Originally Posted by woodyboyd
...Make sure you ask their age, guys...
I think you are missing the point our attorneys here are trying to tell us.
It doesn't matter what they tell you their age is. It doesn't matter if they have an ID that would pass Homeland Security inspection saying they are of age.
If they are under 18, you are going to get arrested.
Sure, someone mentioned a jury nullification argument. If you can convince the jurors that she looked older, had a valid ID showing she was older, she said she was older, and you had no reason to suspect she was under age, you might concinve a juror that you shouldn't be forever branded as a child molester just cuz you were paying to get laid. The fact that you were willing to break the law 'a little bit' with prostitution ain't going to help your case with the jurors.
I imagine the prosecution, if they allow this poor underage child to be put on the witness stand, they are going to have her up there in pigtails and her Justin Bieber schoolbook backpack.
In any event, your face has already been plastered on the newspaper and the 10 PM News as a scumbag. Where will your career, personal life, etc. go from there? Did I just here a toilet flush?
My MILFs look better everytime I visit them.