 PM   #22
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Old 01-19-2012, 03:11 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by boardman View Post
boardman still with your cats I would be confused too
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Old 01-19-2012, 03:15 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by CharlieLays View Post
Mine knows what I do hers does bi not know, but he knows what I do
This is the key sentence here...even though this is pretty damn far from being a sentence.

I'm using my Hooker to English Rosetta Stone here to translate that into "My husband knows that I'm a hooker. My friend's fiance did not know that I'm a hooker, but she recently told him. He then tried to out me to my husband."

You said "mine knows what I do". So, it's not outing when this other guy calls your husband and says "you wife's a hooker", because your husband already knew. Are you upset because she told her fiance and he ATTEMPTED to out you to your husband?

Aside: When I want to punish someone for "outing" I consider that term to mean that actual unknown information was passed along which resulted in negative reprecussions. Some may argue that the act of communication the information itself is "outing", regardless of the lack of a negative outcome. That's up for debate as well.
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Old 01-19-2012, 03:23 PM   #25
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You should have come to the Fucking prophet for a solution to your problem.

The answer is quite simple........have your husband set up a handle here on eccie and set up a date with her (better yet, a threesome with you). Then, have him write a review........last, send a linck to the review to the fiance.......ijs.

My work here is done.
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Old 01-19-2012, 03:33 PM   #26
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So sayeth the prophet, so shall it be done. Still trying to figure out where you are on this damn thing...

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Old 01-19-2012, 04:19 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Wakeuр View Post
This is the key sentence here...even though this is pretty damn far from being a sentence.

I'm using my Hooker to English Rosetta Stone here to translate that into "My husband knows that I'm a hooker. My friend's fiance did not know that I'm a hooker, but she recently told him. He then tried to out me to my husband."

You said "mine knows what I do". So, it's not outing when this other guy calls your husband and says "you wife's a hooker", because your husband already knew. Are you upset because she told her fiance and he ATTEMPTED to out you to your husband?

Aside: When I want to punish someone for "outing" I consider that term to mean that actual unknown information was passed along which resulted in negative reprecussions. Some may argue that the act of communication the information itself is "outing", regardless of the lack of a negative outcome. That's up for debate as well.
very good but not exact. Her fiance knew I was what he doesn't know is she is as well. And I've already checked with the mods its still considered an outing, especially the part that in Court every thing will be revealed so there is another threat to out again.

Very smart you almost got it
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Old 01-19-2012, 04:22 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by dearhunter View Post
You should have come to the Fucking prophet for a solution to your problem.

The answer is quite simple........have your husband set up a handle here on eccie and set up a date with her (better yet, a threesome with you). Then, have him write a review........last, send a linck to the review to the fiance.......ijs.

My work here is done.
I wish I could do something like that,I just don't have it in me to do that
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Old 01-19-2012, 04:44 PM   #29
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When push comes to shove . . .
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Old 01-19-2012, 05:37 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by CharlieLays View Post
very good but not exact. Her fiance knew I was what he doesn't know is she is as well. And I've already checked with the mods its still considered an outing, especially the part that in Court every thing will be revealed so there is another threat to out again.

Very smart you almost got it
If all four of you knew that you were a provider then I'm royally confused how this was an outing. Mods, since she said that you all have ruled on this situation, and have now evidently set a board policy about outing, can you explain it to me please?
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