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Old 12-12-2011, 10:11 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by Thatdude View Post
Reese you gotta admit dating in amongst hobbiest and provider is extremely difficult. Faced with that potential difficulty why go thru it I quiped with a fellow hobbiest dating a provider is like playing roullette. You just don't know what will happen with each spin

Most relationships have difficulties and if we looked at everything that way, we would never take risks. Ask the married gentlemen if their marriage is any better than it would be if married to an provider or ex provider.. I'd bet you that most of them would say no.

Maybe that is why I choose not to date..period. nothing but difficulty. Difficulty that has nothing to do with the hobby...just the guys I pick. Which leads to my next point. If you are getting involved with a provider that has a history of trouble...then yeah, nothing but heartache ahead. If you fall in love with a provider who has her shit together..I don't see the difference in that and meeting a girl away from the hobby.

I may be a little jaded, but it has nothing to do with the hobby...and everything to do with how I allowed my ex's to treat me.

Relationships are difficult and they take work...whether in or out of the hobby.

No, I am not looking for a boyfriend or future husband...

Thanks PM
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Old 12-12-2011, 10:36 AM   #47
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you are most delitefully welcumed!!!
when is our anniversary??
your "ms foster"-ness, your Dickombobulation, as well as your beauty [both inside and out] has me discombobulated and i forgot.
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Old 12-12-2011, 10:58 AM   #48
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Don't set yourself up for disappointment, dude. Remember Pretty Woman was just a movie.
If you are looking for a "relationship" why not check out a sugar daddy site. A friend of mine found a young hottie that he was seeing for $400 a month. They met once a week for 2-3 hours which included the wining and dining plus the pussy.
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Old 12-12-2011, 12:07 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by Reese Foster View Post

Relationships are difficult and they take work...whether in or out of the hobby.
Mental note, read Reese's posts before talking to her so one knows when to STFU!
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Old 12-12-2011, 01:40 PM   #50
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As most have said this is not a dating site, but a place to find women who for the most part would not give you a second look if she met you in public cause you are just not their type.

Do real relationships happen in the hobby? Yes they do, probably more than most of us will admit. Do they last? Depends on both people knowing what they want for themselves and the other person involved.

I have seen a number of providers over the years I have been hobbying that I would love to take out on a date and get to know. But it has never happened and probably will not happen in my lifetime.

I see a woman now who I have been seeing on a regular basis for almost 3 years. We clicked from the beginning, have gotten to know each other a lot and truly enjoy our time together laughing and talking and bcd. Yes I have suggested having a date OTC to just enjoy each others' company, but even though she likes me she just does not date clients which is what I am at the end of the hour.

I have known a number of providers and hobbyists who have met and eventually became a couple. Some worked out real well, others not. It just all depends on the people like I said before.

I think like Reese, we are all human with human emotions and feelings. And due to this reality things do happen when you least expect and with the last person you ever expected. If you are searching for it the odds of it happening are slim to none. I just let life happen, can't control what happens even if I wanted to. The old saying of "never say never" applies.
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Old 12-12-2011, 01:46 PM   #51
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This all goes back to the qualities you seek in a person and I personally would never date a man I met whilst ALREADY cheating on someone else...I am single. A provider can easily leave this life because most of it is about the money, not the sex. We can get laid for free any day of the week...well, most of us. If I fell in love outside of this, you would not see even a trace of London Rayne I can assure you. I may have to do without some of the things I have grown accustomed to, but so what...money is not always worth losing what's important.

I would never date a guy involved in this life, and I also would never respect a man who would have "no problem" with me doing this while we were together. This is so far from the person I am outside of this fantasy world...it's rather scary. I did not even watch porn or go to bars without my mate when I was in a relationship. Neither of us hung out alone with members of the opposite sex, and we didn't bring home other people to fk either.

When I leave hobby land, I want a relationship that in no way mirrors this life. I am not into open or casual relationships and sex...without the money that is. This is simply my way of not getting used for something I gave up way too easily when I was younger.
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Old 12-12-2011, 02:22 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by James6766P View Post
Mental note, read Reese's posts before talking to her so one knows when to STFU!

Stop that.... you are just fine.
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Old 12-12-2011, 02:26 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by pmdelites View Post
you are most delitefully welcumed!!!
when is our anniversary??
your "ms foster"-ness, your Dickombobulation, as well as your beauty [both inside and out] has me discombobulated and i forgot.

I can't believe you forgot...see this is why relationships never work!
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Old 12-12-2011, 02:38 PM   #54
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*side note - does anyone else hate that they have to constantly close the eros cams ads on the side!!! argh!

1st, to those that gave me credit, thanks. It's not without having been through my own experiences over the past however many years. Good and bad.

