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Old 03-24-2010, 01:27 PM   #46
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The problem is not republican or democrat, it is progressives whatever their affliation.
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Old 03-24-2010, 04:25 PM   #47
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Default ... fix the root of the problem first.

I see soooo many opinions on this whole healthcare issue, but nobody adresses the root of the problem.. Why do Americans need 44 times as much Healthcare as other nations? Why are we constantly trying to fight nature? Bottom line is people need to die for the benefit of the species. Between 1775 and 1965 the population of the United states trippled. Since 1960 to 2010 its trippled again, so by 2025 the US population will tripple again and at that point, full out starvation on a National and International level will occur, this is not a maybe, or a not gonna happen, it is a FACT. so by keeping everyone alive who should have died, we endanger the entire species, sure it a cruel thing to say, but fact is, spending 40 grand a year to keep someone alive who doesnt benefit the species in any way is stupid, let them die.
Hell we lock people away in prison or put them to death when they will "no longer be a beneficial member of society" so please explain to me how your 93yr old granmother whos bedridden and crippled should live so that the 1.6 million children under 16 in American starve to death. We cant fix one issue without actually doing something, and wanting everyone to live forever no matter their quality of life is simply horseshit.
In the last 50yrs over 100 new diseases have appeared that had never been seen before, know why? Its because you cant fight mother nature, she will find a way to even the field back to stability for the planet, you try to keep people alive who mother nature says should have died, well mother nature will come up with a new way to kill a few off to make up for it. Its a losing battle, in the end, we will lose. Stop worrying about the smokers and drinkers and people who dont wear seatbelts, if you want there to be enough food for your kids and their kids, do what i do, hope to god a bunch of folks drop dead, because there is a finite amt of money and a finite amt of food, everytime the population grows, you and your children have less, and guess what happens.. HEALTHCARE COSTS INCREASE. So bottom line is, if you are one of those anti-smoker, anti-drinker, tell everyone how to raise their kids, and stick your nose where it doesnt belong folks... STFU cuz you made it this way!
When a society makes it illegal for a person to kill themselves when that person decides they are no longer a benefit to their family or society, we have a big ass problem, especially when the same government says they have the right to decide when to kill you.
Its pathetic to watch a bunch of self-proclaimed religious folk preach the word of god, when the simple word of god says he granted us FREE WILL. You controling and judgemental cocksuckers now decide for yourselves that the gift that your God gave, you can take from people?? Those people are not christians, they are sadists, and hypocrits, and God should start there and kill them all off, so the rest of us can live our lives and stay the hell out of other peoples business and save on healthcare for those who need it.
Its the Same jackasses who want to tell you and me how to live, who now bitch when theres a cost to them for telling everyone how to live....


If i want to smoke and die of cancer, or drink and my liver fall out, or not wear a seatbelt and go flying out the windshield how the fuck is that any of your business? Dont give me the 2nd hand smoke bullshit, same pricks who say that drive some big ass suv and want everyone to suck their exhaust fumes which one trip to work pollutes the air more than a smoker in a lifetime. Stay out of my damn life, if i wanna drop dead by my own hand then thats my right.. or it used to be, before you self riteous tree hugging, peta fags stuck your sniveling noses into others business, to you i say SUCK MY REBEL DICK!

Ok thats my rant, thanks.
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Old 03-24-2010, 04:53 PM   #48
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Gdiddy. People from massachuets are already complaing about their healthcare coverage and the politicians say they are going broke fast and will have to raise Taxes to cover the shortage.
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It looks like they are going to try and pass a Public option bill now, I was thinking they would wait awhile to bring that in, but I guess they don't want to wait till they get kicked out in November.
Jhende, we call your type a Koolaide drinker, you believe everything they say is gospel, and they can do no wrong. They are taking away our FREEDOM.
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Old 03-24-2010, 06:50 PM   #49
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Thanks and I'm the koolaid drinker.
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Old 03-24-2010, 09:43 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by MuffDVR View Post
....... to you i say SUCK MY REBEL DICK!

Ok thats my rant, thanks.
? Ain't you a Yankee?
Dude, you are irrelevant
bayou boy
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Old 03-24-2010, 09:58 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by Thibodaux View Post
? Ain't you a Yankee?
Dude, you are irrelevant
bayou boy

hey thib u still around? i thought youd have died from that shit u been passin around by now.
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Old 03-24-2010, 10:15 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by jhende3 View Post
Thanks and I'm the koolaid drinker.
Yes you are. Glad to see you admit it.

