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Old 01-09-2012, 03:31 PM   #16
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I didn't read the review so don't know what OSD said, but have in the past and recall his friendship with Hunter. If anything I am jealous of his relationship. Not white knighting. To me wk'ing is when you go out of your way to defend a provider and be critical of a poor review or comments attacking the reviewer. We all have different opinions and desires but can agree to disagree with a ymmv understanding. Wk'ing is also going out of your way to promote the same girl over and over again. When one posts a positive comment about a girl and then 10 more comments saying the same thing, they are expressing an opinion and might be considered overkill so it depends on the reader and what they consider that.

Maybe not all but quite a few post comments on here hoping an atf reads what you said about them and appreciate the positive remarks. Is that White Knighting? If it's totally out of the blue yes, but if included in a general on point topic no. IMHO there are some grey areas here. When Artone put out the post Lauren contacted him about coming to town some may consider that WK'ing. I don't.
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Old 01-09-2012, 03:42 PM   #17
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In more general terms, a white kinght does come to rescue a fair maiden.. I met with Hunter for the first time Saturday.... IF OSD gets tired of being her WK, I am standing in the front of the line !!!!!!! She is a sweetheart
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Old 01-09-2012, 03:57 PM   #18
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Default High fashion

Originally Posted by offshoredrilling View Post
look good in that coat.
I'm diggin the fur belt, it almost looks alive!! Peace

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Old 01-09-2012, 06:38 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by ms_elizabeth View Post
sorry sweetie

i know my rates exclude me from seeing some otherwise suitable gents who would if they could...
It is what it is kiddo. All the best, though....
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Old 01-09-2012, 07:53 PM   #20
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Since people do not come here to campaign for sainthood, I for one do not look for total objectivity or absence of ulterior motives in their posts. White-knighting is not exemplary behavior, but is usually obvious and therefore does not fool anyone. Leaking "private" content should not be condoned, but we know about its occurrence even without offending WKs.
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Old 01-10-2012, 02:25 AM   #21
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White Knighting to me is based upon motive. The hobbyist, who makes comments on the board solely to endear himself to a provider or achieve a status of reciprocal altruism, clearly has undertaken the role of a White Knight.

Protecting a friend from undue criticism and/or misinformation is not. That type of behavior actually helps this board because a false or aberrant comment or experience doesn't ruin a provider and negate future hobbyists' encounters.

The only people that I have come across in this hobby are women, some I consider friends. I have never met a fellow hobbyist. I think it's only natural to protect your friends whatever gender, and that's what OSD did. OSD had no motive to serve as a true White Knight since it appears he already has the relationship that he desires with the provider.
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Old 01-10-2012, 06:12 AM   #22
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Original post by Montana1958:
When one posts a positive comment about a girl and then 10 more comments saying the same thing, they are expressing an opinion and might be considered overkill so it depends on the reader and what they consider that.
To the original OP's point "overkill" may be his concern with OSD in respect to Hunter and I can respect that. However a) reviews of Hunter are usually very good and don't necessarily need a WK and b) I skip all of OSD's comments on Hunter's reviews anyway.

I kid I kid.

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Old 01-10-2012, 08:06 AM   #23
your gene pool is shallow
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Originally Posted by stuckinsyracuse View Post
To the original OP's point "overkill" may be his concern with OSD in respect to Hunter and I can respect that. However a) reviews of Hunter are usually very good and don't necessarily need a WK and b) I skip all of OSD's comments on Hunter's reviews anyway.
Thanks for all of your responses. We all know that OSD and Hunter have a freindship and thats fine, yes to me, the constant praise and mentioning of things that he does for her does get a bit old, but its harmless. My main point is to the fact that he was posting for her, a response to the review, a review she had an issue with due to the mistaken identity. Now correct me if i'm wrong, but this kind of equates, bercause of his freindship with her and her request to him, bu t this coul dbe considered a backdoor way for a provider to comment on a review without actually her doing so. I have seen in the past, Chloe for example, clear up a situation of mistaken identity on her own. I just feel that in a situation where there is this type of problem that the lady has an issue with, that it better that she brings it up herself and clears up the informational miscue on her own. I dont think its appropriate for anyone to tell us that a provider is upset with a review for xyz reason and to have any portion of that review removed. This isnt an attack on anyone, and may in turn just be my opinion that i didnt' state clearly enough in my op.
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Old 01-10-2012, 08:36 AM   #24
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Did I ever say I should never be a mod. mmmm yes

Originally Posted by surfing View Post
In more general terms, a white kinght does come to rescue a fair maiden.. I met with Hunter for the first time Saturday.... IF OSD gets tired of being her WK, I am standing in the front of the line !!!!!!! She is a sweetheart
that would be unhobby like. never go there fast. That is how many get burned. but your welcome to go there if you want.

as my game is very unhobby like. I am a misfit. Its still P4P. To me hobby is shopping(errr trying out). This board is like me going to the AC to just watch, window shopping. To play as I is great if you can find it. one size does not fit all. And if looking for that is very risky(how I play).

for 2012 I will try and lighten up. "try" I am a post ho.
darn that will not be easy. one forum I post in a lot look to be near its end. I will miss the coven if it does end.

crap I almost forgot topic:
I can see how it would be easy to seen me as a WK for Hunter. Maybe I am a bit.
So I will go with I'm a WK for hunter. Just not a very good one.
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Old 01-10-2012, 11:32 PM   #25
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There's white knighting
n. A personality characteristic found in most males that lead them to:
1. rush to the aid of any female they see who appears in any form of distress.
2. Become attracted to said damsel in distress.
3. Follow the dying code of chivalry and generally act like a nice guy.

Also called young man's disease.

Black Knight Syndrome (BKS) is the condition of being pathologically unable to acknowledge defeat.

Who care either way . . . .

There is something to be said of someone who discourages multi-handles and will speak their truth on their own knowing they do not have to have many handles but they can exist here with and without rumor and reputation . . .as themselves and can stand up and say on their own what they need without anyone on their side or everyone on their side.

OSD as you say you are a "post whore" you are being you and I for one like you
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Old 01-11-2012, 01:33 AM   #26
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mmmmm I'm a bit WK. darn add a bit BK. And a post whore for sure.

well yesterday was the last day for the coven. Now if I can stay out of any disputes in upstate and the hole, maybe I can fall off the top post whore list. A coven dispute put me on that list. With my SHBM lawyer taking his pay in trying to mouse me. Fucking lawyers. And for what, to not get kicked out a forum that is no longer. errrrrrrr
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