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Old 12-03-2011, 02:01 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by joe bloe View Post
I'm not excited about any of them. But any one of them would be a huge improvement over the freak we currently have in the White House.

America can't survive four more years of Baboona. I'm not sure we can survive the damage he has already done.
oh really??? So how much of Obama's spending was a result of the dogpile Bush left??? Do you think Health Care needed a reform or was it just fine the way it was before Obamacare- now granted I am not saying Obamcare is perfect but it sure as hell was better than the status quo- and it looks a helluva a lot like that former governors Health plan from Massachusetts- keep in mind that Newt is on record saying anyone making over 50k should have a mandate to carry Health Insurance: http://www.theatlanticwire.com/polit...mandate/45520/

Also, would Cain have been a better President than Obama- you know that conservative candidate who has alleged to have harassed women and had a 12 year affair- but Republicans have morals and values they would never cheat on their spouse right? No- they couldn't because they love the Bible and are such good Christians.
This was a truly bad weekend for the GOP- the UE rate goes down and Cain who just last month was their top choice is now out of the race.

this article here tells how die-hard Republicans who don't like either Romney or Newt: http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com...iref=allsearch
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Old 12-03-2011, 02:24 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
oh really??? So how much of Obama's spending was a result of the dogpile Bush left??? Do you think Health Care needed a reform or was it just fine the way it was before Obamacare- now granted I am not saying Obamcare is perfect but it sure as hell was better than the status quo- and it looks a helluva a lot like that former governors Health plan from Massachusetts- keep in mind that Newt is on record saying anyone making over 50k should have a mandate to carry Health Insurance: http://www.theatlanticwire.com/polit...mandate/45520/

Also, would Cain have been a better President than Obama- you know that conservative candidate who has alleged to have harassed women and had a 12 year affair- but Republicans have morals and values they would never cheat on their spouse right? No- they couldn't because they love the Bible and are such good Christians.
This was a truly bad weekend for the GOP- the UE rate goes down and Cain who just last month was their top choice is now out of the race.

this article here tells how die-hard Republicans who don't like either Romney or Newt: http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com...iref=allsearch
You socialists can't see what's right in front of you. The social welfare state is failing all over the world. First, the Soviet Union went bankrupt because a centrally managed economy can't compete with a market economy. Now Europe is melting down because of lavish unsustainable social welfare benefits.

America has an opportunity to pull back from the brink and return to a limited sustainable constitutional government or continue down the path to oblivion like the Soviets and the Europeans. Obama wants to continue down that path.
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Old 12-03-2011, 02:35 PM   #18
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Exclamation Plain Facts

There is no use in trying to convince anyone who refuses to even admit the plain facts into evidence.

. . . But we shall see!

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Old 12-03-2011, 02:56 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by joe bloe View Post
You socialists can't see what's right in front of you. The social welfare state is failing all over the world. First, the Soviet Union went bankrupt because a centrally managed economy can't compete with a market economy. Now Europe is melting down because of lavish unsustainable social welfare benefits.

America has an opportunity to pull back from the brink and return to a limited sustainable constitutional government or continue down the path to oblivion like the Soviets and the Europeans. Obama wants to continue down that path.
So are you telling me on day 1 Obama walked into the WH with a booming economy- low UE, no wars and low deficit???? Is that how you recall things? I recall 2 wars- a housing collapse, bank bailouts, auto industry in crisis and yet the richest 2% were getting tax breaks. What happened to all the jobs the richest 2% were going to create? With the exception of Ron Paul and Hunstman the GOP contenders want to continue our presence in Iraq- they want to strengthen the Patriot Act- 4 of them said they would allow water boarding i,e torture to detainees. Three of them favored the Ryan Plan and all this socialist talk is because you have nothing better to say- do you see great numbers of people in Europe or Canada trying to repeal their socialist medicine programs???
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Old 12-03-2011, 03:33 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
So are you telling me on day 1 Obama walked into the WH with a booming economy- low UE, no wars and low deficit???? Is that how you recall things? I recall 2 wars- a housing collapse, bank bailouts, auto industry in crisis and yet the richest 2% were getting tax breaks. What happened to all the jobs the richest 2% were going to create? With the exception of Ron Paul and Hunstman the GOP contenders want to continue our presence in Iraq- they want to strengthen the Patriot Act- 4 of them said they would allow water boarding i,e torture to detainees. Three of them favored the Ryan Plan and all this socialist talk is because you have nothing better to say- do you see great numbers of people in Europe or Canada trying to repeal their socialist medicine programs???
I see Europeans rioting in the streets because their governments are finally being forced to reign in the insane spending.

