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Old 12-27-2011, 06:54 PM   #16
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I was told by a certain provider that she priced her 30 minute sessions high so men would be more apt to go for the hour instead. Another was just the opposite, like you are reffering to. She told me that she only wanted a couple of sessions a day, so she had to price her 30 minutes to keep from running short if that is all she had men schedule for several days of a certain week. It made perfect sense to me. I enjoy the hour and a half sessions, oh yea........................... ...............
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Old 12-27-2011, 07:14 PM   #17
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Maybe she wants more half hour calls than hour calls. That hour price pushes for half hours. Then again, maybe she made a typo. *Giggling*

Originally Posted by MUSHROOM MAN View Post
I was told by a certain provider that she priced her 30 minute sessions high so men would be more apt to go for the hour instead. Another was just the opposite, like you are reffering to. She told me that she only wanted a couple of sessions a day, so she had to price her 30 minutes to keep from running short if that is all she had men schedule for several days of a certain week. It made perfect sense to me. I enjoy the hour and a half sessions, oh yea........................... ...............
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Old 12-27-2011, 07:21 PM   #18
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As someone who enjoys 1½-2 hour (or longer) dates, I appreciate it when providers offer (and post) longer session rates for less than the pro-rated one hour rate. Like others have mentioned, it is confusing and frustrating when two hour rates are more than double the one hour rates, but I have long ago given up with trying to make sense of provider's rate schedules. I am just happy there are many that offer reasonable longer session rates.
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Old 12-27-2011, 07:32 PM   #19
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It makes perfect sense to me.

If someone wants to see me for 30 minutes (which always ends up being 45 or more), they will pay a lot more than they would have if it was an hour. Why? Well, because I had to spend close to two hours getting ready, and like I said, no one ever actually stays 30 minutes. It always goes over. Way over. Always. Especially on half hour appointments. Everyone wants a lagniappe, especially the blow 'n' go crowd.

So we price our half hour rates higher, because it is more of a hassle. Although I have to admit, 150/hh or 350 hr doesn't make a lot of sense...but I do understand pricing hh rates higher than a giraffe's ass.
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Old 12-30-2011, 07:59 PM   #20
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once again,

they set their fees following whatever reasoning, logic, or new math they decide upon.
we pay a fee following whatever reasoning, logic, or new math we decide upon.

either you go consult with her or you dont.
imho, attempting to figure out their pricing scheme is a good way to kill some time.
cos no matter what you think it is, it really isnt.
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Old 12-30-2011, 09:07 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Agamemnon View Post
Recently I had a brief text exchange with a provider. Her advertisement was rather vague, but instructed that I should text for details. So I did so. First thing she asked was how long, so I asked for 30 and 60 minute rates.

She responded with 150h/h and 350h.
Originally Posted by Dannie View Post
It makes perfect sense to me.

If someone wants to see me for 30 minutes (which always ends up being 45 or more), they will pay a lot more than they would have if it was an hour. Why? Well, because I had to spend close to two hours getting ready, and like I said, no one ever actually stays 30 minutes. It always goes over. Way over. Always. Especially on half hour appointments. Everyone wants a lagniappe, especially the blow 'n' go crowd.

So we price our half hour rates higher, because it is more of a hassle. Although I have to admit, 150/hh or 350 hr doesn't make a lot of sense...but I do understand pricing hh rates higher than a giraffe's ass.
I think what the OP was trying to say, is that why is the hour rate more than double the half hour rate. Two half hour appointments would be less money than a single one hour appointment, and per the logic given by Dannie above, the lady should prefer a single one hour, as less of her time is wasted.

This isn't the first time I've seen this kind of pricing here. I've seen things like:

1hr - $250
1.5hr - $350
2hr - $500

Which makes me scratch my head and go huh? After an hour, she is willing to give me 30 more minutes for $100, but the next 30 minutes will cost me $150? I have a name for this, "Provider Math"!
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