Originally Posted by klovve
Okay Laney and Sixx...save your swords for a different thread
While I have no stake in either party, I will say this: if a provider has guidelines, rules, or anything of the like - then she is absolutely within her right to cancel a session that does not fit within those parameters. Forgive me, or don't - actually don't forgive me at all - but if a lady is not comfortable with "X" "Y" "Z" of the alphabet soup, the she is within her right to defer the appointment. Personally, I never engage myself in an encounter that isn't going to be mutually pleasurable. What is the point? If I am not getting off then why would I put myself in said situation in the first place? I think the provider in question is within her right to cancel a session that isn't going to pan out to her liking. Gentleman: how much fun would it be to put your cock into a lady that isn't enjoying herself. Forgive my rude verbiage, but sex should be enjoyable for all parties involved. How many of you have complained about diddling a "dead starfish"? It just sounds like a waste of everyone's time..
Spin it how you like; personally, I believe a lady is within her right to dictate what is and is not on the menu. If the asking man is not okay with what is being offered then take your fishing pole to the next pond!
Just a brief rant. Let's keep this on topic, folks. Keep the sword fighting and ninja garb within it's own thread 
I would go one step further and say that completely regardless of any espoused guidelines or rules, published, expressed whatever, a provider should never ever be required to do anything at any time. This includes meeting a guy, spending 20 minutes with him, then suddenly deciding right then and there she has just changed her mind and revoking an offered service.
Given the commercial nature of the transaction, the next question becomes how does this change "the deal". In the case of this thread, I'd subjectively judge that since she told him what she was not up for before he came over, everyone just walks away no harm no foul. If he arrives, spends 20 minutes getting warmed up with the clear expectation of X, then she has a sudden change of heart (my more extreme example), then he's well within his rights to expect to leave without paying, or to ask for a reduced rate. The deal may be legitimately renegotiated once the terms have changed and "pay up and accept it" would not be a reasonable provider position.
But the women's choice to participate in any thing is never ever ever surrendered or this becomes a lot darker than P4P.