Originally Posted by Sensual Lina
Answer is simple. There are many MARRIED "decent men with money, homes, family" , many "decent men with money, homes, family" who for one reason or another are not in market for LTR, but how many SINGLE "decent men with money, homes, family" are out there who are capable of monogamous long term relationships and can disregard the stigma of their SO being a companion?
Sure there are few, I have met several patrons over the years who I would hang my garters for without blinking an eye.
Choosing potential SO among men who know our provider personas is sorta like choosing a president among US Senators. You may choose the best of those in the running but chances are he is going to be a crook anyway
Few exceptions are life style swingers and men who who are secure enough to recognize its a job.
Unfortunately, absolute majority of those who won't run for the hills are either hobbyists who weasel their way into LTR with companions just for the freebies or wanna be pimps.
I have heard from a number of clients say how I need a good man with money to take care of me, and I deserve it, as I am sure every provider has heard at time or another. However, you are so right! Realisticly, There are many MARRIED "decent men with money, homes, family" , many "decent men with money, homes, family" who for one reason or another are not in market for LTR, but how many SINGLE "decent men with money, homes, family" are out there who are capable of monogamous long term relationships and can disregard the stigma of their SO being a companion? Most say they understand but truely never will without acually being in our shoes. The longer and longer I stay in this business the more it becomes just a dream or hope. However, I do have a passion for what I do. It is something of which I have figured that either I need to be willing not to have in my life, or change fields and work for an a** of a boss, make my kids struggle because I cant get paid what I'm worth & enjoy my job at the same time.
I have a college education along with other things. None of which I enjoyed as much as I do this. And the pay is better. I have more control over every aspect of my life, as do most providers, and that is a huge benifit in my life. Reason I say that is because if my child has something going on at school that I am wanted at, I can do it. If I have personal stuff to take care of, I can. My family life I am able to tend to as much as I please and I can thank my clients for that. I know if it wasnt for them that I would not be able to. I would have to request the time from boss/business and hope I can get it.
Now as far as personal relationship... The longer a provider is in the business the more and more we have a personal choice of either this, or that. My choice... this! If the "right" person comes along they will accept me for me. And then I would take my profession from there and see what happens. Chances of it tho... come on! It has ended as I thought I could and I cant. And I truely can understand that. If I was on the other side of the fence I dont think I could do it. It takes a very unique person to understand that is a "job" and then for them to know we have a passion for what we do, makes it harder. And for them to be able to commit to being monogamous! HA!
I have had the offer of a "sugar daddy" funny thing is... seen that person for a long time and then once they voluntarily offered and I kindly responded that I will not ask for anything and they knew that. But if there was something in which they knew was a need, and it was done, it would be kindly accepted, appreciated, and prolly mean more. HAVENT SEEN OR HEARD FROM HIM SINCE.
TIME TO RETIRE: I know this may not be forever, hence the reason i keep furthering my education so that if the time comes I can make the transition. At this point, if government doesnt make it too difficult down the road, I'll still be here. I hightly suggest for all providers to always be prepared. You never know what may come and the sudden change of career may needed. From where I am standing now, I will close to a lifer. But I can not predict the future. Im down for gummers if you are

and ill prolly be in a wheel chair before most, so if you can deal with it, I can. Lol'