Below is an article on the FAILURE of the Massachusetts health care plan. And THIS is what the national plan is based on???? Mass. has the HIGHEST cost of health insurance coverage per person in the world. Glad we have that to look forward to now.


Mass. healthcare reform is failing us
By Susanne L. King
March 2, 2009

MASSACHUSETTS HAS been lauded for its healthcare reform, but the program is a failure. Created solely to achieve universal insurance coverage, the plan does not even begin to address the other essential components of a successful healthcare system.

What would such a system provide? The prestigious Institute of Medicine, part of the National Academy of Sciences, has defined five criteria for healthcare reform. Coverage should be: universal, not tied to a job, affordable for individuals and families, affordable for society, and it should provide access to high-quality care for everyone.

The state's plan flunks on all counts.

First, it has not achieved universal healthcare, although the reform has been a boon to the private insurance industry. The state has more than 200,000 without coverage, and the count can only go up with rising unemployment.

Second, the reform does not address the problem of insurance being connected to jobs. For individuals, this means their insurance is not continuous if they change or lose jobs. For employers, especially small businesses, health insurance is an expense they can ill afford.

Third, the program is not affordable for many individuals and families. For middle-income people not qualifying for state-subsidized health insurance, costs are too high for even skimpy coverage. For an individual earning $31,213, the cheapest plan can cost $9,872 in premiums and out-of-pocket payments. Low-income residents, previously eligible for free care, have insurance policies requiring unaffordable copayments for office visits and medications.

Fourth, the costs of the reform for the state have been formidable. Spending for the Commonwealth Care subsidized program has doubled, from $630 million in 2007 to an estimated $1.3 billion for 2009, which is not sustainable.

Fifth, reform does not assure access to care. High-deductible plans that have additional out-of-pocket expenses can result in many people not using their insurance when they are sick. In my practice of child and adolescent psychiatry, a parent told me last week that she had a decrease in her job hours, could not afford the $30 copayment for treatment sessions for her adolescent, and decided to meet much less frequently.

In another case, a divorced mother stopped treatment for her son because the father had changed insurance, leaving them with an unaffordable deductible. And at Cambridge Health Alliance, doctors and nurses have cared for patients who, unable to afford the new copayments, were forced to interrupt care for HIV and even cancers that could be treated with chemotherapy.

Access to care is also affected by the uneven distribution of healthcare dollars between primary and specialty care, and between community hospitals and tertiary care hospitals. Partners HealthCare, which includes two major tertiary care hospitals in Boston, was able to negotiate a secret agreement with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts to be paid 30 percent more for their services than other providers in the state, contributing to an increase in healthcare costs for Massachusetts, which are already the highest per person in the world. Agreements that tilt spending toward tertiary care threaten the viability of community hospitals and health centers that provide a safety net for the uninsured and underinsured.

There is, though, one US model of healthcare that meets the Institute of Medicine criteria: Medicare. Insuring everyone over 65, Medicare achieves universal coverage and access to care, is not tied to a job, and is affordable for individuals and the country. Medicare simplifies the administration of healthcare dollars, thereby saving money. We need to improve Medicare, and expand this program to include everyone.

A bill before Congress, the United States National Health Insurance Act, would provide more comprehensive coverage for all. The bill includes doctor, hospital, long-term, mental health, dental, and vision care, prescription drugs, and medical supplies, with no premiums, copayments, or deductibles.

People would be free to choose doctors and hospitals, and insurance would not be tied to a job. Costs would be controlled because health planning in a national health program can reestablish needed balance between primary/preventive care and high-tech tertiary care. A modest, progressive tax would replace what people currently pay out of pocket. This program would pay for itself by eliminating the wasteful administrative costs and profits of private insurance companies, and save $8 billion to $10 billion in Massachusetts alone.

We must let Congress know we want improved access to affordable healthcare for all, not more expensive private health insurance we can't afford to use when we are sick. Massachusetts healthcare reform fails on all five Institute of Medicine criteria. Congress should not make it a model for the nation.