Why do you think Europe is collapsing? Is it the Republicans fault? Did George Bush do it?
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Old 12-03-2011, 03:43 PM   #21
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Whenever I see items like this about the terrible Republican field, I always shake my head and smile.

A couple of decades ago, the same type of things were being said about the terrible Democratic field as they prepared to challenge George HW Bush, thought to be invincible at the time.

Back then, you had a dull as dishwater midwestern liberal, Tom Harkin; Former Governor Moonbeam himself, Jerry Brown; A one-term Greek Senator from Massachussets recently recovered from cancer, Paul Tsongas; The intellectual but spacey and cold Nebraska Governor Bob Kerrey and...a longtime Arkansas Governor who was most famous for his windy and boring nominating speech for Mike Dukakis in 1988, someone name Bill Clinton. Clinton BTW, also had more baggage than a Las Vegas Hilton in springtime.

Candidates aside, it's all about the economy. If it's perceived to be recovering by fall 2012, Obama wins even against the reincarnation of Abe Lincoln. If it's perceived to be tottering, he loses no matter who the Repubs nominate.
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Old 12-03-2011, 03:56 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by joe bloe View Post
I see Europeans rioting in the streets because their governments are finally being forced to reign in the insane spending.

Why do you think Europe is collapsing? Is it the Republicans fault? Did George Bush do it?
You didn't answer my question are you saying their "socialized" medicine program is causing them to be failing? You act as if Bush was generous with his spending- did not Bush run up the debt with no plan to pay or raise more for his wars? Who is paying for Medicare Part D? That's a 100 billion dollar a year program that goes right to the deficit. The govt expanded under Bush- in fact Bush spent like a liberal- what rock did you crawl from under? Did you really expect any President to come in after what Bush left and not spend a penny????
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Old 12-03-2011, 10:07 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by joe bloe View Post
I see Europeans rioting in the streets because their governments are finally being forced to reign in the insane spending.

Why do you think Europe is collapsing? Is it the Republicans fault? Did George Bush do it?
only the greeks are rioting over that.

british riots were over something else.
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Old 12-04-2011, 12:46 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm View Post
only the greeks are rioting over that.

british riots were over something else.
The European Union is a house of cards. Greece will go under, Spain, Portugal, Italy etc. There is no fix for the mess they're in short of dramatically cutting spending. I don't think they can. They're like junkies.
"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy..."

Alexander Fraser Tytler, Scottish lawyer and writer, 1770
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Old 12-04-2011, 12:59 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
You didn't answer my question are you saying their "socialized" medicine program is causing them to be failing? You act as if Bush was generous with his spending- did not Bush run up the debt with no plan to pay or raise more for his wars? Who is paying for Medicare Part D? That's a 100 billion dollar a year program that goes right to the deficit. The govt expanded under Bush- in fact Bush spent like a liberal- what rock did you crawl from under? Did you really expect any President to come in after what Bush left and not spend a penny????
I'm not a cheerleader for Bush or any other any other politician. My support is for a limited constitutional government.

Harry Browne, a libertarian, once said that when you vote for a Republican instead of a Democrat, you're just voting to go to Hell more slowly.

All the Republicans have been able to do is slow the growth of the federal government monster.

Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one.
Thomas Paine

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Old 12-04-2011, 01:14 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by jan-w View Post
Whenever I see items like this about the terrible Republican field, I always shake my head and smile.

A couple of decades ago, the same type of things were being said about the terrible Democratic field as they prepared to challenge George HW Bush, thought to be invincible at the time.

