A very important message to my repeat offenders! I want you to know that my number has changed today due to obviously some crazy wack jobs out there...
So I'm begging you and apologizing for having to make things a bit difficult for those of you who appreciate the easy contacting routine, to please email with the word "NUMBER" in the header so that I will get back to you immediately with my new digits. Also, if there are some of you I have screened though have yet to encounter your friendly company...let me know by telling me My OLD NUMBER and I will gladly give it to you as well. This also applies to my gorgeous gals I trust, angelina, felecia, white diamond, sonya, penny lane, likki nikki etc... I want to also thank you lovely women for being so speedy and accurate with vouching and I want to return the same best effort as you all have given me.
Just email me at my yahoo account and I will send it right away...(It comes to my phone as well, so its like texting me.)
For those of you who are extremely loyal and have been seeing me for the past few yrs I already have you saved in my new phone. Just an fyi.
As I've said if this thread belongs elsewhere I apologize in advance and appreciate the support and relocation.
Thank you again for your understanding.
Oh, another quick note, my incall availability will be very limited starting in a couple weeks due to a domestic move. And if anyone of you professional and sophisticated girls has an incall to share (fees are of no issue) I would love to inquire and I promise to maintain a mutual and professional respect towards your requirements. I am very serious about partnership and pardon my french...but I don't f*!#k around. This world and you women are too precious to me.
Thank you for the adaptation and understanding.

love you
Exotic Ezra