Susanne L. King, M.D., practices in Berkshire County.
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Old 03-24-2010, 10:33 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by gdiddy View Post
....where was all this activism when we were spending unprecedented amounts of money on a war that we got into under false pretenses or when we had to bail out all those rich bastards in the banking industry? Oh, that's right. Those things were done under the Republicans watch, so there HAD to be a good reason for it right?
How convenient that liberals seem to forget that YEARS before GW Bush was even elected, EVERY Democrat including Bill and Hillary, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and all the rest believed and stated that Iraq had WMD because they did have them and they used them before. There were no false pretenses and the "Bush lied" bullshit doesn't float. If so, that means every Democrat before him lied also, but that doesn't seem to be the case with liberal selective memory. And the Democrats controlled both the House and Senate when the bank bailouts happened. Remember when McCain stopped his campaign to fix the problem? Then Obama came to DC and they had a big pow-wow. At the end, Harry Reid and every other Dem came out blowing smoke up Obama's ass saying "Obama took charge and led the way. He fixed the problem. There was no need for McCain to even be here." The bailout rests with the Dems, not the Republicans. After all, Wall St. contributed more than twice as much to Obama than to McCain, so he had to pay them back by bailing them out.

Not to mention that he's broken many of the campaign promises he made:

Line Item Veto - OUT

No lobbyists in cabinet/key positions - OUT

Health care debate/reform/legislation on C-Span - OUT

No earmarks - OUT

End no-bid contracts over $25,000 - OUT

Put bills on-line for public viewing and debate for 72 or more hours - OUT

Why the Kool aid drinkers continue to believe this man is a mystery to me. At least some of his voters/supporters are starting to realize that he's a joke and are disappointed to the point of no longer supporting him.
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Old 03-24-2010, 10:48 PM   #54
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I thought Jimmy Carter and Ulysses Grant was bad, but Obama is proving to be worse than the peanut farmer.
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Old 03-24-2010, 11:11 PM   #55
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.... at leasst bill Clinton gave us unrestricted Head without the stigmata of it being "sex" lol hehehe... damn at least Bill had some damn fun in the Oral Office.
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Old 03-25-2010, 07:10 AM   #56
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Actually the bank bailout was voted on and passed in October of 2008. Remember John McCain "suspended" his campaign so he could go back and vote on it?(I do). So it was shepherded in under the watch of George Bush. Obama hadn't even been elected yet. Maybe you're mistaking the bailout for the stimulus bill, which is his responsibility.
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Old 03-25-2010, 07:46 AM   #57
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This is getting good! Jhende3 and gdiddy vs FREEDOM This would be funny if it wasn't so silly. Next contestant please.
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Old 03-25-2010, 10:13 AM   #58
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Generally speaking.... I believe the POTUS is HIGHLY overrated in his or her direct effect upon the nation's domestic policies. Clinton benefitted from the wiser taxing / spending habits of a Republican Congress, more than GWB did with his Democratic Congress!

Who appropriates the money? Who approves spending of our money?
It's those 535 useless pieces of shit who gather in the Capitol Building that we should direct our anger at. The President can't do DICK, without an aligned Congress!! (well... maybe Clinton did )

I'm neither Republican or Democrat.... but it doesn't take a Rocket Scientist to see which side enjoys giving away our money more wastefully in an attempt to keep themselves in power!!

Gridlock is a Good Thing!! Oh, How I miss it!!


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Old 03-25-2010, 11:23 AM   #59
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This health care bill infuriates me. I have gotten into heated debates with people who have no idea what they're talking about. I'm not conservative either.

To be totally honest, part of the reason I even started being a hooker was to pay for my health insurance. Ironnnyyy! I don't know if any of you are single women on a policy of your own with moderately decent coverage... but I pay the first 1k out of pocket after I pay 450 a month. Makes no sense, but I have it in case I get preggars.
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Old 03-25-2010, 11:31 AM   #60
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i agree somewhat and there are some good things about this but i don't think the funding will get passed after November. The thing that upsets me is they are telling me i have to have it ,since when in America can Washington tell what i have to do are be taxed for not doing it. Thats unamerican and what people are pissed about. Who to say that the company you work for will drop your coverage to save thems selfs money because it will be cheaper for them to pay the fine than supply it and tell you to get the governments plan, which will tell you to take to asprins are wrap it up because theres no funding for a cast, just my opinion.
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