69Stang, BT.... Doubt anyone in H-Town or this nation REALLY THINKS Schaub or Kubes will be replaced.. both will have their doubters though, and there are many!
On Kubes... I admit some of the play calling last game was a bit wacky. I was expecting a more conservative game with more check down passes, but they down swinging. With Dre in the backfield, I'll take that. Really I think Yates made some bad reads and didn't "look off" his targets enough.. But Kubes will have his doubters. I think he used his weapons well this year and was the backbone keeping the team together. Unless, Bill Cowher, Mike Shanahan (Kubes' mentor), Tony Dungy, or any other coach with a nice set jewelry becomes suddenly available, I'm all for Kubes @ coach! Hell, the players love him!
On Schaub, I wouldn't call him a bad QB by any means, he gets his #'s and the job done pretty consistently.. I'll never forget the yds he was able to rack up on a team with a poor defense and running game (pre-Foster). However, he has fucked us a few times in the clutch as well. The trend in the league is moving to more mobile-type QB's. He is not one of them.. Hell, neither is Brady or Peyton for that matter. However they have excellent pocket awareness and quick decision making skills that make up a lot of ground. The more moblie QB's make their jobs easier by holding the LB's and Safeties so they don't automatically drop back into coverage when the QB has the ball. I believe Schaub will have his doubters until he gets him some playoff W's and even perhaps until he gets us a SB W.
I'm sure Breezy will stay in NO, hell, their winning..
Peyton Manning will be more likely to find a new team in the same fashion Brees did with NO--with others doubting with uncertainty about his future due to a major (perhaps lingering) injury.
All of which are just pipe dreams. As are the CB free agents and WR's in the draft... No one knows for sure what will happen. I'm having fun imagining the possibilities.. But mark my words--this off season will be epic!
We have just a few issues this time and not the USUAL MAJOR ONES!.. I think the Texans will get us another superstar this off season and I for one can hardly wait.
BT,,, Ur buddy Daddio has made some good points, but you still discredit him.. You really can't get over the whole Schaubler Gobbler thing can you?... U guys best buds or something? Hell, you sound like a married couple. BTW if you look over on the official
Texans Forum, there is actually a big debate on Schaub vs Yates..
Satin.. you got more knowledge bout the team than anyone else I know. You called out Jacoby & Reem a LONG TIME AGO and I wasn't paying much attention.. Now looking back on the season, I give you a lot of credit for exposing our weakest links before any one else did

And for that Breezy coming to H-Town thing, YOU KNOW I get it! Of Course its far fetched!, As is 1/2 of those listed on my Kubes' shopping list.. (which I know is actually Rick Smith's list if one of you wants to be a dick and correct me)... But I like Kubes' shopping list better, has a nice ring to it... So there fuckers! hehehe
But Breezy gets my MVP vote and he is on my 2nd favorite team! Hell, I think I want him here more than you do Satin!
All that said, lets bring on more prospects!,, Mathis anyone? he would be cheaper than Mario.. and we will need depth @ OLB if Mario walks.