I had an odd situation the other day. I hadnt ventured out in a while, so I decided to stop by and old stand by spot... The spot is not known for FS in fact it is known for NO EXTRAS, but let's just say you have to have the approval of right person

. So I am there and a new person greets me, as I walk to the back, I see the key and wave to her she waves back. In the massage I get the questions about being here and such yada yada ya. The key walks in says something in Madarin (we all laugh, I know a little bit but had no clue what she said but I can tell by her laugh she thinks I do), she thens touches my legs and ass, then leaves.
Flip time, we joke about me being hard. She is normally a HJ girl only from what I was told later. She agrees to FS and whispers if I have a condom. She leaves and returns, then applies the cover. A bit of CBJ and then she hops on top and this is some of the tightest yet tender tale I have had in a while. She literally says oh, oh, that feels good, I said I am about to cum. She gave me the most confused look ever. You'd thought I asked her to whistle Dixie, POW.... I nutted. She got angry and was like WHAT THATS IT, yeah good for you but what about me ..... I just started laughing. She yelled something in Mandarin and the other chick started laughing. I actually apologized in my laughter. If it took a minute, I am probably overdoing it by 15 secs or more, wow it was quick.
Come to find out when I talked to the key there, she told the lady that I was a good fuck, a really good fuck. I guess not. As I have told providers in the past, they like me cause I don't haggle, I rarely stay more than 30 mins not matter how long I pay for and I usual cum quick and rarely more than once (my a d d kicks in and I want to get the fuck out of there, lol ). Hell this was extra quick......
I hope she still isnt angry at me, I need to redeem myself with her. I didnt understand her logic cause when I left she said that I must not like her, huh ?