Back then, you had a dull as dishwater midwestern liberal, Tom Harkin; Former Governor Moonbeam himself, Jerry Brown; A one-term Greek Senator from Massachussets recently recovered from cancer, Paul Tsongas; The intellectual but spacey and cold Nebraska Governor Bob Kerrey and...a longtime Arkansas Governor who was most famous for his windy and boring nominating speech for Mike Dukakis in 1988, someone name Bill Clinton. Clinton BTW, also had more baggage than a Las Vegas Hilton in springtime.

Candidates aside, it's all about the economy. If it's perceived to be recovering by fall 2012, Obama wins even against the reincarnation of Abe Lincoln. If it's perceived to be tottering, he loses no matter who the Repubs nominate.
You're absolutely right. Clinton was a virtually unknown governor from a small poor state. Clinton had everyone convinced that the economy was the "worst since the great depression". Actually in the last quarter of Bush 41's term, the economy was growing at five percent.

Like you said, the reason for the weak field in 1992 was the perception that Bush 41 was unbeatable after Desert Storm. He had a ninety percent approval rating at one point. On the other hand Obama is eminently beatable because of the economy. The Republican's best candidates should be in a feeding frenzy. I wonder if better candidates haven't come forward because they think the country is beyond fixing. Who wants to hired as captain on the Titanic after its already hit the iceberg.

The only president to be re-elected with an economy like this one was FDR.
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Old 12-04-2011, 01:32 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by joe bloe View Post
You're absolutely right. Clinton was a virtually unknown governor from a small poor state. Clinton had everyone convinced that the economy was the "worst since the great depression". Actually in the last quarter of Bush 41's term, the economy was growing at five percent.

Like you said, the reason for the weak field in 1992 was the perception that Bush 41 was unbeatable after Desert Storm. He had a ninety percent approval rating at one point. On the other hand Obama is eminently beatable because of the economy. The Republican's best candidates should be in a feeding frenzy. I wonder if better candidates haven't come forward because they think the country is beyond fixing. Who wants to hired as captain on the Titanic after its already hit the iceberg.

The only president to be re-elected with an economy like this one was FDR.
There's some truth to what you are saying but honestly there's still a great majority of people- who still attribute much of this mess to Bush- also what's "helping" Obama is Congress has one of the lowest approval ratings EVER- many people think that Congress has not done enough to spur job growth. Obama is going to have to fight-he knows it's not going to be easy and honestly I think he's doing the right thing and playing the right strategy- the GOP just has the wrong people opposing him- flat out- I think if Newt gets the Nod he will lose hands down to Obama- character plays a key role to a lot of people plus his baggage is heavy- I think Mitt will give Obama a good battle but will end up losing- Mitt is Obama-lite- but I think people will perceive him as out of touch- he's so wealthy- when he was Governor his state was 47th in job creation and he's way too much of a flip flopper. And just to be honest I think his Mormon faith will make him lose a substantial amount of voters. It will have to take a middle of the road conservative to defeat Obama- someone like Colin Powell I think could defeat Obama. Whether you like him not Obama has a lot of Charisma there's something in his character that gets people to draw to him. You can mark my words- if by some chance the UE rate is around 7%(it will take a lot of work but it's possible) Obama will wipe the floor with anyone of those contenders and I stand by that statement.
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Old 12-04-2011, 01:33 AM   #28
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I think Obama is trying too hard to be FDR.
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Old 12-04-2011, 03:09 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm View Post
I think Obama is trying too hard to be FDR.
No, he's trying way too hard NOT to be FDR, unfortunately.

Somebody mentioned Huckaby. Don't you know that SOB is kicking himself in the ass every day when he sees this clusterfuk of a Republican field. He'd be at 60% in the polls against this bunch of dumb shits.
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Old 12-04-2011, 07:25 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by TexTushHog View Post
No, he's trying way too hard NOT to be FDR, unfortunately.

Somebody mentioned Huckaby. Don't you know that SOB is kicking himself in the ass every day when he sees this clusterfuk of a Republican field. He'd be at 60% in the polls against this bunch of dumb shits.
Huckaby or Palin would probably be leading if they were in the race. Like I said before, we're in such a mess I'm not sure they even want the job.
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