2nd, I know there are those that have been able to make things work in this world...but the only ones that I can personally attest to knowing of ongoing "working relationship" status...they were together BEFORE she was a provider. They have found things that didn't work and nearly tore their relationships apart. There were others that we all thought they were going to make it and they didn't....and there were others that we saw doom coming instantly - but they lasted longer than we ever imagined.

None of us have the hobby crystal ball....but we all can say that this life isn't easy to carry on a relationship with - whether the other person knows or not. There's pros and cons either way you look at it.
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Old 12-12-2011, 02:54 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by London Rayne View Post
When I leave hobby land, I want a relationship that in no way mirrors this life. I am not into open or casual relationships and sex...without the money that is. This is simply my way of not getting used for something I gave up way too easily when I was younger.

Originally Posted by Reese Foster View Post
Difficulty that has nothing to do with the hobby...just the guys I pick.

I may be a little jaded, but it has nothing to do with the hobby...and everything to do with how I allowed my ex's to treat me.

Relationships are difficult and they take work...whether in or out of the hobby.

No, I am not looking for a boyfriend or future husband...
I feel like you both took the words right out of my mind and put them together exactly the way I needed to read them. Both of you make very good points and make a great deal of sense.
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Old 12-12-2011, 05:18 PM   #56
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Maybe, just maybe, he's wanting for free what others pay for and also hoping she'll introduce him to her girlfriends for wild ass sex parties?
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Old 12-12-2011, 05:42 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by Hercules View Post
Maybe, just maybe, he's wanting for free what others pay for and also hoping she'll introduce him to her girlfriends for wild ass sex parties?
And it would not be the first time a provider was naive enough to buy that bs lol. If a guy is cheating already, what makes any woman assume "he would not do that to me" bwahahha. I could give several examples of hobbyists lying to providers right now for free kitty, and still fkin hookers on the side...on this very board, and in this very city. I won't do that though ha ha.
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Old 12-12-2011, 07:58 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by London Rayne View Post
And it would not be the first time a provider was naive enough to buy that bs lol. If a guy is cheating already, what makes any woman assume "he would not do that to me" bwahahha. I could give several examples of hobbyists lying to providers right now for free kitty, and still fkin hookers on the side...on this very board, and in this very city. I won't do that though ha ha.

Don't assume that all the guys here are cheating. A great many of us are not.

I don't pay to see the lady, I pay to have her leave, and not call me again!
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Old 12-12-2011, 09:06 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by 69er View Post

Don't assume that all the guys here are cheating. A great many of us are not.

I don't pay to see the lady, I pay to have her leave, and not call me again!

And that's one of the reasons I "hobby" and do NOT have a boyfriend...

I don't want to be bothered "after hours" unless you have been given the ok to contact me privately (which is rare...and of the few that have that privilege, it is understood it is not to be fucked with..."and you know this man!")

I'm paid to leave you the fuck alone when I walk out the door with my money. Most know that my daily life consists of day job, school and my family...on rare occasion I may drop what I can to make arrangements to see you - but that's probably because you WILL pay me what I make in a week at my day job...but I know you already, I know you're not going to flake out and it's basically a done deal.

There's too many variables that fuck shit up in the grand scheme of things when the whole "relationship" and "seriousness" gets involved.

I have a "hobby friend" - who has an ESTABLISHED client relationship with me.
He is single, I am single.
WE HAVE NO EXPECTATIONS OF ANYTHING WHAT SO FUCKING EVER of one another in the realm of "relationship:

I want to go to a fucking mavs game.

This doesn't mean I want to be his girlfriend or that he's gonna get free pussy or that I want him to start coming to school events for my kids or popping zits on my back. (not that I think I have any...but you get my drift.)

It's someone to go do something fun with - but HE IS STILL A FUCKING CLIENT and I'm still getting paid for getting fucked at the end of the night. Does that make sense?
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Old 12-13-2011, 08:23 AM   #60
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I did not suggest ALL men are here cheating...I simply said I would never date one who was. Unlike some, I don't need the hobby to get laid...I can do that on my own without having naked pics on the internet, and if I want them to leave me alone after...I simply tell them to piss off. I am not into casual sex in my personal life period.

OTOH, once a man knows about this lifestyle and just how easy it is to get nookie on demand, he most always comes back to it when he is single again. I am simply not interested in dating a man who is in this lifestyle when I am done with it, and I would not be offended if a guy felt the same about not dating me. It is what it is, and I have expectations of the person I plan to be with...some might not care.

As for the other thing, I am talking about guys flat out lying to providers leading them to think they are now a couple just to get free booty, whilst still paying other providers on the sly.
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