Howdy, Folks!
I did it.
Sold my house, packed it up, and left.
I'll prolly lurk from time to time, just because y'all tend to be a pretty vocal and goddam interesting bunch o' critters.
No Hobbying where I am now, however.

After checking with locals who would know and would give my reliable intel - it doesn't exist here in any form readily available.
Shoot - even traveling providers skip this place, which is odd, considering the amount of coin in the new digs.
[No, I'm not going to say where it is. So please, don't ask.
Suffice to say - it's a waypoint on my final destination.
I've picked out the place I wanna live until I die; I can't get there just yet, but...I'm closer.
This will do for now.
Only a few hours away, and that's a far sight better than I was.
Oh, and the place I hope to eventually end up - NO HOBBYING.
They just divorce each other and everyone shares and swaps DNA. Just enough of a gene pool for the sake of health, but...some of the family trees look like wreaths.
I'll be the bachelor, and maybe as such, a valuable commodity.

Y'all take care, try to play nice with each other, and...HAPPY HOBBYING!!!!!