Originally Posted by brother
.......if i did pay $400 to a visiting providers i be disrepecting our providers that is here working hard everyday for the new orleans and baton rouge guys.
Sometimes the local girls are harder to book though......especially shorter notice appointments. mainly because they have a base core of regulars or arrangements if they are talented enough. The 400 dollar and above touring ladies may use that to their advantage to solidify bookings since the locals ladys are booked.
You have to also remember a local lady with many favorable reviews is a good thing to see, but if she has nack for good service anyway some gents will put her on layway for another time if some girl less famaliar but same attributes posts an ad. Since the hobbyist knows the provider is good anyway, he will sometimes opt to pass on calling and instead seek a touring lady whos time locally is limited.
May be a stretch but its something to think about.