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Coed Discussions - Upstate New York Both male and female members can mingle and interact here. Let's keep these discussions on-topic, thought-provoking, and more importantly...entertaining!

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Old 12-02-2011, 01:31 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by whosdair View Post
im in the LR, and can be a bit queeny if it helps
Who you kill me!

And for what it's worth I normally wear my Kilt when I enter the Lounge ... hey wait a second ... thats kinda MANLY

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Old 12-02-2011, 01:36 PM   #17
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I've been extremely pleased with the four current mods and Anita who has been a source of hobby support when I've needed a woman's perspective on what "right" looks like from their POV. I go to Nikki when I need a man's perspective since she has more balls than nearly everyone not name BALLS. (-:
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Old 12-02-2011, 02:21 PM   #18
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I had no idea the male mods were in the powder room. I must be mistaken, but I swear, back a while ago, we were told there were no males with access to there. If they are in there, I think it is 100% wrong that they are.
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Old 12-02-2011, 02:49 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by GP View Post
I had no idea the male mods were in the powder room. I must be mistaken, but I swear, back a while ago, we were told there were no males with access to there. If they are in there, I think it is 100% wrong that they are.
It used to be that Tony had access to the Powderroom because of his business.

Can you imagine the chilling effect that would/could/should have on discussion?
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Old 12-02-2011, 04:01 PM   #20
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I would not want be a mod. upstate powder room is not in the big leak. But the little boys room is. I love to leave notes to providers in there. And in my reviews ROS.

works better than PM. so that room is a joke.

Female areas should have female mods. open areas both male and female. But what do I know. I'm just another ass.
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Old 12-02-2011, 04:22 PM   #21
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Default Male mods

Originally Posted by LynnT View Post
We have male mods in our PR and we dont have a choice.. and the National one just gets leaked...

Funny we have male mods in our room but no lady mods allowed in the LR? Interesting...

As you said , it is true that male mods are allowed in your private area. I have on rare occasion gone in to read a post, BUT I only ONCE commented and that was to just introduce myself to everyone when I was recently appointed a mod.

I very much respect that it is a private space and I also respect Anita as a mod to be very capable to take care of whatever has to be done. Rest assured that I will never abuse or overstep my boundaries. That is just not my style- never has been and it never will be.
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Old 12-02-2011, 06:48 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by LynnT View Post
We have male mods in our PR and we dont have a choice.. and the National one just gets leaked...

Funny we have male mods in our room but no lady mods allowed in the LR? Interesting...
Dang Lynn . . . The ladies learn what is posted in the Locker Room in nanoseconds after its posted. Would a female mod help in the Locker Room? I cannot imagine how the info can get out any faster.
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Old 12-03-2011, 07:08 AM   #23
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The board certainly has changed alot over the last few years. What once was a very useful board with many providers and hobbiests posting useful information, now just a few of us post and although there is some useful information most of it serves very little purpose other than to perpetuate a game. The board reminds me of when we where kids and a few kids would get together and buld a fort (rooms on the board). Then they would decide who they were going to let in. Then the kids that were not let in would build there own fort and they would tell the other kids they were not allowed in. Then each group would try to get some "important" kids to come into their fort to one up each other. Then eventually someone in "fort A" would defect to "Fort B" or C and eventually the whole system collapsed. Usually though a few kids would hold out to the end convincing themselves they were having a good time while the rest of us were off playing baseball. Of course not everyone could play ball with us.......
I am a member of other boards (not hobby related) and they function just fine. The mods perform houskeeping functions. But this board has become more of a show and tell and power trip arena than the information tool I think it was supposed to be. It is just my opinion and I know, opinions are like a$$holes. We all have them and they all stink.
I believe the solution is simple. One open forum to post reviews that everybody can see. Guys can review providers and providers review the guys. And a coed discussion area for everything else. Nothing to be leaked or used as a power step because nobody would post anything they didn't want to make public. Simple. Informative. Effecient. I know. CAMELOT
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Old 12-03-2011, 07:48 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by FlyboyNY View Post
The board certainly has changed alot over the last few years. What once was a very useful board with many providers and hobbiests posting useful information, now just a few of us post and although there is some useful information most of it serves very little purpose other than to perpetuate a game. The board reminds me of when we where kids and a few kids would get together and buld a fort (rooms on the board). Then they would decide who they were going to let in. Then the kids that were not let in would build there own fort and they would tell the other kids they were not allowed in. Then each group would try to get some "important" kids to come into their fort to one up each other. Then eventually someone in "fort A" would defect to "Fort B" or C and eventually the whole system collapsed. Usually though a few kids would hold out to the end convincing themselves they were having a good time while the rest of us were off playing baseball. Of course not everyone could play ball with us.......
I am a member of other boards (not hobby related) and they function just fine. The mods perform houskeeping functions. But this board has become more of a show and tell and power trip arena than the information tool I think it was supposed to be. It is just my opinion and I know, opinions are like a$$holes. We all have them and they all stink.
I believe the solution is simple. One open forum to post reviews that everybody can see. Guys can review providers and providers review the guys. And a coed discussion area for everything else. Nothing to be leaked or used as a power step because nobody would post anything they didn't want to make public. Simple. Informative. Effecient. I know. CAMELOT
Respectfully, is there a possibility that you might be overthinking this a little?
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Old 12-03-2011, 08:34 AM   #25
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Hey JDNorthface, as a former Super Cub owner, I love your avatar.

