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Old 01-10-2012, 02:57 AM   #16
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Its the one or two cheese dicks out there causing all the problems making it challenging for all of us! You go girl, tell em how you feel. Put some stank on it!

I love that picture in your show case one leg on the bed and one on a chair. Kind of makes me wish I was laying on the floor hoping you'll fall! LOL

One question sweet heart. How do you get lost in Tyler? I think Tyler only has one street right? LOL

Have your friend bring you to Austin. Then I could see Autumn in Austin! Am I the only one who loves how that sounds? Autumn in Austin!
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Old 01-10-2012, 03:05 AM   #17
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Thought this was going to be about one of my favorite singers, Willie Nelson.

I did not read the wall O' text rick roll/bait and switch! haha. Jake's on you.
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Old 01-10-2012, 04:09 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by Jackster21 View Post
Thought this was going to be about one of my favorite singers, Willie Nelson.

I did not read the wall O' text rick roll/bait and switch! haha. Jake's on you.
How can you NOT like Willie? Paid the IRS every penny he owed, refused a discount and went on Larry King higher than a kite! I love that guy!

Alomst as much as the thought of "Autumn in Austin"....... "Sigh"
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Old 01-10-2012, 07:08 AM   #19
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You go girl!!! This thread is so "TRUE" I have to experence this everyday.... The drama and bullshit that goes into making an appointment with someone that just does not give a fuck about u!!! They tell you that they are just for looking out for your benfits.. How so??? Even get mad at you because you will not give them your personal info ( for expamle or personal house address ) Get so mad at you, that they go and make fake boreds and fake lies just so you want get a call. Its too crazy for me to even understand anything that goes on with these guy's. They tell us one thing and do something total different...

This is thread is so true!!!!
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Old 01-10-2012, 11:05 AM   #20
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I can't speak for everyone else, but the reason I haven't jumped on the girl-power bandwagon here is not that I don't agree with most of what she said, it's just that I don't see the point in making a thread about it. Most of what she mentioned sucks, yes, but it's the nature of the beast. I don't know WHY some gents want us to lie and then get mad about it, they just do. I don't know WHY they think I'm just dying to share my real name, but they do. I don't know WHY gents feel threatened by our desire to protect ourselves in whatever way we deem necessary, but they do.

I pick my battles. The guys she's talking about are never gonna read this thread and think "Oh wow, that's me! I should totally correct this illogical and borderline insane behavior immediately!" Never happen. I completely understand the need to vent, but I wonder why she would put it out here (btw, I'm not trying to talk about you like you aren't here, sweetie, I'm simply addressing the readers as a whole, so no offense intended) where it will do zero good and only possibly make her a target for shenanegans, instead of in the ladies areas where she would have received a chorus of "Amen, sister." No matter how bad their clients may be, you never hear a professional in any other industry complain ABOUT their clients, TO their clients.

So our clients do it. Big deal. You bypass that thread. Or if in person, you smile and nod and put up with their crap, or you politely ask them to leave, all while ripping them a new one in your head, and then you go back to the ladies areas and have yourself a wonderful "girls, you won't BELIEVE what this guy said to me" thread. That's business. I understand that the nature of our biz means we get a LITTLE leeway to deal with dickheads, but the fact is, no business owner gets to make grand public statements about how his/her clients are horrible. It's bad business.

Honey, I say all of this with no hostility, jealousy, or any other motivation other than my own opinion. If this is what you needed to do, then that is your choice and I support your right to make your own choices, 100%, even if I don't understand it or agree with it.
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Old 01-10-2012, 12:33 PM   #21
Chica Chaser
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Awesome Traci! Nothing to add to your post.
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Old 01-10-2012, 12:36 PM   #22
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WOW......I thinck I love you.......... both ....ijs
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Old 01-10-2012, 02:03 PM   #23
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@ Still Lookin.. I sent a client of mine a link to your profile, and a link to you thread on Vegas Trip.. I think y'all will get along GREAT.. You are both the BIGGEST WHORES on ECCIE.. WINK.. That being said.. Autumn in Austin SOUNDS SWEET... Now ya got me thinkin.. BTW.. If Tyler only had one road and about 300,000 less people, I wouldn't get lost.. LOL.. I am not Blonde.. LOL

@ TraciBrooks.. Thanks for ALL the words.. The support is GREAT and the warning (make me a target) is more than fair.. I just wanted to say that I am a Business owner as well (outside the hobby).. I treat my clients just like I do my customers.. I kiss ass, tell them they are right, give them stuff free to shut them up, and keep them coming back, and ANYTHING else I can think of to keep a good rep..

But then comes that point where 4 or 5 of them are just never gonna be happy, not gonna quit bitchin, start tryin to damage what I have worked on hard to build, then I do something like this.. The difference with me is, I dont mind losing customers if I have to over making a statement.. What I put in writing is what most people only think..

The way it plays out is.. A few people publicly dispute me ((so they look good to everyone)) Then I have a few say they are never coming back and I am gonna go broke.. BUT.. Here is the good part..

I have a ton of people come say to me in private that they love it.. I put ads on the radio that sound like Morse Code.. LOL.. People start talkin and I get way more new customers, or allies than I had before.. Then it just snowballs.. I have it hard already.. I live in the Bible Belt of East Texas.. So when I do it off the wall, it creates a WAY bigger buzz in person than it will ever make on here...

I am no stranger to hate mail.. I have been getting it for years.. TO SPITE ALL THIS.. I REALLY AM ABOUT THE SWEETEST PERSON YOU COULD EVER ASK TO MEET..

Thanks again for the input.. I hope we get to share some drinks sometime soon..
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Old 01-10-2012, 02:07 PM   #24
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Old 01-27-2012, 08:47 AM   #25
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@Autumn - I loved reading your post. I had to come back a few days later and read it again. You clearly have gone through a lot in your life and I am glad to see you are a stronger and more confident person for the experience. We all get swept up in our emotions at times and I think it is great to be able to vent. You were kind of strong but personally I think that is okay. You are who you are and you should be able to express yourself. The people who respect you will understand and the rest don't matter.
Remember the quote: Never apologize. Your friends don't need it and your enemies don't care.
I don't take that quote completely literally but there is an important message in it. You are amazing and an inspiration.

@ Traci - I kind of understand where you are coming from but I think there is more to it. You are probably right that the people who need to read it won't and even if they did they won't change. But on the other hand I personally think that even it does not make a difference to them it is healing to be able to put your feelings out there and be able to shout out what you really feel and are dying to say. You will piss off some people and you will attract some. The people you annoy are the ones you clearly would never have liked and you saved yourself some time in repelling them early. The ones you attract are the ones who were always likely to like you but never might have if you didn't open up your mouth and show yourself for who you are. I believe that in some zen way life has a way of healing itself as long as you are open and honest to yourself and about yourself. I am a lot older than either of you and looking back on my life I find that I always eventually regretted putting out a false or partial image of myself because "that is what was expected". Any gain I made was temporary and any loss I made was deep and lasting.
I will admit that in Autumns position I probably would not have written what she did. But that mostly reflects my lack of courage rather than any fault on her part. And it is hard to criticize someone for being braver than myself - especially when what they say really rings true. Autumn has spoken out not only for herself but also everyone else who really feels like those things need to be said but never had the courage to do so themselves. Courage isn't for everyone but those who do have it make the world a better place for everyone else. Which is just the way I feel about the armed forces.

Thats all for now, I don't want to compete with Autumn for the length of my post. But it definitely is less colorful...
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