Given some of the shit that's been going down here lately some of us should be glad they only have "Hobby Police" to deal with.
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Old 12-03-2011, 09:29 AM   #26
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I agree with Flyboy. There are too many "clubs" on this board. I am not from the central/western portion of our state and am amazed how small of a community it is. I have used (and continued to do so) this board for helpful reviews in parts of the state that I visit periodiically. Its been very helpful in my finding some gems in the Rochester area. I've said it before and its worth repeating...You have a number of high quality providers that no other area that I've visited can compare in terms of the level of service, looks and price available.

I also spend a good portion of time down-state and this board is virtually useless for that area. I can find much more useful info on Bestgfe and UG for that area. Those boards are set up quite differently, where an entire review is available to any member. I only know of a few instances of issues where members have become "enemies" and when you consider they have many, many more members for their geographic region that what is here for upstate, its quite amazing. I wish I could get that type of information here without all the BS.

There are some members here that post helpful reviews and to those doing so I say THANK YOU and please continue to do so. But it seems many recent posts are by people that rely on this board as their primary social life. Isn't it time to grow up and develop some sort of life outside of this board. Use it for how it was intended, as an information source and periodic healthy banter, not as an old boys club. I belong to many boards, both within and outside the hobby, and cant think of many that have evolved the way this place is going.

I'm sure some will go after me for these comments. But I dont really care. When I first found this board I was leary of the small group of people that dominate the place and have continued to think that this "group" has and will continue to cause problems.

I think there would be far fewer problems if everything was out in the open. Yes, private messaging can be helpful, but really, do we need all these closed door threads...is there a need for areas that create memberships within memberships?
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Old 12-03-2011, 09:39 AM   #27
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Hobby Cop, its a dirty job, but some one has to do it.
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Old 12-03-2011, 04:08 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by wantsome View Post
I agree with Flyboy. There are too many "clubs" on this board. I am not from the central/western portion of our state and am amazed how small of a community it is. I have used (and continued to do so) this board for helpful reviews in parts of the state that I visit periodiically. Its been very helpful in my finding some gems in the Rochester area. I've said it before and its worth repeating...You have a number of high quality providers that no other area that I've visited can compare in terms of the level of service, looks and price available.

I also spend a good portion of time down-state and this board is virtually useless for that area. I can find much more useful info on Bestgfe and UG for that area. Those boards are set up quite differently, where an entire review is available to any member. I only know of a few instances of issues where members have become "enemies" and when you consider they have many, many more members for their geographic region that what is here for upstate, its quite amazing. I wish I could get that type of information here without all the BS.Isolate the offenders that are in your opinion ruining the site and give your side of the argument, otherwise I don't really see things changing a whole lot.

There are some members here that post helpful reviews and to those doing so I say THANK YOU and please continue to do so. But it seems many recent posts are by people that rely on this board as their primary social life. Isn't it time to grow up and develop some sort of life outside of this board. Use it for how it was intended, as an information source and periodic healthy banter, not as an old boys club. I belong to many boards, both within and outside the hobby, and cant think of many that have evolved the way this place is going.

I'm sure some will go after me for these comments. But I dont really care. When I first found this board I was leary of the small group of people that dominate the place and have continued to think that this "group" has and will continue to cause problems.

I think there would be far fewer problems if everything was out in the open. Yes, private messaging can be helpful, but really, do we need all these closed door threads...is there a need for areas that create memberships within memberships?
seems like you get some great information, safety and value off the backs of others in the Rochester area and still feel the need to piss and moan..Whats stopping you from speaking your mind when some subject or some one, bothers you? why not speak up and debate your argument at the time of the offense? It would be helpful to maybe stop throwing out blanket statements and get alittle more precise if you really want things to change, step up and speak your mind for Christs sake, nobody's gonna take your birthday.
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Old 12-03-2011, 04:19 PM   #29
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Default Point of view

Originally Posted by JONBALLS View Post
seems like you get some great information, safety and value off the backs of others in the Rochester area and still feel the need to piss and moan..
JB, I have to disagree. I think that the post was well thought out, accurate, and a nice change in view points.

Wantsome has used this board the way it was designed and it seems to me his reflection is both understandable and a comment on what he and others see.

Having spent a great deal of time downstate now as well as upstate its a shame that the BOARD in South and in NYC is not as active as in Upstate but I am hopeful that that will change.

As for the other boards mentioned, because I am not a member, I rely on this site and other free ones to explore opportunities!

Wantsome, thanks for your post and happy hobbying NORTH/SOUTH/EAST and WEST in the great UPSTATE region

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Old 12-03-2011, 04:27 PM   #30
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JonBalls, What do you really contribute. You have almost 1,000 posts and 2 reviews. I think someone really needs to go out and get laid.
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